#Blessed - Week 1 - The CORE - Pastor Mike Novotny
Week 1 - The CORE
Pastor Mike Novotny
Good morning. Happy Sunday. Welcome to a brand new sermon series here called #Blessed. Before we jump in. I mean, there's just a moment, some Sundays as a pastor where I am super proud to be connected to you. In this church was reading a document about church sizes and structures and flows this morning. And the Pastor said when a church gets bigger, it's really, really tempting to just focus on the numbers. How many people came to church? How much were the offerings? How many people are in Bible study? These are the bigger churches need to work really hard to remember that. That is never the point. The point is always people being changed by the love of Jesus so that they love each other. And now this week we're just so many examples that our church is not just a big church with many people at services but people loving each other sacrificially and deeply and I'm so grateful for that member of our church stepped up. I hope the father visits his son, this weekend sacrificing his time to do it. See my friend, can you log back from Thailand where she was caring for a family member? For four months. She's back with us for the first time. So I'm just thinking about the love that happens here, that's always the goal. That's always the point. Thank you. That's what you're hearing the word of God, so responding to it. That's all right.
Now, back to my prepared remarks. Back in 2020, in the old city of Jerusalem, I personally got blessed, kind of. I was wandering around like your average American Christian tourist, when suddenly this Rabbi dressed in the kind of raggedy Rabbi clothes, came out to be unexpected, placed his hands on me and started to speak. I think what was the blessing in the Hebrew language? He's speaking so fast. I couldn't understand all of his words, I caught Israel, America Yeshua. I was going to confuse what was happening until his buddy came up. And as for little bit of payment for the blessing, I said, thanks. But no, thanks, I'm good. I started to walk away and so he gave me his second Pitch, he said, oh, but the rabbi will sell you a special blessed prayer bracelets, but you showed me, it looked like a red string. Just tied around his wrist. I said, thanks, but no, thanks. I locked away. And so the money changer gave me his final pitch. He said, wait the rabbi can bless you with 8 Children. And I kept walking. It's all my fault that when I got home and she did not think that pushing six more babies out of her body was the best blessing that she could imagine. Yeah, I was thinking about the topic of being blessed and I thought about that moment. So what exactly is a blessing? How do you define a blessing? What one person thinks is a blessing isn't always what another person thinks is a blessing. But we do in the Bible that God wants to bless us and he wants us to receive experience and be aware of those blessings. Which brings me to a couple of questions for you. How, how blessed do you feel right now?
No, sometimes I use social media. People will post the picture of something great and add a hashtag blessed. If, if your life right now where you're weak that you just had was a Twitter post. Which slap a hashtag blessed on the end of it.
When you're praying to God give the first thing that comes out of your mouth is it you know a request for something you really want or you just so moved by what he is already given.
Another way to pick a number between 0 and 100. Zero being, I'm totally cursed God's mad getting back at me and 100 is, I can't imagine being more blessed.
What number would you pick?
Let's actually do that now, you have a pen in your hand, a piece of paper to write on to get a pic to be totally. Honest is just for you between 0 and 100. How blessed do you feel right now compared to yesterday or a year ago? What number would you pick?
Now you think about your number? I should maybe define what I think of blessing is? Trying to give a simple. Definition. And we're taking notes, write this down. I think a blessing is just something good. That comes from God.
Something good. Something that brings you happiness, something you're grateful for but it's not just like you saw 20 bucks laying on the ground, it's not a coincidence or an accident. If you believe that something actually came from a God who knows you and wants to do something good for you. That's what it means to be blessed. So, what’s your number. As you think about you and God the good things, he's given maybe the things he hasn't yet. Given I wonder, what number you picked? Real quick can I ask did anyone here pick a number greater than 50 out of 100 anyone get 70, a few lesshands. Anyone hit 80.
I want to tell you my goal today, by the time I say Amen is to take whatever number you had, and to make it bigger, my goal is at least five if not 10 points, and obviously, I'm not going to be able to fix your health. Wouldn't have piles of money sitting in the church lobby, to fix your financial situation. This may be complications in your family, your body may be something in this nation. I don't have a button to change.
So, what I want to try to do is to shift your mindset, and open your eyes, to some really, really good things that God gives that we don't often think about. My hope is that by exposing you to these good things that are right in front of you. That maybe you never considered. I can increase that number and make you more grateful and make you feel more blessed. And here’s how I want to do that. If you've ever dated someone or raise the kid, Did you know that gratitude is a game changer? Right? No, family is perfect. No couples, perfect. There's always something that's wrong that we can talk about and hash over and complain about. But if we focus too much on what we don't have as a family, it will erode at the closest that we feel. Which I'm instead overwhelmed by the good things, I get from a relationship. If I tell you what, I love about you as a friend, if I expressed my wife frequently, how grateful I am for a, b, and c, even if she hasn't given me d, e, and f that relationship thrives. And the Bible knows. The same thing is true with you and God. Fixate, maybe on that one. Good thing he hasn't given you and your closeness with God will get stretched and frayed and tested. Train your mind to think about the good things that God has currently given you. And you'll be, you'll be grateful for the relationship. You'll start your prayers with praise instead of request. My hope is that by increasing your number helping you see your blessings. I can actually improve the relationship that you have with God. So today I want to know where I'm going. I'm going to try to cover three things from biggest to most specific. First, I want to tell you what I found when I studied all the blessings in the whole Bible. Second, I'm going to zoom into a really famous blessing in the Book of Numbers Chapter 6 that we love to speak here at our church. And then, finally part three, I'm going to zoom in to just the first part of that famous blessing, start to unpack it word by word. And my hope is that by talking about all the blessings, this famous blessing, and then a beautiful part of that blessing, you, like me, can feel truly blessed.
So let's jump it part. Number one, Does the Bible say about blessings? I found out through a quick Bible search that there are three hundred and eighty nine separate, Bible passages, that use words like blessing, blessed or bless 301 of them are in the Old Testament. If you would read all three hundred, one of those versus the Old Testament, you would find out that almost all of them are about physical things.
That's what food, health, wealth, fertility. It's about family. The Old Testament wants us to remember it's not just spiritual and eternal things. If God has done anything good for you that you can see or hear or taste or touch, he wants you to count those blessings. Only open the floodgates of Heaven to show his love to you. In fact, the proof is on the first page of the Bible. I believe the first example of the word glass and all the scriptures is from Genesis 1:28 where it says God blessed them. It's Adam and Eve and he said be fruitful and increase in number.
Biblical. Scholarship to say, the first blessing was making babies to PG-13 here, but God says it. He's intimacy of intimacy leads to fertility. He says it's because God has blessed you so husband's I'm not telling you what to say or what not to say after you kiss the woman you love, but you could wink at her and say You're blessed.
Or they could get really awkward and you might not want to do that. It might backfire. Pray God says, when he gives you a child, when he gives you a grandchild when he gives you family, when he gives you someone that loves you and you love him back. Don't miss that gift. That everyone in the world has that you're blessed. Or a few pages later, there's another example. Book of Genesis also tells us “Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold. Why? Because the Lord blessed him” Isaac goes out to the field, there's a whole bunch of grain puts food in his belly, allows him to provide for his family. It was this ancient paycheck his Financial Security. Why did that happen? The Bible’s simple answer is because God blessed him.
Sunshine was a blessing, the rain was a blessing, the fertile - of the soil was a blessing. The crop that came back the body that could reap the Harvest. All of these very very physical things were truly wonderful gifts from God.
And so here's my question to you, this classic wisdom that we've heard so many times, what would happen to your relationship with God? If you would slow down your busy life just long enough to count your blessings.
Like if you literally ask yourself the question, what do I have right now that at least a billion humans don't.
That'll make you feel blessed. For example, how did you drove a car today to church.
Literally push the button turned on your favorite music. How many do you have one of those cars that so fancy where you going to have to roll down the windows? My van is old but I still could just push the button like well, how many people, how difficult would it be to get to church or get to work or get to school? If I don't have a car waiting for me in the garage. A billion people at least have the don't have that blessing that I do, do you. So blessed.
How many do you have two legs? That could walk through the church, parking lot at find a seat and have to be pushed in by wheelchair. How may people aren't able physically to move? Like they want to move like they used to You and I might not be mr. And mrs. Universe. But if our body still move at such a great gift, if you felt healthy, that's a wonderful gift that comes from God. That means that you and I are incredibly blessed. Have you slept in a bed in your own home last night?
I love people who struggle with housing stability. If you had a roof over your head before walls around that bed, that that's it. Can you imagine not having that gift?
He already had something to eat this morning, breakfast?
You already thinking about what you're having for lunch. I love you. Yes that's what you do during sermons. That was a test and what a gift, right? Some people can’t afford to eat. And we have clean drinking water. Maybe you took a hot shower this morning. Me too over here. Sitting next to someone who didn't shower this morning. It was also a test, be love your neighbor. I think that sometimes when I'm just sitting there in the shower, like how did I get hot? This feels so relaxing and good. Here's what I did.
People in human history would have had their minds blown by that gift if we stop back and think it is such a blessing, right? Maybe life isn't perfect, but God is like stacking up dozens. If not hundreds, if not thousands of gifts that a billion people don't have, and if you slow down the count, you'll see. Wives. We see your husband's dirty clothes, sit there in the bedroom you could do two things. You could think you're very cursed because of a very responsible, husband can't do the simplest thing or someone that you live with that. You love. If you would pass you miss those clothes on the floor. If your change in a diaper moms and dads you can feel very cursed as you took one with four and you realize what a blessing it is to have a little kid was big cheeks and fat wrist. Those days are going to go faster, going to miss something. The devil loves to just count down from 100 and think about what we lack. God loves to start from zero and think about what we deserve and open our eyes to his goodness and his Mercy. So, I have some homework for you this week, after watching at home. This homework is for you to. I want you to spend the next seven days, whatever system you want to use to count your blessings. My wife loves the journal after she reads, her Bible in the morning, you just might have a little section, where three things, you don't need a paragraph to something really good. You're grateful for that, you want to remember and praise God. If you live with a partner, your kids, your parents or roommates, who go around the dinner table, for the next seven days.
You talk about what's wrong with the world. You can talk about something very right. That comes from a God who is so full of love. If you're a person of Prayer, For the meal or right when you wake up and before you get out of bed before we get to God, please help me with, or please forgive me for and we can start with praise for gifts that he has already given there right there. Be able Testament is just begging us to open our eyes to see them. Every good and perfect gift. The scripture says it's from above let’s not miss it.
Wait. There's more if you're listening carefully, I said that the Old Testament almost entirely focuses on the physical. But not categorically. Because the famous Psalm, Psalm 32, where King David talked about the person who was blessed and he started it by saying, blessed is the one whose sins are forgiven. Whose Sin, the Lord will not count against them.
David couldn't see and touch and taste such spiritual things. But when he stepped back and thought how good it was to be forgiven that thought, moved him to praise. And that's exactly where the New Testament, takes the topic of blessing. Turn the Page from Old Testament to new, you get to the birth and the life of Jesus in the New Testament, almost launches in Matthew 5 with a famous sermon by Jesus, called The Sermon on the Mount. And he talks about who's really blessed. It's called the Beatitudes. If you've read it before, what does he say? He will say. Blessed are the healthy? Blessed are the wealthy. Blessed are the moms and dads with the little one in their arms? No, he says blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Blessed are those who insult are insulted? Because of the name of God. Here's why. Because they have God. Can't see God can’t smell God. Spiritual being, you can't touch God. But Jesus was convinced, The New Testament is convinced that if you have God, if you're a child of God, if you've been forgiven and saved by got you actually have something a billion times better than the best physical gift on Earth.
I love how the Apostle Paul taught this in Ephesians 1. He wrote this, praise be to the God and father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Why praise him? Because he has blessed us in the Heavenly Realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ years ago at a Bible study in my home, we read the book of Ephesians and I want my very close friends. She could not read this verse without eyebrows in her hairline and she would insist that her pastor and everyone else in the room, not miss these words. “With every spiritual blessing.” If you're Christian do you have every physical blessing? No. You have every Financial blessing? No. You have a very relational blessing know every family. Blessing. No, every friendship blessing. No. But if you are a Christian do you have every spiritual blessing? His answer is. Yes, you do. But you want to be connected to God done in Jesus. Going to be forgiven for your sins done in Jesus, want to be forgiven for all the sins done in Jesus. You want to be forgiven for that sin.
It's done in Jesus. I want to be chosen by someone. Yep, yours through Jesus, going to be loved by someone known by someone cared for by someone all yours, and Jesus don't be Sanctified. Perfect. Fully pure blessed. In the sight of God, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours to the name of Jesus, pick the best blessings. You could have to be redeemed, saved, bound for heaven known by God, every prayer, heard. All of it. Paul says, every spiritual blessing is yours in Christ. So if I was convinced, you could be sitting in a jail cell right now, your body could be breaking down in a nursing home. You could be looking today for a place to stay. You could be off to divorce court, filing bankruptcy, struggling with fertility, but if you have Jesus, every, you cannot pick a small number. How could you? Life is short and everything that matters is guaranteed to be yours for the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So mash, the Bible's blessings all together. In 389 times. The Bible saying, don't miss it. Please don't miss it. All the physical things you already have all the spiritual things that are yours for Jesus. Think about that and your number has to increase, you will feel. Maybe more than ever before with, you are so, so blessed.
Write a new number, I will give you a second.
And if the number has an increased just yet,
Get a good thing. I'm not done. So ready for part two. Let's zoom in to this famous blessing. Back on the year 1500 BC. When Moses and his brother, Aaron lived, God chose Aaron to be the high priest, the spiritual leader of ancient Israel, and throughout the books of Exodus and Leviticus and the Book of Numbers. God has kind of instructing how church should work way back in the day. And it's there that we this was saying that for the past almost 4,000 years, people across the planet in different languages and cultures have been hearing for the famous words.
Number 6, starting with verse 22, says the Lord said to Moses, tell Aaron and his sons, this is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them, the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord, make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord, turn his face towards you and give you peace. So they will put my name on the Israelites and I will bless them. I'm curious. Where are my church note-takers at Is there anyone who doesn't just fill in the blanks, but you're always, like, writing stuff during sermons could use your hands. Yeah, that's me. That's what this is the part that you're going to love. If you don't like taking notes, you're probably going to be bored. You can zone out for a little bit because this is the part where I break down the beauty of Hebrew poetry.
You look excited. Now, there's so many beautiful things about the blessing that we're going to talk about in the weeks to come. God blessing, keeping, face shining giving us peace but if you would have been a Jewish person who understood the Hebrew language, the intentionality and the Poetry of this blessing would have blown your mind.
This is three lines to this blessing, the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord, make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace in the original Hebrew language. The first line has three words. The second line has five words and the last line has seven words It's almost like God wanted his people to say. Wow, I'm blessed. Whoa, I'm really blessed. I'm crazy bless he wanted to increase their number, right? Expand their blessing. The built into the middle of the blessing. You probably caught. It was the name of the Lord, spoken, three times, the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord. Make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord, turn his face towards you and give you peace. The Lord the Lord,. The Lord three times in one blessing, which makes some Christians. Think about the Trinity.
Since it is three persons in one God, God the father is the one who blesses us God the son Jesus Christ is the one who is gracious to us. God the holy spirit's is the Lord, who produces the fruit of peace of peace with in us. If all that weren’t interesting enough theren there’s my favorite part, the shift from the plural to the singular.
The Lord bless you.
It's the singular form. This blessing was meant to be said in a bunch of people. You are to bless the Israeltes, and say to them plural, six times in Hebrew its the singular form.
If you ever learned Spanish before, you might know there's a difference between you singular. and you plural?
Here where I live. We don't talk about that much in English, but even on the Texas you'll note that an English to you. Y'all all y'all the same in Hebrew. There's a is a distinctive word for you all. And just you, and here's what happens at this blessing. God says, Aaron, I want you to speak to all these people thousands and thousands of Israelites that I love, but when you speak the blessing make it personal.
If a God Speaking to the one who's giving the blessing, once the look like
Yeah, God do good things for people is that, oh God, God wants to bless you. He wants to keep you. He’s not just happy with his people, in general, your Jesus, he's gracious to you. To you.
If church services on already so long, just love to look each of you in the eye and speak the whole thing next. So you know what the blessing was originally intended to do? Let's just end the church service not to be the time when we grab our jackets and pack up our things, my God who loves the whole world wants to speak specifically each one of his children. It's like a good mom, tucking her kids in at night, looking them in the eye expressing love, making them feel safe. That's what this blessing is. Say to them. All of them. That God wants to bless you.
Come on, how good he is Hebrew grammar, you know that before. Did you? I think about that every time I hear the blessing, every time I speak in God, so loved the world, a whole world that he gave his only son that whoever individually believes in him would have that blessing. So can you pick a new number?
Knowing that God he's not just some big father of some big family who's too busy, but he's an eternal God was all the time. In all of history to look you in the eye and express his love. If you think about that.
And if your pens still isn’t moving?,
It's a good thing. I got one more try so far. We've talked about all the blessings in the Bible, lots of them physical, let's count them every spiritual blessing ours in Jesus. We've focused on this famous blessing from the days of Aaron and Moses where God wants to expand our mind and put his name upon us to speak to us, heart to heart but now I'll get to my favorite part, the blessing itself. Here in part 3, I just want to read one line to you verse 24, number six, says the Lord bless you and keep you.
We talked about the first half of that. The Lord bless you. The Lord do something good for you personally. So I want to take the rest of my time and just focus on those last words “and keep you.”
Well, disclosure I've always gravitated to the part of the blessing where I think about God's face shining on me. Because He’s not disappointed, he's not mad despite my sins and he's forgiven me. I never really thought much about this part of verse 24. The Lord keep me. What does that mean? But a preschooler was coloring in church and he asked them that really loud. Preschool voice to mom or dad. What does that mean? What would you say to him?
Well, you're the best way that I could teach it to you, imagine that sure there's a big door here. You see it door handle. And you're all nice and safe and warm and cozy inside the house and I'm standing outside of it on the other side of the door. Why do we have doors?
Why not just live in an apartment or duplex or a house which is walls and a roof.
I think the simple answer is because doors, keep us.
Doris keep the dangerous things that are out here. The animals, strangers, wind, rain, the snow keeps that stuff out here. And if you've ever raised a little kid, keeps the ones you love in here.
When the blessing says that, God keeps you, I think what it's saying is God is like the door who keeps the people. He loves safe here in his house in his presence.
He keeps all the dangerous threats to our soul out there. He doesn't let them in to keep you means that you still have faith. You're still a child of God, you haven't given up your soul to sin. He's not just saved you. He's kept you saved by keeping those dangers out there. And by keeping you safe in here.
Write this down then I'll try to explain what I mean. I think at the start of this famous blessing, we're learning that one of God's best blessings, is your keeping?
Like the thing that God wants you to think about, from the very start, is the fact that despite all the danger out there to your soul hasn’t gotten to you. You're still part of God's family. You're still someone who trusted his son Jesus. You think about that if the Bible says, the devil is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. If there was no door to your spiritual life and he just came roaring in. The world with literally billions of people who don't believe that Jesus is worth it. Or living the lives of Disobedience to God. Because at the end of the day, they just don't think Jesus is good enough to sacrifice for if that whole world came flooding in and surrounded you with its message, what may happen to your faith. And so the fact that if you're a Christian, a follower of Jesus, and despite the devil and despite the demons, and despite the deception, despite the world, you're still a person who loves the Bible believes in the goodness of God is willing to follow Jesus, no matter what it costs you? How did that happen? The answer is: Because God kept you.
He did just rescue you from this broken world and put you in a spiritual house with no doors. Instead he brought you inside of the family of faith, and then in his love, he protected you from all the dangers that exist in every direction.
Make it specific. We live in a world where so many people. How many people think that human beings are an accident?
There's some big bang. Something happened. We evolved throw these over how many years and like, hey, that's how you got here. If you don't believe that, If you say no and I believe that God created the heavens and the earth, I believe that God is a father who knit me together in my mother's womb. I believe that my life is not an accident, not just here because my people survived as the strongest. I'm here because there is a God who was a good father. That made me and loved me, if you believe that in a world where so many people don't. It's because God kept you. He kept that idea from getting into your soul and persuading you otherwise. What a gift to know, you're not an accident but a dearly love child of God.
I think about that idea in the world. How many billions of people believe it? That's, you know, that you're good with God, you have to do enough good things. Call it Karma, morality call it climbing the ladder balancing the scales, good people get to have and bad people aren't trouble better. Be good for goodness sake, if you don't believe that, If you actually like me think despite all the bad things I've done, I'm good with God because of Jesus period. He died for me. He took all my sin away because of Jesus. I'm good with the father, whoever believes in him, will not perish but have eternal life. If you believe that, that it's just Jesus, just grace through pure faith and not because you've been such a good person. Why do you why do you out of all people believe that. Because God in his Mercy, kept you.
If your teenager growing up in a world where you're supposed to follow your heart and be true to yourself, and not let anyone judge you, but you see through all that You know, number one, is not logical ask that of other people, but instead, he's like, nah, I’m not to be myself and supposed to be like Jesus. I'm not going to follow my heart. My heart gets me in all kinds of trouble. My mind, goes, to all kinds of place. I'm going to follow the God, who loved me so much, he forgave me for all of my sins. If you're a teenager where so many teenagers teenagers have bailed on that. Why is it? God kept you. You heard the teaching, you have a friend who believes it, but you don't, you stayed strong. Your faith and haven't wavered in what you believe. It's because God is so good. He did not just save you but he kept you saved.
Think of it this way, when you're raising a little kid, you know, that like plastic thing you put over the door handle. It's tougher for adults to figure out sometimes, right, why? Because the kid kids are prone to wander and they want to explore. And they're really curious and sometimes because of that the wander into really dangerous places, we put these little door handles on like that's what our heavenly father does to us, spiritually. Hearts might be prone to other things were curious about other ideas, other flaw who it looks fun out there, doing the things that Jesus doesn't love, and God somehow his Mercy doesn’t let the door open. Keeps us safe and connected. The world where people are doing their own spiritual thing. You're watching this message at home or you invested time in your faith and your person. You have a Bible at home and it's not covered in dust, it's because God has kept you
So good. That beauty struck me. The other day, I've been alive for about 15,000 days.
My mom raised me from my earliest years to be a follower of Jesus. She taught me. The gospel brought me to church and throughout my 15,000 days. There is rarely a blessing that I have had the entire time.
From a two-income family, I'm like American rich. When I was in college and I'm eating packs of ramen for is like ten for a dollar. I haven't always been like American wealthy, but I've always been a Christian I've been kept. Took me 19 years to find my first girlfriend. I did not like the first 18. I haven't had that blessing of someone who knows me who loves me like I have the past 20 years with you but there's a blessing. I had even before her was kept in a Christian family, I've always been healthy
When I was in college, almost lost, two fingers in a freak hockey accident. I've always felt good but I've always been good with God. 15000 straight days. God blessed me. Blessed me. Blessed me because he kept me, kept me. I would you. When you woke up this morning, you, you could have said my back or what's the weather today, or did you see this news?
Or you could have woken up and said. Still a Christian. Yes, I still believe there's a God. I still believe that he's my father. I still believe that he knows me. I still believe how good is he if you never gave me another dollar or another Cent, if he never did another good thing for me, he is here. I'm still a Christian. I live in a broken world. The devil is alive, and he is very well, and yet God in his insane Mercy. Didn't just bless me, he kept me. We go should say this. He blessed me by keeping me.
I think about that could have walked away. I probably should have walked with my heart. Would have gotten the last word. I might open. God, made the handle spin. And can be safe in his house close to his heart.
So I'll give you one last try. What's your number?
To think about everything, the Bible has to say about blessings. Although physical things you have the spiritual gifts that are yours in Christ. The God who speaks specifically to you, and especially he speaks you. This blessing of of kept, you kept it. Close to Jesus and about you. Makes me love him even more than I used to.
Go back in the late 1970s. In a valley just Southwest of Jerusalem. Archaeologists discovered. What some people believe is the most important Discovery in all of biblical studies. We found this old burial cave and inside were a bunch of ancient Pottery. Bunch of human bones and I'll show you a picture. They found two of these. A tiny, tiny silver scroll seen this with my own eyes of Jerusalem, only about an inch wide. One of them was an inch tall. The other one about four inches tall to think that this little scroll was worn as a necklace and hung over someone's heart and engraved on it in ancient text is the oldest surviving Bible passage currently in existence?
They track the oldest copies of the Bible written on a pot or on parchment. This is it dates back to 600 BC and does anyone want to guess? What is it?
The Lord bless you and keep you. We make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord look upon you with favor and me that give you , and you, and you. Peace.