Burned Out - Week 4 - The CORE - Pastor Michael Ewart

Unlike God, you are unable to have countless meaningful relationships. In this message, Pastor Michael Ewart talks about how those who successfully battle burnout believe in time limits and make meaningful connections with some (not all) life-giving people.

Burned Out
Week 4 - The CORE
Pastor Michael Ewart

Welcome again to this fourth of four parts for our “Burned Out”, sermon series, and I pray that this has been as helpful to you as it has been to me today, though, we're talking about a part of burnout that kind of intersects with all three of the parts we've already talked about. There's this, this book I read. It only was released about three weeks ago. It's fascinating, I highly recommend it. It is called “The Good Life and your view from Nebraska”. And it's not about Nebraska, Yeah, that that's their motto but the good life is a book about this longitudinal. Long-range multi-generational study done by Harvard University that started way back in 1938 and in this study, they tracked people throughout their lives. Now, they're on to the children of those people in the original study and even on to their grandchildren. And they had a simple premise, what helps people have a good life? Brings happiness into people's lives. So they have interviewed these people year after year, decade after decade every five years, I believe, they even visited the people in person and had a sit-down interview with them, all, to try to evaluate, what is it? That gives people a good life and they reach some pretty amazing conclusions. It's not what you might expect.

So, there's this 2007 study where Millennials were asked What is your main goal in order to achieve? What do you want out of life? In order to be happy, 76 percent said they wanted to get rich. That, that is what? If they could get Richland, then they would have happiness in their life. 50% said, Fame, becoming famous would be of utmost importance in order to have a happy life. The trut, is that in this study, proves it, that is not what is key to a happy life. Not that those things are unimportant in some situations for some people, for a limited time, to a limited degree, all of those things accomplished, something toward happiness, but not consistently and not reliably. For example, the study, they had so much detail and so much data. They could even determine that wealth doesn't bring happiness, but poverty hinders it a little bit. So what they discovered was up to about 75,000 dollars, there is a valve household

There are some incremental increases to happiness, sometimes. But then beyond 75,000, if you go from 75 to 150 or from 150 to 300 thousand dollars, oh, I'd be happy. Then the study says, no, you actually won't, they won't change your degree of happiness measurably and haven't you experienced that when you buy something nice, it gives you pleasure for a moment but not for long that even if you went and bought a 2023 Corvette C6, I'd be fun. You'd be excited. But three years from now, not 20 years from now, when it's got rust, money doesn't buy us happiness. Career isn't the thing that ultimately will give you lasting happiness? All of these things are limited when they are evaluated in this scientific study. So what was it? What was it? That ultimately and all situations improve quality of life and in the long term if somebody had this at age 50, at age 80, they said I've got a good life, I am happy, the answer is good relationships. That was the X-Factor that was the thing across, economic status male or female different races. It didn't matter if a person had good relationships in their life, they always reported a higher level of happiness, Good relations were key. When I say that and I tell you, the results of this study that doesn't surprise some of you. But, other studies support this and show. This is true as well. There was, for example of 2018 study, that suggested that three out of four adults in 2018, felt a moderate to high degree of loneliness. So what's the opposite of having good relationships? It's not having good relationships. It's, it's being lonely, and three out of four. People have reported feeling that way. And then there's, there's this interesting statistic that loneliness is associated with a lot of negative things. Loneliness is associated with an increased sensitivity to pain. You literally physically hurt more. If you are also lonely, it suppresses the immune system, you're more likely to get sick, it diminishes brain function, your brain. Isn't this clear to you? You get less effective sleep. When you are lonely, which just makes you even more tired. And in that can Cascade a recent research has shown that for older people. This is fascinating, loneliness is twice as unhealthy as obesity. That one was a shock to me. People who are socially connected have less risk of dying, no matter what their age. In fact, social connection increased the likelihood of surviving in any given year by 50%. It makes a difference. In 2020 it is estimated, that was, you know, during that covid lockdowns that 162,000 deaths could be attributed to causes stemming from social isolation. In the UK they did a study on this to try to figure out the cost of loneliness they literally did a study on this. What is the economic cost of having lonely people in our society because they are less productive they are. T.hey get sick more often, they switch jobs more frequently. So what is the ultimate cost? The result of the study was that lonely people, because there are only people, it's an impact of 3.4 billion dollars annually to the UK economy. In fact, the results of that study resulted in the UK establishing the ministry of loneliness. It is a government agency in the United Kingdom. Now, the ministry of loneliness. And for good reason, they understand the value of good relationships. And so, that is what we are talking about today. This wildcard affects your physical well-being, your emotional well-being, your spiritual well-being, things that we talked about in the first three weeks, what intersects with all three of those and can either hinder them or support them. And the answer is good relationships to which to which if you are a longtime Christian or you know, your Bible. Well and you hear all these things that just your response would probably be, no, duh. Because what, I just reported to you, at what science has discovered about God, has been telling us from the beginning. Did you know that this is throughout the pages of scripture, the importance of having good relationships? In fact, if we just start at the very beginning of scripture, there are so many places I could share with you. But if you just start at the very beginning of scripture in Genesis chapter, 1 verse 1, verse first, first verse of the Bible says this in the beginning, God created. And if you're thinking right now that sounds familiar. Yeah. That wasn't week one. Pastor Michael. You're just stealing from Pastor Mike? Yeah I am but it's true. He used that to show us that when it comes to our physical bodies. God is the Creator. God is the designer. So why don't we act like we are created beings and listen to the one who designed us when it comes to our physical well-being. But this applies also to our relational capacity because the truth is that God made us to be relational, he made us to be dependent on him. And if we are not, we will not be healthy and he made us to be interdependent on one another. And if we're not, we won't be healthy.

In Genesis 2:18, it says, the Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him to which every wife says, amen. It's not good for him to be alone. He needs. He needs me and his true God knew that we need each other. We need one another. And so God said to Adam, when he was alone and God made Eve shortly afterwards. It's not good. And then God had a parade of animals come before Adam. It's in that first chapter and or second chapter and as they came before him, Adam was getting them names, but he was also noticing something. Well, that's interesting. But not like me. Oh, that's interesting that animals really interesting. But it's not like me and even when he saw the dog could be, it could be a friend but truth is it's not going to be a best friend. Adam recognized he was alone just which is something God already knew, and God made a helper suitable for him. Adam, you need companionship, it's not good for you to be alone. I made you in a relational being and God made Eve and brought her to Adam and he was delighted. And then back in Genesis let's go back one chapter again to verse 28 it says God blessed Adam and Eve. He blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase in number. In other words, the two of you. Yeah, that's good. That you're not alone, but let's keep this going as you keep multiplying, your children will have siblings. Those relationships will be good for them and then the cousins will play together and generations, will go on. And there will be friends and people interacting with each other and this will be good. This will be a blessing. Because the truth is this, you can jot this down, God created us relational. That is the truth we cannot afford to ignore. It's the way God designed us and to ignore that. You are not going to have as good of a life. God created us relational. Why did you do that?

I suspect it all ties back to love.

Because the truth about love is this. Love requires others, that your next fill in the blank. Love requires others. That makes sense. You cannot love. All by yourself. Now, people talk about me time and I love myself a little bit. I'm not sure, that's biblical, if you spend a day, all to yourself without ever interacting with another human being, not talking to them on the phone, not communicating with them in any way, shape, or form. Can you have the end of the day say, boy, I loved so well today. Let's say not and you certainly weren't loved on because there is nobody in your life that day. Love requires others. It always has. This is something that's unique about the Christian faith. We are the only faith that reports what God says that he is Triune Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All other all other belief systems that don't have that Triune God would have to admit that there was a time when there was not love if God was alone and there was no creation. Who could he love? How could he love if he is by himself? But the Christian Son and Holy Spirit in the Bible describes, that as a relationship of love that they've lived in eternity in deference to each other. In respect of each other. In honor of each other in service of each other glorifying each other. This is the dance of the Trinity described in the Holy scriptures. Love has always existed because God is love and God is Not Alone. So, I get this question all the time as a pastor. So, Pastor Michael, why did God create the world? Why did he create human beings? And the follow-up question is always, and why did he create us? When he knew that we were going to sin, The answer to that question is. Love. God is love, love requires others, who God wanted love to multiply and so God created the world. But why did he make us able to sin? And the answer to that is because love doesn't only require others, love requires freedom, Think about that, love requires Freedom, if you if you, if I would describe for you a relationship where somebody in Authority has a relationship with somebody in a vulnerable position and that person doesn't want to be in that relationship. But this person forces that person to be in relationship with them, we call that slavery. We call that abuse. If God knows that love requires others wanted love to exist. He also had to create freedom to reject freedom, to oppose him. And it breaks his heart that that's what human beings chose to do. We're going to get into that in just a little bit about what God does about that. But this principle is true.

It's a principle that God created. It's a principle that we can break ourselves against but we can't break and the principle is this good relationships, make us healthier. And happier. It's the way God designed us. Good relationships, multiplying love. Love makes us healthier and happier. Good relationships, make us healthier and happier. This is throughout the pages of scripture and I would encourage you to look for it. I could have quoted about 12 or a hundred verses from The Book of Proverbs, but maybe I'll just give you that as a homework assignment read through the Book of Proverbs and in your Bible, you're allowed to mark up your Bible. Did you know that write a letter r in front of every verse in Proverbs? That you think talks about relationships in some capacity. And then somebody report back to me on how many of those you find, you're going to find None of them. But instead of sharing all of those with you, let me just show you this, you something, from The Book of Ecclesiastes, also wisdom literature in the Bible and Ecclesiastes chapter 4 starting at verse 8. It says this, there was a man, all alone yet neither Sun nor brother. There was no end to his toil. It is eyes, were not content with his wealth. For, who am I toiling? He asked. And why am I depriving myself of enjoyment? This too is meaningless and miserable business. So that the author here is describing a man who has a very successful business. He's working hard, making tons of money. But he's alone. He has no good relationships. And his conclusion is this is pointless. This is meaningless if I'm alone. Then the very next verses which some of you have heard at weddings but they don't really apply directly to the husband-wife relationship. But more broadly, here's a general truth that he then concludes verse 9 to are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. You get more done when you are in partnership with somebody working toward a common goal together, you get more return for your labor. If either of them falls down one can help the other up, but pity anyone, who falls and has no one to help them up. You've seen the sad commercial, I've fallen and I can't get up. Yeah, it is sad, isn't it? The person falls down, has nobody there all alone. Nobody to help them out. That comes from the book of Ecclesiastes. It's Better Together verse 11 also. If they lie down together, they will keep warm but how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves; a cord of three strands is not quickly broken. This author emphasizes for us how important it is to not be alone but to be with others in numbers there is strength ever heard that phrase their strength in numbers comes from Ecclesiastes to. So if you tried this at home this is actually a true thing. Take three threads parallel to each other but not connected. See how much tension is needed to rip them apart? Then weave them together in a chord. Do the same thing. What's the exact same strength? Right? It's the same three chords. It's not If you do this for a scientific experiment, you'll find that the three chords are woven together. Tightly are way stronger than the three threads individually God keeps teaching us over and over again, that life is better together.

There is an experiment that was done. The weird thing about this is we don't tend to recognize this truth. I keep emphasizing it because we don't see it naturally. I don't know why it's a blind spot to us but the University of Chicago did this experiment. They went to the local train station where the commuters went into the City and asked them what would give you a more positive experience on your commute to sit down next to a total stranger and strike up a conversation. Or to mind your own business. Do your word? Listen to your music, read your book, whatever it is. You want to do? Which one will give you the more positive experience? Well, guess what, everybody said. The vast majority said doing my own thing, obviously. Then the researchers said, okay, well, we've got an assignment. For you, this group, your assignment is Strike up a conversation, with a stranger, a stranger on your way. And then they took a control group and said, do what you normally do. Don't talk to anybody then after the commute was over, they interviewed them once again, guess what they found the exact opposite of what everybody expected happened, though. That struck up the conversation and said my commute was much better than average and was much better than usual. The vast majority reported a great experience interacting with others. Good relationships, make a difference. This kind of describes me, I'm the guy who gets on the airplane and does not talk with whoever is next to me. Typically, I was on a trip a couple weeks ago down to Texas for a pastor conference and I had a two-and-a-half hour plane ride. I got up at four in the morning to catch this flight. I hadn't slept well the night before because I'm a little nervous about traveling and I just want to get on the plane, put in my headphones and take a nap. I just want to crash and wouldn't, you know it? I get on the airplane and the most talkative man you ever met is sitting in the Seat next to me and I'll be honest, the thought went through my head. Oh no. So the man who sat next to me actually was the owner and founder of a local Appleton Orthodontics practice, that, I know many of you have heard of and he was his son now runs that practice and we talked the whole two and a half hours, and we talked about a wide range of things about the challenge of business about family life, about how awesome it is, to be a grandfather. We talked about how what a challenge it is when our kids are grown kids. Struggling and how you deal with that? We talk about politics. Yep? We went there. We talked about religion and church. The man is a Catholic. We got into all sorts of things. We went deep, we talked the entire time and when I got off that flight, I was energized, I was happy. It was one of the best trips I had taken and up two and a half hour flight felt like 15 minutes. Okay. So what those researchers discovered at the University of Chicago is true, life. Truly is better together. Good relationships. Make us happier and healthier. So the natural question is, how do I get that? How do I get better relationships? How do I get these good relationships? You're describing Pastor Michael, so let me give you some Godly advice. Let me show you what scripture says in that regard. And I'll be our next fill in the blank. This is weird, but I don't know if you've ever had a fill-in-the-blank like this 144 better, This. Okay, so you know what I mean by that, right? For better relationships with the people around you for better connection and relationship with your spouse for a better connection with your co-workers for a better connection with the people in your neighborhood for better relationships. Start with This. For better relationships, start with your relationship with God. Okay, so for good healthy relationships, it requires an immense amount of love and sacrifice. If you want to know what love and sacrifice is all about. You cannot do that unless you know, God and his love first not making that up comes from first John chapter 4, it also comes from Colossians 2:12-214. If you want another reference to read later I'm not gonna bring that one up right now. But in that verse,

First John chapter 4 verse 7. We see these dear friends. Let us love one another.

That's this part, right? Let us love one another for love. Comes from God.

Everyone who loves. Has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love. Does not know God because God is love. This is how God showed his love Among Us. This is important. He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him. This is love Lena. Listen, this is the answer. You want to know the question? The question you want to have answered, right? This is what is Love. This is Love here. He says it is not that we loved God. But he loved us. And sent his son as an atoning sacrifice. Sacrifice for our sins. That's amazing love. See here's the thing. God created us to be relational beings. He created us with freedom, not to return that love to him because that's the only way love can exist and that's what human beings chose. I will not live dependent upon God, I will declare My independence from him. He loved me, but I will not return that.

Submit to you are yield to you. God I love me more than you. That's what every sin says. And now God has a choice by the way if you ever been in a relationship like that where you poured out love to another and that love was not reciprocated, have you ever been in a relationship where you poured out love and you were betrayed. I know some of you have How does that make you feel? How do you respond in that situation? How did God respond? Well, I guess he had two options. Option 1 is he could replay. You could react to that like a human being. Oh you rebelled against me, you do not be surprised. Kate my love. You. Refuse to love me. Okay, fine. Goodbye, you are cut off from me. We do not have a relationship anymore and we never will, by the way, that's hell. So God literally could have said to the entire human race. You will you will not be in relationship with me then. Go to hell. Be separated from me, for all eternity by, and if God had chosen, that was, that would there be anything? We could say an objection. Hey, that's not fair. Well, yeah, it is fair. That is right. You're right, God. Or. There's an option to and it's the one that God chose of course. They refuse to love me back. So, I'm going to love them even more. I'm going to pour out my love on them and such an unusual way to such a ridiculous way. It's going to shock them to the way I show love to them. I'm going to change them. And that's what God did. God Loved Us by giving the one thing that hurt him, the most His son and before you say oh what kind of abusive father would send his son to be sacrificed like that. Jesus volunteered for that. This was the plan, the Holy Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit came up with from eternity to redeem us to reconcile us to him to restore the broken relationship. That was coming. So, Jesus came. The son of God. To sacrifice himself for you. Jesus went to the cross and there he took your responsibility for all of your sin. For all your faults, for all of the people, you've heard in relationships, Jesus took the blame for that. And when Jesus went to the cross, a relationship that had been there for eternity, the relationship between the father and the son and the spirit was broken. For you. Jesus cried out from the cross. You remember this? My God. My God. Why have you forsaken me?

Jesus was cut off from the father because that was that's what was needed. That was the sacrifice needed to be able to restore you to the father so that the father could just leave. Look at you and say you are now not guilty, your sin, you are dead, has been removed, my son paid it, you can be reconciled to me in a relationship of love. Once again, this is what God did for you. This is his amazing love for you. What's not what's most important is not? Let me tell you how I love. God know what comes first is how he loved us. And gave his son as the atoning sacrifice for all of your sins. And that's why if you want better, this relationship with others. You got to start with that. And know what God did for you and the kind of love he showed you because that's the kind of love that creates great relationships when you express it in your life with others. So, the better, you know, God's love for you and the more that kind of love that sacrificial. Love that, giving love that you first, love that puts other people's needs before your own.

Can you imagine what kind of relationships you have? If you and the people you were in relationship with had that kind of love that they were showing to each other. Good relationships, start with knowing your father and knowing that relationship. So what do we do with this? Since this is all true, what are we going to do this week? That may be different from what we did last week. And here's the big takeaway, jot this down. Why is Lee invest in good relationships? That is the time so. Well spent, wisely invest in good relationships. Now, let me be clear, this looks different for everybody. There is no one-size-fits-all, there are people who can be in a crowd or at a party and they're very lonely. There are people who have four good friends on the entire planet and they're not, there are people who are in a marriage and they are not lonely at all in there. People in their marriage who are but establishing these good relationships, whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, these good relationships will make you happy and healthy because that's the way God designed us. So, what does that look like to be wise? Invest in good relationships? First, it means having more to invest, okay? If you're investing for retirement, you don't have much saved yet. Let me suggest this spend less than other areas invest, more for the future. We can do that with relationships as well. What does it look like to wisely invest in relationships? We might have to limit some things in order to have more. Or time for relationships. So would you do this this week? Would you evaluate your life? What is it that you do? What are your hobbies? What are your habits? What are your tendencies that isolate you? That keeps you from others. This is a hard thing to do, but be honest with yourself. As you do this exercise, I did. And you know what I discovered by the way you realize that when Pastor Mike and I are preaching up here, we're preaching to ourselves first and we're glad that you're getting something out of it too. But we need this every bit as much as you did. And as I evaluate my life, I recognize that I spend way too much time, just randomly surfing the internet. You see, I'm a learner and I enjoy interesting news articles and I'm very interested. And invested in what's happening in Ukraine. So, how many tanks are they sending over now? What was Putin's reaction to that? What are they gonna do next? I love science. I love reading articles about science. I just love consuming all this information, but as I do that, I am isolated. I am alone the more I do that, the less I will have to invest in good relationships. So let me challenge you. There are a thousand ways you can do this. I'm just telling you the way I do it. What do you do? What are your habits? What are your hobbies? What are the ways? You do things that isolate yourself, so you don't have as much time to invest in relationships. Oops, let's change that this week. Let's make some important changes. Second thing I want you to consider, why do we invest in good relationships? Better. Okay. So this is all about increasing the quality of your time with other people and we all need to do this. For example, at work, you could keep your nose to the grindstone, cut yourself off from everybody around. You look at people as impediments and roadblocks and I can just do it better without them or take that very same time in work and choose to engage with your co-workers and clients and ask about them. How are you doing? Thank them for something they did, give them a compliment about something. Draw them out, engage with them, make a human connection, and tell me if you don't enjoy work, a little bit more. What does it look like at home?

Well maybe at the dinner table, first of all, you make sure there is one that you do gather as a family and that when you do maybe the TV stays off and you spend more time talking to each other, ask each other for a higher or low in your day, or maybe in the evening instead of watching two or three hours of TV, it means turning the TV off and maybe you have a family game night. Now. Confession, who's the one dragging their feet when my wife suggests family game night? I want to make a change, because I realized, I realized this, when we have family game night, when we're done, I can't remember a single time. When I said, yep, I knew I should have said no. No, at the end. I enjoyed it. It was good. It was good to make that human connection. So give that some intentional thought as well with friends, what does it look like to connect? You mean, you can spend hours on Facebook, hitting a like button or leaving a short comment or try this. Here's just a quick suggestion. Again, one of thousands, but tried this one suggestion, instead text a friend and say, hey, you got 8 minutes. Or let me know when you do. I just want to talk for 8 minutes, literally set a timer, keep it to 8 minutes. So you both know that's all you're going to spend and you will be surprised that the connection you can make in eight minutes of a phone call time. Just to induce doing that. One simple thing. Invest wisely in those relationships.

And then the third Point related to this, Consider the relationships that you are investing in. Would you take a moment this week to evaluate? Who do I spend time with in? Is that good? Who do I spend time with? But it's not enough. Okay. So somebody once said, "Show me your friends, your close friends, I'll show you your future. Your friends influence you, your friends do affect you, do you have close Christian friends, who know God's truth and Grace and they will pour that out into you and together, you will be what God wants you to be, or do you have some friends that maybe lead you in a different direction? It might be time this week to change some friendships.

Can I say a word to our married and engaged couples? If that is you, if you're married or engaged, please raise your hand.

Okay, keep your hands up and if there's anybody here who knows? Somebody married or engaged? Raise your hand too? Okay. Now everybody's hand should be up. Would you please make this a priority? Your relationship with your spouse.

I can make a good argument that there is no more valuable relationship that you have than the one that you have with your spouse. Does your time and attention reflect. That importance. So what I'd like to ask you to do is a very simple exercise. Sometime in the next week, when you can sit down face-to-face with the TV off, not during a game this afternoon during the football game, but when you can really give each other full attention with a notepad in front of you, just answer one simple question and write down your ideas. Honey, how can we make our relationship better?

How can we make our relationship? Ship better, write down your ideas, Implement one or two this week and tell me if it doesn't make a difference.

Second, if you are in a marriage and it's not going well, things are rocky. Here's your to do. Seek help. Talk to a counselor talk to a pastor, get outside. Help for your marriage, guys. I'm talking especially to you. My experience has been as the guys that drag their feet, the guys that put up the block Everybody's marriage struggles. You're not admitting to weakness when you do this. See the truth is this might be a secret. I'm letting some of you in on the person you're married to is not perfect. I feel confident saying that about all of you and you're not perfect either. So, when you put two broken sinful people together, there's going to be conflict. It's going to be hard this American romantic notion that when you find the right one and chemistry is just there. It doesn't take any effort. It's just so easy. I have never in my entire Ministry, seen a marriage that was easy. That didn't take work and intentionality. So, if yours isn't a rocky place, would you get help? Because here's what I've discovered when there is Two people. When there's a husband and a wife who commit to working on it, and a third party is helping them work on it, and they will do what that third party is asking them to do. Do you know what percentage of the time I've seen him improve in the relationship? 100%. It will get better but sometimes you just need the third party there to mediate and to help somebody with wisdom to talk into your life. So, work on that marriage relationship. It's the most important one. Okay, so this has been a little bit heavy. There's not so much that we've covered. We've got some work to do, right? And as I talk today, very likely some things that popped into your mind reset? Yeah, that's bad. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't be doing that. What I'd like to remind you though. I don't want you to leave today with guilt.

Sometimes I think people measure that's the quality of the service, all I leave feeling a lot more guilty than I came. That means if I was in church, that's not how I want you to leave today. Do not leave with guilt. Because, here's the thing I've made mistakes, I've confessed some of them on stage here. You've made mistakes in relationships. So right now put those at the foot of the cross. And I want you to know what I shared with you earlier that God with his incredible weird love gave his son for that stuff. You just put it at the foot of the cross. He took it away, he paid your debt, you are dearly loved, redeemed, forgiven, holy, family members of the most high God that's you. You can't go into guilt today when you remember that glorious truth. So don't go with guilt but I do want you to go with resolve. Because of what I've heard today because my God is so good. I am not going to let go of my relationships this week. Look like they did last week. I'm going to make the needed changes to give God glory. Now I would be remiss when I would be a failure at my job. If I did not close by asking you once again to reconsider joining a life group. If you haven't done this yet, When we come together in a large group, like this, this is good. This is needed. This is maybe even first this week, we've got to do this, but if this is all you've got, you are lacking good relationships, where a growing big church and you can't get connected on a Sunday morning, very easily, maybe not at all. But in life groups, you can sew your pastors knowing what God says in his word and now it's confirmed in scientific studies. We recognize that good relationships are needed for you, to be happy and healthy, and growing in your relationship with God. And so, we created this environment handcrafted them in order to grow and foster. Good relationships with fellow Christians. You need this? I need this. So join a life group today is the last day that you can do it from scripture and confirmed by all the studies. Our life group model motto is true. It's a fact, life is better together.

Burned Out - Week 4 - The CORE - Pastor Michael Ewart
Broadcast by