Burned Out - Week 2 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende

Our souls need the rest of Jesus and the food of his Word. In this message, Pastor Tim Glende discusses how we are inwardly renewed day by day, the spiritual fuel that we need to thrive in the year to come.

Welcome to week 2 of Burned Out. I pray that you were with us last week that you caught week one as we launch this series and we talked about the physical side of a burnout. If you missed that message, if you want to catch it, you can find it on our YouTube page has indicated 922 Ministries. You can find the version from the St. Peter campus, as well, where we talked about what it looks like to be physically resilient. And some of the things that God would have us maybe consider and think about as the Creator. He was at the created have to has limits, that you and I have limits.

So what things need to be non-negotiable in our life so that we don't head down the path of being burned out, which is why I wanted to go back to that part of the week. One for those of you who weren't here but also as a refresher for those of you who were the working definition that we had for the path to burn out, what three things take place will will happen along the way to the end of being burned out. So, the path of burnout were these three words. If you weren't with us, this might be new to you. If you were with us. Let's see how well you remember them, the path of burnout is “compromised, compensate and crash”. The path of burnout begins with compromising like there's something that is important to you but something else that matters to you or gets your attention on it and you're willing to compromise a good thing for that thing that begins to lead you down the path to burn out. The “it” might be work-related, it might be relationally related, it might be a compromise in your spiritual life which we are going to talk about today. It might be a compromise in your physical life, like working out or something else because something else is more important. You make that negotiable. Compromise and compromise, he will lead you to compensating. You'll do something. You'll use something you'll find try to find a way to compensate, for the compromise, in your life. Like, when you cross the line and compromise and you work more hours to make more money and it affects your marriage and your relationship with your spouse. You might buy more gifts or if you get in trouble, you might send flowers to the office. You're compensating, right? Because you know, that you've compromised something. And eventually if you keep compromising and you compensate and you compensating you compensate, you'll eventually at the end where you crash. You burn out. And usually crashing isn't something you see coming, it simply happens when you push too far, the limits have been extended so far, the rubber band breaks and snaps and you burn out. And here's the thing that I believe about that definition: it applies to all the different areas, physical and spiritual.

As you see, the legs of the stool. Emotional and relational will talk about over the next few weeks and like a stool that the stool being something reliable, that's sturdy and as well grounded requires all legs to be in place and to not be affected. And there's interdependence on them and perhaps above all of the topics when it comes to burn out today's topic out how spiritual plays into and is so vitally important for the other three areas to remain strong and on the ground. And I would tell you that when it comes to the spiritual leg of the stool, when it comes to the path of burnout that we might face in her life physically, emotionally relationally. The complement compromising happens based on one big thing. And I want to address this today in our sermon because I think we understand what areas we compromised in when it comes to our spiritual well-being, in our spiritual life. We can offset it with God's help and guidance. And we're going to dig into today and most compromising. From a spiritual perspective, maybe even a life perspective in the other areas compromise is a lot of times connected to the lies. The lies that we believe the devil is the father of Lies, he loves to use lies, weave lies. Have you believed lies in order to get you to compromise?

Perhaps one of the greatest resources I've ever found about the lies and how they affect us and cause us to compromise is this book if you've ever read it, but it's by Dr. Chris Thurman, “The Lies We Believe". He talks about self lies and worldly wise. There's marital lies there’s distortion lies, there's religion lies, he understands that this principle that's in play. That the lies, we believe will affect us and cause us to compromise. Here's a phrase that might be valuable to you. We talked about our spiritual lives and burnout and why we need to stop it in its tracks at the point of compromising. You see a lie believed as truth will affect you as truth.

A lie believed as truth. If you believe a lie, it will affect you as if it is a truth. And I believe there are three lies in this area specifically today. When it comes to our spiritual lives, our spiritual resiliency that maybe more than any other lies lead us down the path to burn out cause us to compromise more than any others. If you're taking notes like left some open spaces for it but I want you to write these down here. Here are three lies that I believe lead to compromise in a lot of people's lives and eventually the crash, if left unaddressed, the first line is this: “I must be perfect.”

This idea that I must be perfect. I must be a perfect parent in which means I have to do X, Y, and Z, and everything, under the sun. So that my kids can end up being everything that they need to be in a want them to be all compromised. I must be a perfect parent. I must be a perfect spouse. I must be a perfect worker. I must be a perfect student. I must be the perfect teammate. I must be the perfect friend. Like some people fall prey to that lie. I must be perfect.

At least I know I do. Number two, if that one does, this say resonate with you? I need everyone's approval. I need everyone's approval.

I just think about how powerful that lie is and how much compromise it can lead to. But for those of you who are dating,

Like to gain the approval of that boy or that girl. What are you willing to compromise? What have you compromised spiritually?

How about work? Like, let's just be honest to get everyone's approval at work, to get your boss's approval of work. What have you compromised? Values maybe have you set aside? I must have everyone's approval as a powerful force. It's a lie. And when it's believed, this truth, it will lead you down the path of burnout compromise. Here's one more. My value, my worth is determined by my performance.

My value is determined by my performance.

There are some of you who are in here who believe that lie. Sadly, sometimes you believe that lie because other people in your life believe that lie.

Like, some of you have parents who made it very clear to you that your worth and value is determined by your grades on your report card 100%, the be-all and the end-all. That's it.

And so, you compromise. For some of you, it's work. Like you believe your value is determined by your performance. The money that you make is what determines your value to your spouse and your kids. And so you will burn it at both ends. You will take on second jobs, you will do anything and everything to please them. And you can see the power when it's attached to your performance of how these lies cause so much compromised.

And I believe the root issue is actually a spiritual issue that you can see how some of those are the physical leg of the stool, like, you'll, you'll extend your calendar, you'll do things, but underlying it is a spiritual issue.

That involves your identity.

Like your identity is wrapped up in people pleasing. Your identity is wrapped up in your performance. Here, your identity is all about being perfect. And that leg of the stool, the spiritual one. If that's the case, if you believe those lies, you are in danger of not being on Solid Ground, Like, if your identity is found in any of those things that resonated with you today, I'm glad you're here. I want you to have a great 2023. Before all God wants you and your identity to be grounded solid so that you can thrive In a world, that's really hard. And we need to get this leg of the stool right? Because if this one is off, the rest will crumble and fall apart. I guarantee it.

And so today, I want to work with you with this idea that our identity in those three lies that so affect us. Can be summed up maybe with one word: doing. Like my values, determined by my performance which is driven by more doing right? My doing, perfectionism is doing, checking boxes, everything being right, getting it. Perfect, my identity is found in doing sometimes it. And so I do to gain approval of others. I want you to think about that. I want you to think about doing and all that it is and how it is tied together and identity and how to fix us spiritually and the impact it has it. We believe those lies. Now here's the truth. I want you to work with today and understand I need to say it up front, being busy doing in and of itself is not wrong. It's not wrong.

Like part of who we are, how God designed us to be the identity that we have, got is attached and relationally to others. So, doing to bless the life of my spouse doing to bless the life of my children, doing to be a blessing to others using my gifts at work in and of itself is not wrong. I didn't make that clear.

But, it cannot be our identity. But by relationships here on Earth become my identity and doing. And what I do is driven by that, I'm in danger, spiritually.

If my doing, my performance, is what makes my identity, and it has nothing to do with God. It's about a job, it's about people, I'm in danger. Of becoming my identity, which makes it a spiritual issue. If perfectionism is a lie that I believe I'm endangering my spiritual life because I believe everything is about me and what I do and when I don't do, when I fall short, I will crumble and fall. Being busy is not wrongdoing, it is not bad but it cannot be our identity.

And there are some examples in the Bible where Jesus gives us a glimpse.

Of this reality and the impact it has on people. Press all those famous areas of the Bible where this is found that if you just being busy isn't wrong, but it can't be our identity is found in Luke chapter 10 but for some of you, this is a familiar section of scripture for others, it's not. But in order for us to have our stool, the forelegs physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally on solid ground for that spiritual. That is so important to all the other ones, I want to take you to this section of Scripture. If you've seen it, know it before, great. If it's not familiar to you, great, all of us can learn from it today. Some important things that I believe God wants us to take away in our spiritual life. So that we don't compromise and burnout.

Jesus died. In this section of scripture, Luke records, It is visiting. Some people that we would call, maybe some of his closest friends here on Earth, people who loved him and cared about him. And we're blessing him as used in as disciples were on their way. Normal in Jesus' life has been history. Took him from place to place at this point, they were near the city of Jerusalem. Came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him, she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. Now, before we go on, the Bible has in the gospels contain, a few stories and reminders of Jesus, and his interaction with Mary and Martha. He spent time at their house, probably when he went to Jerusalem, it was a place that he stayed at, the place that he found peace and rest at. When he was in Jerusalem for big events, maybe he went to Bethany, which was just outside of town as a place to get away from the crowd. Out to sleep at night to do some things.

We talked about that last week. Maybe this was the first encounter Jesus had with them. He came into contact with them. Martha opened her doors to him and wanted to invite him into her house. And like I said before, doing is not wrong. Nowhere in this section, does Jesus identify as what Martha was doing was wrong or sinful. In love itself, like the gift of hospitality is a Christian Gift when God calls, a fruit of the spirit. It and Martha was being hospitable and welcoming Jesus, our Savior to her home, he wanted to hit him to feel loved and be taken care of. She was probably making a very good meal for Jesus. She probably spent a whole lot of time cleaning the house. They didn’t have a vacuum back in the day. I don't know how they clean houses and two thousand years ago, Israel, but she probably sucked it up really nice. They'll swept all the cobwebs made. Sure he has had an amazing place to sleep in her home and all of that started to build and build, and build. All the doing that Martha was carrying out caused her to look around and she saw her sister, who was doing nothing, but one thing. Sitting at Jesus' feet and in Martha's mind, she was not doing what needed to be done.

So, she goes to Jesus, distracted by all the preparations that had to be made doing. People pleasing, value determined by performance. And she came to Jesus and asked “Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me. Tell her to do more.”

And I think there's a lot that we can learn. In that for our spiritual lives, the spiritual leg of the stool, spiritual resiliency. Like maybe, maybe Martha strengths. If she was to take the test, would be an achiever and responsibilities, and she was checking the boxes, she wanted everything to be perfect, check, she wanted, Jesus approval, check. She wanted to make sure that everything she had done, her performance, was right on point. Maybe she thought her value was determined by that, check. Tell her to help me. She's not doing anything.

And here's what I think we can learn at this moment from Martha.

Tripping planks here. They are doing more. Here's the danger again. I don't think Jesus didn't like what she was doing. He didn't say it was necessary. Simple, but I think it allows us to see something. More doing oftentimes means less Jesus or doing unless Jesus.

Often times almost all the time. We'll leave the spiritual Burn Out. Like, if you compromise enough, you begin to compensate enough. You can head down to the road of the crash.

Like more doing caused Martha, did less Jesus caused her to be frustrated with her sister to call her out, point the finger. We're doing, because she had less Jesus at that moment.

More of that, more often of that, repeated times of that spiritual Burn Out. I don't think there's any two ways around that.

Like, I don't know if Martha believed those lies but I think almost everybody at some point, always prays to those lies like my values. Determined by my performance to the people closest to me, the people I want to impress and the top of the list, sometimes to God and who were willing that can be when we don't do it right or perfectly the guilt, the burden that that carries

You just apply this. In reality to your life, may be in some simple ways.

You compromised because your values were determined by your performance, as it led to more hours at work to get the approval of your kids as it led to more hours of doing and going. And your whole schedule Monday through Saturday is jam-packed full in your soul overwhelmed. We were over performing that on Sunday. We buy into them, the lies we've compromised and what do we do? We're doing it because sometimes to say “I just need a day. Today is my only day. So no Jesus today.”

Can you see how easy it is to lie, down the path of compromise and less Jesus when doing is in play? We're going to the Pastor stands up and says you'll be spiritually blessed. The Bible says if you do these things but you're doing so many other things that you don't have time to do those things. Your life will be less painful. Or maybe you're like me. This is not a thing that you should be proud of your pastor for. Like, I love doing. I love it. I'm an achiever. I think I'm a whole lot like Martha, responsibility. I want to get stuff done. I feel bad when I don't get stuff done. So the first thing that I do, when I sit down at my desk, is open my computer and open my email, and start getting stuff done. Like I'll check the box, I'll do the devotion. But I don't think it's being driven with the right motivation.

And Jesus knew that saw the danger for Martha in that. And so he said this to Martha, “You are worried and upset about many things. Like a lot of doing leads to a lot of things being on your mind, but only a few things are needed.” For indeed, only one like Jesus makes the list of non-negotiables when it comes to our life spiritually speaking, very simple.

One. The one that Mary chose was the better one. And you know, what Mary chose was better. It had lasting results. They provide a spiritual fruit. It was about her, I relied on the entity and it will not be taken away from her. What is better? Jesus said, Jesus, understood this spiritual truth that plays into the spiritual leg of the stool that helps us understand better, what we can't do. What we can't compromise because of where it might lead us. Simply put if you want to fill in your blanks to the similar equation we had before. When you have more do and less Jesus, you have potential for Spiritual burnout. When you have more Jesus you're spiritually blessed. Like Jesus makes no bones about it. He says it is the non-negotiable in your life. It's the one thing needed in your life. It's the thing that will last for eternal life, there's one thing that is needed if you want to address burning out. If you want to address the issues of compromising your heart. The solution is found in Jesus more, Jesus.

And here's why I pray that in 2023 for each and every one of you, you take Jesus' words to Heart.

Because Jesus wants for you to be spiritually blessed. Like the father of lies doesn't have to work too hard. And some of those worldly lies, those self lies that I need other people's approval, that that might value is determined by my performance. The world is full of that message, it resonates with our head. It drives our behavior in order to change that behavior to stop the compromising more Jesus equals spiritually blest, but let me break it practical for you when we don't have more Jesus. When we have more doing, the things of the world when we have more doing because our identity is off and our identity is not based on Jesus, here's where we'll end up. Like Jesus got this, he talked this, he preached this a Sermon on the Mount ends with this everyone who hears these words of mine. And does not put them into practice. The one thing needed like Jesus does, say, do this, it's the one thing needed. It's the one thing that last we don't hear his words and put them into practice. That person is like a foolish person who built their house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house. And it fell with a great crash.

For many years of my life, I've lived in the midwest, all of my life. It wasn't until this last November that I really understood. I think the visual that Jesus was painting for his disciples painting in The Sermon on the Mount until I was in Florida for a conference and Hurricane. Nicole was coming toward the east coast. Any of you ever lived in Florida live through a hurricane? Stayed in your house? Anyone ever been in that? You guys just love Wisconsin. I got two hands right here, my Florida people. Amen. Like you've done this. You know this, you hit you hear me. And let me just be clear. Nicole was like, one of the most timid hurricanes ever to hit Florida in the last 20 years. Like if they really have much of anything to it was fairly hurricane category 1, it was nothing like Ian which was before like I'm there in Florida. I'm in a high rise on the beach. We're at nine floors up. I had a beautiful balcony, sliding door in this condo overlooking the golf.

There's palm trees everywhere. Tuesday night. They were telling everyone who was from out of state. You had to evacuate your buildings, you could not stay there, the winds are rising each and every day at the palm trees, were sideways a little bit back and forth. The ocean waves are rising up and coming. Further in the golf course, I was getting hit. I went to bed that night, evacuate the island at three o'clock the next morning, you know how hard it is to sleep? When, you know, you have to get up at 3 a.m. It's next to impossible to fall asleep when you have to get up at 3 a.m. and 35 mile an hour, not gusts, but winds, are beating on the door of your nine, floors up condo on the beach.

I saw the aftermath. Even if that small hurricane hit the houses on the beach, it crashed. God does not want you and I to spiritually burnout, crash. And when more doing because of the lies, we believe becoming our identity, then the truth of God's word and listen to them, and following through, that's where we end up. Useless. And he doesn't want that for you and me. He didn't want that for Martha. So what would you have us know and apply spiritually in this year?

To not compromise, to not burn out the request. I think there's an amazing passage that talks about the importance of spiritual rest in Jesus own words that give the solution, the cure. The spiritual burnout, Jesus said these words in Matthew chapter 11, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

The “come to me. Don't be running to other people in their approval, to find your identity. Come to me when you're weary and burdened. Because I have given you a new identity. Come to me. All you who are weary and burdened by the world's polling at your hearts to convince you. That your value is determined by your performance. Come to me, you who are weary and burdened. And I will give you spiritual rest for that because I'll point you in the direction of that the cross and remind you of that empty tomb. And that your identity is determined by my perfect life. What I did is not anything that you have to do. You must be perfect. If you buy that lie, when you fail spiritually, it can drive you into a deep hole and burnout because the guilt and the shame are so real. That Jesus had come to me when you're weary and burdened with shame and guilt. And I'll give you rest because I was perfect.

Because you can't be. And I died so that you wouldn't And all that I did is yours. I'm gentle and humble in heart. When you come to me, you'll find rest, not the physical. The one thing needed is spirituality for your souls.

See, here's the big take away, but I need you to hear. I think it's my Jesus look. Martha in the face and said. “Martha, Martha, you're distracted by so many things. Only one thing is needed.” Here's the answer, the takeaway. I pray that you apply to your life if you want that leg of the stool to remain strong. Remember this is where you find rest. Remember, this is where you find the rest that you need. Spiritually speaking. In the gospel, in the gospel, like the law of God serves an amazing purpose. It shows us our sin and our need for a savior. But the Gospel shows us, Jesus. Like, if your performance is driven, you can be such a heavy burden, run to the Gospel where Jesus’ perfect life gives you the only identity that matters.

Makes you perfect in the eyes of God. The Gospel gives you rest. When you're facing struggles and challenges when the storms of life blow and the other legs of the stool are under attack like emotionally. If you're going through things, the Gospel reminds you of God and his promises. His love and his presence. His piece that you need. So often when the storms of life are real, the storms are going to go away. Hurricanes are going to stop happening. Your life is not going to be devoid of challenges or struggles. So, we get to the emotional piece, you have to have this piece the spiritually strong and the spiritual leg of the stool is on solid ground when Jesus is front and center in the Gospel.

Is in focus.

So, can I convince you?

But if you're looking at your life and you want to face this year ahead and you don't want to crash at the end. If those lies you believe or are prone to believing are real in your heart and you may be compromising your life may be. The first thing to address is making the gospel in time with Jesus non-negotiable.

Like maybe begin each day just by gazing for a few minutes at a favorite section of Scripture, the same one over and over. Again, that tells you about the amazing Beauty, the love and good news of being connected to Jesus Christ and the gospel, like read, Ephesians 1. The last part that purple just overflows in the beauty of all that Jesus has done in the Redemptive work of Christ. Maybe it's, you read the Christmas story. The Easter Story every day, like the Gospel gives you rest. That is your identity. When doing so, it endangers your relationship with God. Look at the things Jesus. Did the good news of the gospel and what it means for you and for me, the gospel, my friends will give you rest if you're willing to do one thing this year and one thing only, if you're willing to work on one thing that will make a difference in facing compromised, compensating and crashing. It is the Gospel. It is the Gospel. It is Christ. Your Savior, we live died, and rose again for you, that's it, that's the list. Mary chose one thing needed, and it will now be taken away from her friends. That will not be taken away from you either. Don't negotiate your time with Jesus.

Find passages in the Word that give you comfort and encouragement that are filled with the gospel. That's why I put this one on the screen. It's mine. I love it, it doesn't have to be yours. But look at the promises of God In this passage God is with you. He is mighty to save. Takes great Delight in you.

When the storms are blowing, when the waves are rising, when life is hard, don't buy into the lies. Believe the truth, He'll quiet you with His love, the Gospel. Good news. He'll rejoice over you with singing. If your identity is not determined by your performance, has been determined by the Lord of Heaven who sent his son and his son who lived died and rose again for you. If you begin to see yourself, compromising spiritually, because other people's approval, is something that you value, remember what God says about you, you are mine, I bought you at a price, don't live your life for the audience of everyone else, live your life, for the audience of one.

You are valued by the Lord of Heaven and you are perfect because of Jesus Christ, like, what gospel passages can you write on your part? Like I tattooed mine on my body. You don't have to do that. Pick one. Pick to pick three. No more than five passages. You want to learn that are full of the Gospel? I can help you. Not negotiate, spiritual rest. God longs for you to have to help keep the other legs at the stool strong. Which leads me to the last point in our next step of our highlight, the band back up to singer last song. Schedule. Your rest. Your spiritual rest. Like don't negotiate your schedule your Jesus time.

Because it will bring more Jesus. Spiritually blessed.

And I think Martha did that after that day in her house.

The great John chapter 11 this week. It's a beautiful chapter, it'll keep Him full of Gospel grass than Gospel, hope Martha and Mary had lost their brother Lazarus. Jesus said not gotten there before he died and he was delayed in getting there by his own choosing. But then Jesus finally showed up and you know what Martha did, you know, who was the first one out there to greet him Martha? Left her home? She left behind her guests, who would have been weeping? There may be eating food there and need a Kleenex. Has their Martha ran to Jesus and met Him before He got to her home. I think Martha got it. She knew it. She was unwilling to negotiate and she knew that Jesus, the Gospel, was the only place to find rest in the face of that storm.

Jesus asked her, do you believe that she said? Yes, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God and then my brother will rise. Like, that's the Gospel.

She knew only one thing was needed.

That even in the face of that storm, she stood strong, it did not crash.

I have no doubt that she must have scheduled her rest. Because she knew the Gospel gives rest. And then I pray, my friends, with you. And what I do this year to avoid spiritual problems with all the legs of the stool. Because in Jesus, we have true rest for our souls.

Burned Out - Week 2 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Broadcast by