Best Gifts Ever - Week 1 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Best. Gifts. Ever.
Week 1 - St. Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Well, welcome to our Christmas and Christmas sermon series. Best. Gifts. Ever. And white elephant gifts usually are not.
As we kick off week number one, I want you to think about this question.
In five words or less, like, how would you summarize Christmas?
Like what makes Christmas?
Little Christmas.
If I gave you five words, what would pop to your mind? What would you write on your paper? Maybe. Write them in your notes. That described what Christmas is all about the things that make Christmas unique as a holiday.
My guess is for a lot of you. You'd have decorations and lights. Some of you might have family and friends.
Others of you might include music and Christmas songs, the things that make Christmas Christmas that the odds are pretty good. That, if I ask you for five words, what makes Christmas in your mind Christmas, We come up with some different things. A lot would be the same, but Almost each and every one of our lists I'm guessing that for almost all of us. So it makes Christmas separates it from holidays. Is this… Gifts.
Like Easter. You get baskets with candy but at Christmas you get to tear off the paper on things like this.
Like there might be some unique and different holidays that you have in Fourth of July, we have fireworks, but usually don't get gifts.
When we think of holidays that we celebrate throughout the course of the year, like like even Thanksgiving, which just went past. We have family and friends and food might make the list and might be the same, but If I don't know about you, no one said, hey, Pastor. Tim, I got you a Thanksgiving gift.
Like Christmas and gifts are synonymous, right?
And the odds are pretty good that by now, all the kids who are in here, have already made out their list. Like they, they've submitted it to Mom or Dad probably several months ago in advance to make sure Mom and Dad. Don't miss out on the best gift ever. The one that they're hoping for. Like, I don't know what's in this gift, but It's to Zach. And if it's from myself and My wife.
It means it might be one of the best gifts ever.
Like, we make our list, we give them to others, we even ask people the question, like, what do you want for Christmas? My wife, a few weeks ago? Did that very thing on behalf of my kids, the kids want to know what you might want for Christmas, what's on your list? And she would tell you every year, I scratched my head and say, I don't know,
Like, there's anything that I really need. I don't know what I want. You probably know better than I do.
And so, as we were starting this series and we talked about it the other day, It made me think, like, if I had to put a list together for someone in my family, or someone who asked me, what would be the best gift ever this year? And I did what any smart person would do. I, I didn't know what the best gift of 2023 might be, so I Googled it. Don't do that.
Like it won't get you anywhere.
Like the lists are so long. You probably wouldn't find anything that you did to expect there and it would only make it harder to identify what the best gift ever would be in your world from self-care items, like things that would make you feel better in your life and bless you. To the latest and greatest Gadget or version of your phone, or your watch or Uh, new iPad or whatever, it is that you might want. I have no clue what it is, but I'm sure there's a new Madden coming out or a new FIFA or Call of Duty has to have some kind of new version this year.
It's like, we were like going, yes. Like, what would make the best gift ever? The list didn't help.
So then, I thought to myself, someone asked my wife, what would my wife say would be the best gift ever for Pastor Tim?
And she would probably say to my family at least, Like someone needs to get him a new Ohio State sweatshirt. That one is old and tired and I hate looking at it. Not because I disliked the team but it would be a really good gift. He needs a new one, like old things get replaced with new ones.
She might say, if you could get your hands on some Treehouse beer, That would be pretty good. Almost up there with the best gift ever. Pastor Tim really likes that. It's from the East Coast. You can't get it here.
Maybe she would say if you really want to give him the best gift ever. How about two tickets to Salt Lake City, Utah or to Atlanta, Georgia where our kids live. Like, that would be great. And I'm like, That would be and then I thought to myself, but those things would be great. But are any of them, really? Best gifts ever.
Like, if I just asked you quickly to remember last Christmas, What was on your list, what you got? You know, how many of the things that you got last Christmas? Do you even remember right now? You received last Christmas?
Like, I've put in a test if you had to come with all of them. How many of you think you could actually do it?
How many of you could even identify one?
Like, I know a few, but even the few that I know like the gift cards I received, I might not even remember who they came from like, That doesn't really make them. Best gifts ever, if it's not so memorable.
If we really think about it,
Like as greatest Christmas is as much as gifts our synonymous with Christmas. Like best gifts ever. If we're going to be honest, that the ones that are memorable, the ones that stand out the ones that that you might recall for the rest of your life, would have to be so over the top and so big, like, say you got engaged at Christmas like best gift ever may qualify.
Like I don't know about you, but if you've ever done this for somebody else, like you showed up in your driveway with a car wrapped in a bow, from the dealership, That might do it too.
But for the most part, gifts are great, but gifts.
By the next Christmas or old. Sometimes they get replaced.
Like the odds are pretty good. Some of the gifts that I have received or my wife has received have end up on Facebook Marketplace at some point in her life.
So they were great for a moment but no longer needed.
And so in this season, when we talk about gifts, we have that on our hearts here at 922 as well.
What I see in a season. When Two things are so synonymous. Christmas and gifts is that when you add a third God.
You not only get great things that gifts are, but you get the Best. Gifts. Ever.
And that's our goal over the next four, Sundays today included and Christmas Eve. To help you unwrap. Five things that are God's gifts to you. And to me, To be able to give you insight on what makes them the best.
Why they are called gifts and hopefully allow you to celebrate. That they're not just here and now Christmas 2023.
But gifts that last Best. Gifts. Ever.
Because the truth is if Christmas and gifts go together, then God and Christmas and gifts. Are even better.
The Bible actually says that Jesus himself described it, when it comes to God and Gifts, With these words in The Sermon on the Mount, like maybe a theme verse for this entire series, maybe a thought that you can hold on to as we unwrap. All these gifts over the course of the next, several weeks. If you then though, you are evil.
Know how to give good gifts to your children to stop and pause and think about that for a second you who are evil that's you and that's me. It's Jesus audience. He's not saying you're, you're bad people. He's saying you're sinful people. Like you're flawed people.
And if you as parents know how to give good gifts, like I want to give my kids good gifts, I hope that what's in there for? Zach is a good gift. I want to give my grandkids good gifts. Like if, us human beings, for a sinful and flawed know how to give good gifts. How much more will your father in Heaven? Give good gifts. To those who ask him.
Like maybe as you're thinking of your Christmas list, you can come up with ours here at 922 or the next few weeks. Of our list of gifts that we long for and want from God in heaven.
Because here's the truth about God, if that verse is true, if Jesus Nails the nails, it on the on the head when it comes to the fact that God and gifts are synonymous and God is a, a gift giver. We can say this about God and gifts being the best ones ever. God is good. At gift making. The Bible will tell you and me that every good and perfect gift is from above. The Book of James, says, Jesus, half brother coming down from the father of our heavenly lights. God is good at gift giving. Look at all the blessings that you have in your life. You celebrated many of them this last weekend, things you're thankful for from the normal to the extreme, the gift of life, the gift of family. The different gifts that we celebrate, God is the giver of every last thing. And God is good at giving gifts.
Especially in comparison to human beings.
This idea out there that, that God's gift giving Not that much different than ours.
I could like to think of herself, maybe as really good gift givers,
But if you do the math, when it comes to gift, giving there's a big difference between You and me and God.
Like one of those differences. The number of people we give gifts to
Like, if you do the math, The odds are pretty good. The people you give gifts to are
By one percent.
Like the one percent of people that you work with, and The people that are in your circle and even the people that are in your extended family, like, like, you know, that eventually the, the pool shrinks when it comes to gift giving, right,
Like, I love all my friends and family here at nine to two. But there aren't many of you that get gifts from me.
I work with the staff of 70, plus people. And not all of them. Give gifts to me.
Uh, a password, a church. Three thousand two hundred people. Some of you are generous and give gifts but not all of you and that's okay.
Because the reality is we pick and choose who we give gifts to, and it's about one percent. Like if I did the math about
To 40 people. Within our church family last year, gave my wife and I a gift.
That's about one percent of 922.
And the same is true in your family.
Like random third cousin and crazy. Uncle blank does not get gifts but your god child does, but not all the other nieces and nephews do like you pick and choose who gets gifts.
And then just think about those people, you choose to give them to, who's closest to you, you love. They get gifts from you about one percent of the time during the year.
Like on special days.
Like if you're fortunate enough to be married. If you're blessed to have children, You might get four gifts.
Four days a year. Like you might get an anniversary gift. Sorry honey, we'll take it back to three. You might get an anniversary gift. Might get a birthday gift. Sorry, honey. I'm really failing this year. We agree not to give gifts. No. So anniversaries, birthdays Mother's Day, Father's Day. In Christmas like four days at a 365, that's about. Stay with me. One percent.
Like we give gifts to exclusive people, not all. We give gifts to even those closest to us, rarely And you know what? It comes to that one percent. Like if you do something or our lives, change the list changes.
Like the odds are pretty good.
If any of the pastors on our staff, that you give gifts to move and go somewhere else, unless you really like them, and care about them, they're gonna send them a gift. You'll stop. Like the list changes. It's exclusive. It's dependent.
But not with God.
Like here's the thing, I want you to see about this trip before we get into today's message. And really hold on to God is not a one percent giver picking and choosing who gets it. God is not a one percent of the year giver, where he gives selectively on. Special days. No, God is a hundred percent giver.
100% Giver to all people. 100% Giver each and every day. Like like the gifts that God gives. But what I want you to see over the course of this series, what makes them the best is who they're from what makes them gifts is what they are and what makes them the best gifts ever is that is not just a one-time a year special occasion. Gets old and Fades away. Kind of gift. No, this list of gifts. Is the best ever because they are free, they are yours there for all, they last they don't fade.
And we get them even in spite of who we are.
The God doesn't. Give because you're good. God gives because he's good.
Which is why I'm so excited about this series, five things as we prepare for Christmas as we think about gifts, That God wants you and me to know. Are from him. The one who is good at giving him.
And for today's, we're going to turn to the Book of John. In fact, we're going to come back to John, I think each and every week to see these gifts and then use the rest of scripture to help, explain them. But to understand today's the songs that we sang before are going to take us back to, Today's gift and a name. One of the names of Jesus. The one that John uses in John chapter 1,
And help you understand the significance of it before we get into it. I I want to make a case for two things a day. What this gift is And why it's so significant. Those are the two things. I hope I answer for you today. To help you understand why? It's one of the best gifts ever and what the gift is.
Like, it's not like a gift and you open it up and you go. What is this? How do I use this? What does this mean? Like, Usually when you open up a gif for the most part, you know what it is and How to use it and why you got it?
And why this gift matters. And what's the underlying this gift today is something we can all understand. So, here's the truth behind today's Gift words. Reveal Hearts.
Like words, we need to speak and communicate. What's going on on the inside like in our heart inside of us? Words, reveal Hearts.
Like every parent understands it when your kid is crying when they're sad, when mumbling and groaning. You, oftentimes we'll say to them, will you use your words to help me understand what's going on in the inside? While your heart is hurting,
Like words reveal your heart.
Like how many of you ladies have watched like three weeks worth of Lifetime or whatever? Other show it is TV channel. That has all the Christmas stories on them.
Like that lady who falls in love with that man. She's so in love with him in enamored by him. He's the greatest thing ever but she can't spit out the words to reveal what's in her.
Don't worry by the end of it. She will happily of air after that's how they all end.
Just saved you guys from tons of Lifetime. Can I get an amen?
Like words reveal our hearts.
Like spouses communicate this way, right?
Like honey. How did I know that that hurt you so much? You didn't tell me.
I, I didn't know that that was going on on the inside. I didn't know that you want to meet it to follow up with that like words reveal. What we're feeling and what's going on in here.
They reveal that the heart and core of our heart.
And words are powerful to relationships.
Like it's powerful to speak words from your heart so that people that are closest to you understand, the significance of relationship. I read this quote about gifts, like gifts are so vital and important. We give them to people that we love and it's kind of like a message to say here's how much you matter to me. And sometimes based on what we spend it reveals, you know, the significance versus others like What's going on in her heart, our word reveals it
Like there's power. In speaking words, I love you. To the person you're doing love with life with
Say, I forgive you. To the person who hurt you.
Just say I'm here. With you for you in this most difficult time. Like words, reveal your heart, where you stand in relationship with them.
And so you because you can relate to that the power of words and how important they are in life, how they reveal the heart, today's gift. And what it is. We'll have maybe new significance to you.
John chapter 1 begins with these words.
And what makes John's gospel? Different of the four books about the life and Ministry of Jesus Christ. Is that, that John gives us an introduction to, to Jesus and tells of his arrival. But he doesn't give you details of all the other characters like Matthew and Luke do. Like Matthew talks about Mary and Joseph gives you the genealogy and all those nine yards. Luke tells you about Zachariah and Elizabeth and and Mary and then takes you to Bethlehem and, and introduces you to Shepherds and wise men, wait for that, couple more weeks, we'll get there.
And Mark basically gives you an introduction to Jesus but goes right to his ministry, but John Friend. Many years later, introduces Jesus, in this way.
In the beginning was the word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
Like, John's introduction of, Jesus doesn't begin with his name, Jesus.
Like the angel, Gabriel to Mary and Joseph saying you will name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.
It doesn't reference him as the Christ, the Messiah, the promised one, which the Old Testament name. Would have been a great one. No, John goes down a weird path, like, what kind of nickname or title for Jesus is? The word.
Well, a whole lot.
If you know anything about philosophy and Greek philosophy and there's some of you here going, I have no clue about Greek philosophy. We'll let me help you out with a little Greek philosophy. If you've ever heard of a man named Aristotle, one of the most Well-Known philosophers, 300 BC 300 years before Jesus was born. 300 years before Jam would have written this. Aristotle. The philosopher talked about how do you persuade people? To one side or another.
He used three words and they're this. He said if you want to persuade someone the means a persuasion our lungus.
Pathos. And ethos.
Like three different steps to persuasion.
It begins with a lungus. Literally, the Greek word for
Like Aristotle understood if you want to do some persuading data and facts which are words Help make your case.
And so what does John begin with when he begins his gospel? He begins with lungus. He begins with the word. He says I'm going to give you the data and the facts just look back at John 1 verse 1 again and John lays out some data and some facts that Jesus. As God who he is, is not myth. But fact in the beginning was the word like Jesus was there at creation. The word was with God. And the word is God, like this title for Jesus was significant because
John wanted to hear us to understand that this person I'm about to talk about for the next 22, chapters. This person that I'm going to unpack for you and reveal to you is God himself, the one who was there at creation. The one who is God
Is whom this whole story recipient in history.
Doesn't save those facts are wrong that someone named Jesus lived on Earth, but John wanted to make the compelling case, persuade you to understand that. Jesus was more than just a man. Most importantly he is God.
And not just God.
But God, who came? To Earth.
Like John chapter 1 verse 14 said, the word To became flesh and made his dwelling Among Us.
What this gift is is God himself, the word, God who came to Earth.
It was born with vocal cords.
So that people like you and me with With ears and, and all the elements that are part of our ears could hear.
You know what Jesus did for three years of his ministry. You know what the word did.
Spoke words.
Like he, he spoke over and over and over again to people who are hurting.
He spoke to people who are suffering.
He comforted people who were mourning with words.
Like some of you grew up back in the day and some of you might still have that Bible. That has for only four books of it words that are written in red, not black ink. It wasn't because the printers said this is cheaper.
It's not cheaper to print in two colors. Like, anyone knows that. But for four chapters in your middle of the Bible, maybe you never knew this, why? This was the case. The letters in red, are the words of the word.
Who time and time again, came. And told people who who he is.
Like today in your presence. Salvation is found.
He preached some message of repentance, the kingdom of God is near. Those are Jesus words like the word, made sure that people heard the word that God was here.
And you know why the word speaking the word? Is so important for us and makes it one of the best gifts ever. What the gift is? Here's the gift of the word.
We spoke words.
But it reveals no one has ever seen God.
Like no one's ever seen God, the Father God, but the one and only son, God, the word made flesh and who doubt Among Us. So the Who dwelt Among Us, the word who has spoken words? Is himself. God is in the closest relationship with the father.
He the son has made him known.
Without the word.
You, and I wouldn't get the word.
Without the facts of who he is, and what he did. With any, without any of those, those things never happened you and I would not know the most important thing.
But who God is and what God He has done like without the word you and I would not have the answers to life's toughest questions. You know, the ones people really struggle with.
Who am I?
Why am I here? Where am I going?
Like all sorts of religions. Try to give you words that maybe cause some people to find comfort. But from what the most part, leave people still confused and without the right direction,
But not so for Christians, not so for Christianity. Like you know what the word does for you. And for me, if words reveal Hearts then you know what the word reveals God's heart.
Like, you want to know why? The word Jesus. God himself. Making his dwelling Among Us the very living essence of God. In human flesh is so important because the word Jesus Christ, reveals to you and to me the heart of God.
Like Jesus coming down reveals to you. And to me that you are loved by the almighty.
The fact that Jesus came down lived, a perfect life and died on the cross reveals to you and to me.
The amazing grace of God for Sinners.
It answers helps answer the question who you are. Not just that. Nobody, but somebody loved by God. Why am I here? To love God and to share the love of God with others. Where am I going? Not, I don't know. But I'm going to
To Heaven to be with Jesus.
Like the word reveals the heart of God. For you, and for me,
And you know what? Jesus made sure you and I know that
He spoke words.
The word the logus used luggus. To communicate the heart of God. The heart of God for the sick and dying.
The heart of God, for the ones who are walking around like sheep without a Shepherd.
The heart of God, that long for Sinners to repent and to turn back to God.
And perhaps there's no greater example then no word and his words for God himself suffering, the death of a human being on a cross.
We spoke words to those who had put him up.
Kind of God to forgive.
The heart of God on display when he saw that people that he loved and he took care of his mom.
The heart of God that offered Grace. The most wicked of criminals. Today.
The word said you'll be with me in Paradise.
And the word of the words that in the face of death reminds you and me where we're headed. Father into your hands. I commit my spirit. He lived a life full of Faith in God. The word reveals the heart of God for you and me. It's why it is one of the best gifts ever.
Like, that's a gift from God to you and to me because it reveals the heart of God.
Over the next few weeks, we're going to see some of the significance of Of other gifts, but I pray that you are blessed today as we unpack it. Because, you know, there are so many other places that we could turn to. To find the answers to those questions about life's big issues.
And they're not entering themselves, bad places like listen to.
To you, some people would say.
And somewhere deep inside you've memorized passages and it might be the word.
But it might not be always the word. Like going with your gut and going with your head, like sometimes lead you astray, we might listen to them like use AI, go to the internet, like Google it listen to YouTube. There might be all sorts of great resources in your life. They might be good, but we know the internet is flawed and so are other human beings. They're not good.
But there is God.
Like, if you want to know the heart of God, the word Reveals it.
And that's why the best gift. Ever, on the list of ones, we're going to talk about.
Is the word and his words.
And maybe there's a way to sum this up good. So make it memorable. Why you can hold on to this gift while Need this gift. Why God wants you to understand? What do you want you to understand? Makes it the best gift ever to help you understand the gift that the word is What is it that the word revealed to you and me? What is it that God himself in the form of Jesus Christ, reveals to you and me. But when the kindness and love of God, our savior appeared, the Apostle Paul speaking to Titus takes us back to Jesus birth and his arrival, the kindness and love of God appeared. And when a day, he saved us not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his Mercy, The word revealed is the best gift ever for reasons. Four truths. You can take it to heart, take it home. The word revealed. That God. Is good. Like promise, made promise, kept the word, coming to Earth, the word revealing God, the Father himself, the word reveal, that God is good. He is who he says, he is he followed through on his His promise, and he gives us the present second The word revealed. The fact that Jesus Christ came reminds you and me that we aren't good. He would not have had to come. If we were good, we're not. We're sinful in need of help without the word and his words without Jesus Christ. His birth his life, his death, his resurrection with God, we were not good. The Bible tells us and reveals that the word revealed, God's good. We're not good.
And the word Jesus. Reveals in his life his actions, his death that God did good.
Like he did good for you and for me. He overcame the fact that we weren't good through his perfect life and his ultimate sacrifice.
And he did good by keeping his ultimate promise. And coming and living and dying.
And perhaps here's why the word is one of the things on our list of gifts the word. Revealed and reveals that you and God as a result are good.
Like where you're headed?
When it comes to forgiven. And peace with God, you're good. When it comes to your purpose. You're good.
God gives it to you. All those things are a result of the word revealed.
That God is good. We're not good. God did good. You and God are good.
So John who starts with this weird word, the word closes, his book near the end of the life of Jesus. Reminding you? And me of By the word God. And the words he spoke from God's own lips and the word. And the stories that John records about the word.
What is one of the Best. Gifts. Ever? These words are written. That you might believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.
And if I believe in, you may have life in his name.
You're probably gonna get a lot of good ones.
And maybe you'll get the best gift ever. You'll remember each and every day from this point going forward,
But just come and go this side of Heaven, but the gifts God gives. To you. And me, we're going to talk about on the next few weeks begin. And with one of the best gifts ever. The word God himself. Jesus Christ.
Who's revealed the heart of God for you and me? So, we might have with him forever. Let's pray. Thank God for the best. Gift that he's given. Holy Father, we thank you for the word. Our Savior Jesus. We thank you for his words, that reveal Your Heart. And we thank you, Lord, for the word that you've given to us that reminds us. That we're good with you. Because Jesus did good.
So Larry, thank you for Grace and mercy and forgiveness, but the day we thank you for the word.
That name it reminds us of the facts of who he is, and although he did, And what it means for us. Best. Gifts. Ever.