Confusing Things Christians Say - Week 1 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende

Things Christians Say
Week 1 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende

Welcome to week one of our new sermon series entitled, “The confusing things that Pastor Bill says”.

That could be a whole year long series. For those of you who work with, no, I'm just kidding. “Confusing Things that Christians Say”, and we're excited for it. This week and the next five weeks we unpack some phrases that might be confusing to you. You might have been confused by or if you use them others, that you are in the circle of friendship, with might be confused when you do. So, maybe a better understanding for you, or maybe the understanding you need to not confuse them is the goal of what we're going to talk about over the next few weeks. I'm excited for it here at 922 Ministries.

So, about a year and a half ago, my wife volunteered me to be the association president of our condo.

I was really confused when she did it.

I've even been more confused since about the role that I have. Like I thought maybe it had to lead to a few meetings. Maybe I have to answer a few disgruntled people's emails, maybe to have to address a few condo issues but I did not know what I was really getting into. Like there are a whole lot of things that an association has to do that a board has to do, that a president gets the great opportunity to do. Thank you honey. Love you very much. Like did you know that as a condo association president when someone else sells their condo, you have a whole lot of involvement? Like, you get paperwork from the bank, you get paperwork from the realtor. You get paperwork from the title company, asking you to answer a whole lot of questions and check a whole lot of boxes about a whole lot of stuff. I have no clue. Like, I hope I don't get in trouble for checking all the boxes that I did this last time. And that, that sale goes,

Like, there's a lot of confusing things that I've learned about our part of the world in which condo external work that we need to have done on some of our condos. We need some downspouts, buried some sump pump lines, trenched and it needs to be done. It's causing some issues and one of our association people, someone who lives in the condo. I had a friend who he got advice from in order to do it who does it for a living, as a side job. He set up a meeting with me and this gentleman to walk him around the property to show them what needed to be done. And when he got there he asked a few questions about what we're looking to do. I kind of pointed out some different things about what we need to accomplish. We just need to trim some downspouts and some sump pump lines. Like do you think you can do this and then he started making recommendations. Like he talked about things like a trench drain and drain tile and depth, matters and PVC pipes of all sorts of different sizes and I'm just like, not in my head and I'm playing along, and then he's giving me more options. And, and the guy next to me said, I think we should do this, this and this and he looked at me, and he goes, “sounds good?” I'm like, “sounds good”.

Like I have no clue. I don't know if I just signed over my firstborn child. Sorry either like confusing things happen all the time, when someone speaks a language that you're not familiar with. Look at your workplace, there's probably a lingo that you have no matter what line of work you're in. If you're in the medical field, if you're in the dental field, if you're in the field of law, if you're in the field of construction, like the ways in which you talk, and the words that you use, someone who understands it and does it or as experiencing with it would not shake their head and go “sounds good.”

They would maybe ask questions or point out the detail and but they would definitely understand. I guess the same with Hobbies. Like if your hobby is smoking meat, like Pastor Jim, you can have a great conversation with them about the different wood chips you use? How long you cooked it for? What temperature? Did you get it to like how long did it take? And if you want to come and find out smoking advice for me, I'm going to have no clue was if you're talking about meat or other things. Like people who have similar Hobbies, speak the same language. I think of each set of sports, right?

Like if, you know, soccer, you know that you don't call it a game, you call it a match. Pastor Mike corrected me the other day, he was thoroughly offended and confused by what I was talking about. But if you're on the inside, if you've played soccer, you know, all the lingo at everything that's happening but from a lot of people they don't understand soccer. They only know if you score more goals than the other team scores. Yay, America? We won, right? But the rest of it you might not get it. The lingo, the announcers have might be confusing to you. Like in lots of areas of our life, there's Insider language that we're a part of and then sometimes we're on the outside of it. And perhaps, there’s no place at all in our life and world today. Where Insider language confuses, not just those on the inside, but people in the outside as the Christian church. Like I'm guilty as charged. Us pastors, sorry, Jake, you're going to be learning a whole lot of Insider language over the next few years. And when you get assigned as a pastor and you start using those words, people, I mean, like sounds good and they have no clue, but you just said big fancy words whole lot of depth, sometimes we talk in ways that it is hard to understand.

The same is true for Christians amongst other Christians and it's definitely true for you as Christians who have non-Christian friends, you might use some phrases that you think are very easy to understand, but they're very confusing.

So, no matter what area of life it is in orbit, in our spiritual lives. Here's the problem. When it comes to insiders versus outsiders, when it comes to certain languages that might be used when you don't get it. No matter what it is, whether it's a hobby, whether it's a job, when you don't get it, you can't appreciate it or apply it. Like, when you don't get it, you can't apply it.

I mean, when you don't get it, you can't appreciate it.

But you can go online and find out a whole lot of things about the medical field. Like you can try and self-diagnose and figure out what you might have. But if you're not a doctor, some of the language you're going to find in some of the things they're talking about are going to leave you scratching your head and you don't, you don't know what direction to go down. You can't apply it properly. That's why it's great when you can't get it. There's people in fields like that, who are on the inside, who can speak it to you in a way that can help you appreciate it and also can speak knowledge. So you can apply what needs to be done.

And there are some things when you're not on the inside, that aren't that big a deal.

Like, if you can't understand the lingo of that person's hobby or that sporting event, it doesn't matter to Eternity. Like you can enjoy a game for it simply being a game. If it's your team and they end up winning, you'll feel good at the end and you can move on if you don't have all the appreciation for. But there are things in life when you don't get it, you cannot only can't appreciate. You can apply it and you need help. And that's why this series is so important. And perhaps why I've from a Christian perspective, a spiritual perspective, it matters. Because if you don't get some things, when it comes to what the Bible says, it does matter to Eternity.

Like it's a matter of life or death. Sometimes when there are confusing things that people say, when someone doesn't get it, you know what, it causes them to do, when it comes to their relationship with God, they run in the other direction.

Sometimes when people don't get it. It caused him to doubt God, or maybe doubt other words that are found in the Bible. Like when you don't get something, you can't appreciate, you can't apply it, and it matters from a spiritual perspective. Like just nodding your head and saying sounds good. If you don't get it you might miss out on so much that is great.

Which is why what we're going to do in the next few weeks. I pray as a blessing to you so that you don't say confusing things to others. So you can not be confused when others say it. So that maybe some of the things that you have scratched your head about. You might find a new appreciation for her and apply it to your life in a beautiful way, as a child of God, which is why I love that. We're going to begin and week number one with a confusing thing that Jesus said, probably not with the intention of confusing but it caused confusion. Jesus is going to use a phrase with a man who was very religious, who was probably well-versed in the Old Testament and he entered into that conversation with some confusion. Like we're going to talk about today, is used as an adjective at times, and sometimes used as a verb, maybe you've heard it. Have you heard someone ever refer to themselves as a born-again Christian? Like, I'm a born again, Christian Some people use that phrase to describe themselves, have you scratched your head. If you wondered, is that biblical, does our pastor speak that way, is it Lutheran's? What does it mean? Or maybe you've heard it as a verb. I've been born again. Like an action has taken place.

And I pray it and hope that today as we unpack it, as we hear Jesus say it, we can learn from him in the Bible about the truth. God would have us appreciate and apply of what this phrase means so that you are not confused but you actually celebrate the truth that the Bible gives to us about this phrase and cannot be confused any longer, but be appreciative of all that it is and to really appreciate it for what it is. To apply it properly, to not be confused. I want to give you the context. It's John chapter 3 maybe one of those famous chapters in all the Bible because of verse 16 but what leads up to it as an amazing, interesting conversation from taking place between Jesus and a man named Nicodemus. Here's what transpires as God inspired John to record it.

There was a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling Council. He came to Jesus at night and said, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher, who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him now. There's a whole lot in there before we go on to the verse and the phrase like Nicodemus was a member of the ruling body of the Jews, a member of the Sanhedrin, the special 70, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, who were the religious leaders of his day and age. This is Nicodemus, he's one of them. So he's a religious man, in general. He's a member of the Pharisees. But I would tell you that he was confused spiritually. I would also tell you that, I don't necessarily know if he had faith in God at this point. You can tell that by his question because the Jordan River that where the Pharisees do in the minute Jesus came on the scene, questioning him, trying to discredit him, they look down on him, like they tried to undermine him in his ministry. When Nicodemus saw with his eyes, Was opposed to what he was hearing from his friends and his fellow ruling Fitness members of the Sanhedrin.

Like Jesus, Nicodemus says, we know you're a teacher, you're a powerful teacher. We've seen you at work, who has come from God? No one could perform the signs you are doing. If God we're not with him. Like what Nicodemus is seeing his eyes is confusing him because what he's hearing from his friends and others, is that Jesus is not God, but what Nicodemus was seeing was he's doing God things.

And so Nicodemus wanted to get answers but he didn't want to get discredited. So he came at night under the cloak of Darkness to hopefully get some insight because he was confused. And Jesus follows up those words with this. Very truly, I tell you. No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. How can someone be born when they are old Nicodemus ass like probably a long gray beard? He had been up there for his numbers are up there age-wise. Like Nicodemus heard Jesus say it, but he didn't understand it. He was confused. Surely, they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born like I don't think that would work Jesus. Like I know.

Jesus answered very truly. I tell you. No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit Flesh gives birth to flesh. But the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. Some experts have said being born again. The translation possible could be born from above a different birth. You should not be surprised at my saying. You must be born again. See, here's the aha moment. Nicodemus, was a religious ruler. It is damaged Nicodemus, would have been trained inside and out on the Old Testament Scriptures, Nicodemus would have known very clearly that the Old Testament taught that outside of a relationship with God. Side of God. You are spiritually dead, King David, someone they loved and would have modeled their faith. After King David said, surely I was sinful from birth since over the time my mother conceived me. The Old Testament is filled with passages that when it comes to being in a relationship with God on her own, we are dead. Like what Jesus saying, Nicodemus should have understood from the perspective of spiritual truths that that he had been taught?

Because here's the rub.

Jesus had to say flesh gives birth to flesh but the spirit gives birth to Spirit. See Nicodemus had been taught, had been trained and probably, sadly, believed that the reason why he was a member of the kingdom of God, is because his passport has been stamped with the family tree of Abraham. Like Nicodemus had heard and learned that the because he was an Israelite, because he was a Hebrew, because he was a descendant of the 12 tribes of Jacob him, and God were good.

He thought it was because of the flesh that he had the genetic code that was passed on to him that he was going to get into the kingdom.

And Jesus’ words were very clearly aimed at a man who believed this and Jesus wantedd to know you must be born again. Flesh gives birth to flesh. Like Nicodemus, the path you think that leads to heaven. The fact that that you are part of Abraham's family tree and you're and you're using your biology to be your get into heaven free card is not true. You should not be surprised that. Saying You must be born again. The wind blows wherever it, pleases, you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it's going. So, it is with everyone born of the spirit. Like this happens invisibly. This isn't visible and physical. This is spiritual and invisible.

How can this be still scratching his head? Still confused? Jesus is gonna go on. “And Jesus said you are Israel's teacher and do you not understand these things?”

Like, it should be clear but your heart is clogged. You're confused.

So it doesn't shock me that it's confusing. When Christians say I'm born again or might ask someone, are you born again? And you might be confused or when someone labels themselves as a born-again Christian you might wonder. Well, what does that mean? Where did that come from? Oh, well, here's the thing, I want you to see and I want to unpack the fact that Jesus used the terminology the fact that it's biblical and comes out of his mouth. It's actually one of only two times that the phrase is found in the Bible. You heard one read before by Jake from 1st.

Chapter 1 Jesus used it two times here. That's it. That's the list. And you, Jesus makes it very clear and gives us some insight about this phrase that will help you appreciate it and we'll help you apply it. So let's look at the phrase in and of itself with the context. Now, being shared, the person that he's speaking to Jesus replied. Very truly, amen. Amen. The truth. Truth. No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. Like Nicodemus what you think gets you in? Does not, you must be born again.

No one. In other words on the opposite side, everyone must be born again.

Like flesh gives birth to flesh. The DNA that you have the genetic code that your parents passed on to you is great, but you must be born. Again, the spirit gives birth to Spirit The Invisible. Here's truth. Number one about the phrase to help you. Not be confused. The reality is being born again, According To Jesus own lips, the Son of God, who does not lie being born again, is essential. It is a must for a person must be born again.

To which Nicodemus asked the right question? How my has confusion caused me to think. My mom can't burst me again and moms are like, saying I don't want to like to know.

So, how like Nicodemus in his religion, religious upbringing of the Pharisees would have thought of what do I need to do? Give me the checklist. Like, what do I have to apply for? What class do I have to go to? What things do I need to do in order to be born again then? Like, give me the list so I can do it so I can earn my way into heaven. No being born again is not a thing that you do or you or me.

So, how like, if I must be born again, but I can't do anything to be born again. Now we’ll go back a few chapters to John, chapter 1 and John makes it very clear about how one is born again. How one can be a part of the kingdom of God’s will? How one can get on the inside of the Kingdom? Be a part of that family have the security. Have the protection, have the Peace of being a part of the Kingdom. Like Jesus paints that picture. Like you got must be born again to be inside the walls in order to receive this.

Purity in order to have the benefits of being a part of God's kingdom. You must be born again. John chapter 1 says, yet to all who did receive him believe in Jesus, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God children. Born not of natural descent nor a human decision or a husband's will like Mom and Dad didn't make a decision to have a baby mom and dad didn't make the decision for you to be spiritually reborn again. Being Spiritually born again is God doing God's work. God's action. Like, God is the one who gives new life. God is the one who makes you His child. We might use that phrase “I'm a Child of God, I'm a member of God’s family.” Literally born again is much the same thing in the waters of baptism. We talked about how God gives New Life, forgiveness of sins and salvation you've been spiritually, born again, Bborn of God.

Like here's the reality about being born again, that spiritual nature. Look at the words of Paul and 1 Corinthians 12. Days people were confused by it. How does this happen? No one can say that Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit.

Like here's the thing to help understand it and apply it to appreciate it. First and foremost, you must be born again. But how Nicodemus's question was, your question should be? How am I, if I must be born again, how does it happen being born again? Its not a you thing. It's not having the right Pastor, to do that thing.

It's a God thing.

It's the Holy Spirit. But Jesus talked about him. The spirit Works. He's invisible. Like just like the wind blows this way or that way, you can't see it. It's invisible, but it's doing its work.

That's what the Holy Spirit does. He creates Faith, he gives Faith through the means of Grace. The gospel found in the Word and the Sacrament of Baptism. The Holy Spirit has made you God's child. The Holy Spirit has made you a member of the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit has given you new life through the power of the Holy Spirit, God's doing. You have been. Every Christian is born again. I mean, the Bible is clear on it. You are born into this world dead and only God can give life, but through the means of Grace. God has given you spiritual life. Born spiritually Born from above. Born again. And now you're like, I'm lit. Not confused about the phrase. I'm just confused about a whole lot of other stuff. Sorry, wait for it next week. I'm just kidding. Like, do you kind of get it?

Maybe you've never heard pastors talk this way. And, and I would tell you your pastors, don't talk this way because there are other churches that talk this way and it's built off of other things that confuse.

But maybe, just maybe, it's about time, we understood it and appreciated it so we could apply it.

See those two truths are real. It's a God thing and it's a must thing. And it happens through the Word, it happens through the work of the Holy Spirit. That's what was read before, from 1st Peter chapter 1, you have been born again. He's referred to those Christians, he's referring to you right now. All who have the gift of faith, all through whom the power of the word the Holy Spirit has brought into a relationship with God. They have faith in God by his doing, you have been born again not of perishable seed, the reality is flesh gives birth to flesh. Like my parents are aging, their bodies are breaking down, they are perishable. My eyesight is horrible. Now, the older I get my body's going to break down, I will die. That's a part of the world in which we live flesh gives birth to sinful flesh, flesh gives birth to flesh that will one day pass away, but not being born again You've been born of imperishable through the living and enduring word of God. It's God's Word at work. The Gospel found in the Word and the sacraments that has created new life. People are like brass, their Glory fades, the grass withers, the flowers fall, but the Word endures forever and that's the word that was preached to you. People 2,000 years ago, that's the Word that's been preached to you. That's the Word that was shared right there, at that baptismal font. I baptize you in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That's God, that's your God. That's the Triune God. The one who promises that in the waters of baptism, you have new life, forgiveness and salvation. The God, who creates hearts in the faith of someone who's never come into contact with that Word. And they believe in then and say, I want to be baptized like the Ethiopian man was. Like, that's the powerful word of God at work. Creating new life born again through water in the Word.

See, here's the truth based on those two truths in order to really apply this in, appreciate this. I want you to understand. This truth being born again, isn't a type of Christian, it's not a special exclusive call Club. It's not a special adjective or verb that certain people get to use. That isn't true of you being born again. Is it the kind of Christian? It's true of every Christian. EVERY Christian.

And if it's true of you that God by his grace has blessed you with the gift of faith, you know what that means to you? You are a member of the kingdom of God. You are on the inside of the walls, you have the security and the peace that comes from a relationship with God. You have the forgiveness of sins, the blood of Jesus has rescued you. You have access to the throne room. The king of Heaven and Earth and he will not swing a sword and chop you down, but he will put his arms around you and welcome you in. That is a part of being born again.

And the Inheritance that you get, Is greater than any riches you would ever receive this side of Heaven. Like being born again, isn't a kind of Christian’s truth. Every Christian, I want you to appreciate that, so that you can apply that like it, maybe, just maybe, put it side-by-side on the chart as the best way to do it like born and born again. They're two different things. When you talk about life, one is physical, one is spiritual. There's no fill-in-the-blanks here, so you're good. Just leave this up on the screen. One’s physical, one’s spiritual, being born into this life means your lungs at work and your eyes open and we'll send effects all those things. Your heart beats. You enter this world and that's physical life. You've been born, the doctor hits you on the back and you start crying.

Spiritual is born again. It's not visible. Unlike the other one is visible. It's invisible. It's spiritual like that life is two different things but about the process, while life is the biological process.

To high school class or maybe eighth grade to learn a whole lot about biology about the reproductive system, and how this works, God designed it in Genesis 1 and chapter 2, when he said to Adam and Eve reproduce like you will reproduce after your own kind. Be fruitful and multiply. It's Biblical but it's biological, it's Godly designed. That's the process. Spiritual also has a process. It's the Holy Spirit at work through the means of Grace. It's not a husband and wife making a decision. Try for a baby and let's have kids. It's the power of the Holy Spirit at work to the means of Grace invisibly at work, through water, through the Word, the Gospel found in the Word and the Sacraments. The Word is the power of baptism. Amazing blessing. It connects something visible that we can see and touch to the amazing blessings of God because the Word is the power, the people. Well, there's some similarity to the people part. When you think about the people, when it comes to being born, you are born into a network of people who hopefully love each other. You're born into a network Mom, Dad. Hopefully, who love each other, maybe siblings, who hopefully love you may be extended family. You're born into a network of people who hopefully love each other and the same is true on the other side. You, when you're born again, you're born into a network of people spiritually who are perfect, But the difference is, they know the love of God and they want that love to be known by you and love you as well.

Even greater is in the people line. God, the Father is not like an earthly father.

Like His love is unconditional, He will always be there, He will never run out on you. He will never treat you harshly. He might discipline you but it's always with love. Like, that's the Father, you're in His presence, you're a part of that family. He's your people. Jesus is your brother. The Holy Spirit is the power source at work in you. Like that's your people because you've been born again.

What about the purpose? Well, the purpose is the same in some ways, right? The purpose of when you're born, the purpose is to grow up mature and eventually get kicked out the door. Like I learned this last week I thought I was empty nesting since my son went away to college, you're not a true empty nester. I was confused until they were all married. Like so until you get all your kids married, you are not truly an empty nester but once you know they're all married. That's your new family. You don't get to live here anymore and they're like, we don't want to live there anymore, right? The purpose is to see them grow up. The purpose is to see them develop from the time of baby is born, like my grandson Jalen when he took his first breath. These four months old now he's chubbier and bigger and stronger and in afew months, he’ll be crawling in two months, he'll be walking and a to watch out. He's going to steal your toys and you're not going to like it, like the goal is to see them mature and grow up, get wise, learn new knowledge, and eventually go beyond their own independence. Spiritual maturity is a part of the purpose as well. God wants you to come to Faith, but not stay stagnant. In your faith. You want you to grow in your faith. We promise, we're going to help bear it and his mom and dad do that for him. God wants you to go with him to spiritual maturity. There's a part of it, that's very similar. But spiritual nature because of the resources. Like the resources to help you achieve your purpose, your parents, put food in the fridge and you get to open the doors. Your parents speak words of wisdom into your life to bless you along the way. There are words of encouragement, there's all sorts of resources, that, that your parents bring into your life to bless you. The spiritual resources, you have the Word of God spiritual resources. You have people of God who have learned and understand the truth to share with you their loads of resources at our information center, but you have the book in your hand, it is the resource, and you know what unlocks for you? Not a refrigerator with amazing food. But filled with amazing spiritual food of trust that they give you the resources of joy and peace and hope in heaven, which is the resources are the riches.

Like you might be lucky and your parents might have a lot when they pass away and leave you an inheritance.

Like God Bless you, that's great.

But not everyone will. Like if God blesses me with 90 years, my kids are gonna be left out feeling sorry because God's blessed me with a full life that probably will run out. Not so with those riches when you are born again, they are yours. When you are born again, they are Eternal. And you are born again that he did not get redeem with gold or silver about the precious blood of Jesus. And the riches of Heaven are far greater than any gold or silver you could ever have, and you want to know what's great about everything on the right hand column, the left-hand column can be all messed up, you might not have a present dad, you might not have a loving mom. You might not have resources now in your life, and you might think of being born has not been so good, but being born again, is amazing and great. If you want to appreciate being born again, apply the amazing truth. You have a father who will never leave you. You have a brother in Jesus who loves you, unconditionally you, you have a god, who's given you all the wealth, and Riches of Heaven.

He wants you to know it and hold onto it. He wants you to get it so you can apply it and this week being born again, so much to appreciate it. Because you were dead in your sins, but he burped and gave you new life. With the kindness and love of God, our Savior appeared, he saved us. Not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his Mercy that spiritual blessings, the riches, the resources, he saved us through the washing of rebirth and Renewal by the Holy Spirit to the power of God's Word, the Gospel work in the means of grace and that in the sacrament of baptism whom he poured on us generously through Jesus Christ. So that having been justified by His grace born again we might be appreciating of what that means. And here's the thing that I loved and when the power of the Holy Spirit is at work, when He creates faith, He keeps working.

That confused man who came to Jesus that night scared, if he was gonna get seen.

Three years later maybe two, He was not scared to be seen at the foot of the cross.

Like the disciples were nowhere to be seen. You know who it was, who was at the foot of the cross, taking the Savior off of it. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Like the confused man was no longer confused. He believed in Jesus. He had been born again.

He appreciated it. And he applied it by showing love to his Savior and bury him properly.

We came to that room confused but somewhere along the way, the amazing power of the Spirit that blew and no one saw it brought that man to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord.

Be born again, just like you. Just like all Christians. It's a must, it's a God thing. And by grace through faith, it's yours and mine.

Confusing Things Christians Say - Week 1 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Broadcast by