Dirty Bible Words - Week 2 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Dirty Bible Words
Week 2 - St. Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Welcome again to week two of our sermon series, entitled Dirty Bible Words.
We started last week with number one and I pray that you're blessed as me.
It's probably the most awkward conversation that I have on a regular basis as a passion, like I scheduled the meeting for the couple to come in at and follow often, do pre-marriage counseling and I know when I'm in that conversation, I'm going to get to a point when we talk about husbands, wives and roles. Let me tell you why it's awkward because I passed her. When I have to try and give an explanation before I give the passage, that is the explanation. I know there's something behind it that is causing me to feel awkward.
Look, it's awkward because when I give couples options, I don't actually go with the, the hymnal version for Christian marriage, that uses the word as, and I give them four or five different options for their vows that do not include it. Because I know that the likelihood of most of the people who are there in attendance if they heard it would be the only thing they remember and bring up later.
I know the awkwardness because when my wife and I were engaged to be married, my classmates loved poking the Bear by mentioning the word to her and saying how, you know, that you're going to submit to this guy. And she can look like that.
A lot of that is due to today's definition, understanding
Like, I can't much blame a lot of the wives who sit in my room when they hear the word and they scratch their head a little bit because if they were to look it up in the dictionary, if they were to Google search it and look at the images, you would see that submission is a word that has definitely changed in today's world, but definitely has a whole lot of different ideas and understandings and It like just for example if you actually Googled the word and then click on images, some of them are PG-13. You might want to be careful but most of them are UFC images. It's like MMA boxing, wrestling. It's a hold in wrestling that basically makes the other person's tap out. I exert my power and my force on you and you cave and you give and for a lot of people, that's the definition they have in their mind, one person in control overpowering another person with force.
Where take, for example, some of you have heard the word submission in regards to an application or an idea at your office. Like, here's the submission process for your application. Someone gets to review it, overlooked it or your idea and they get to decide. Thumbs up, thumbs down on it, you have no power, right? Someone else is in a position of making a choice.
In fact, today's cultural word is not used in the same context of 2000 years ago and God's word.
So whether it's because it's often misunderstood or maybe misapplied, we're going to talk about a little bit in today's world, abused. There's a whole lot of reasons why it's dirty. In the minds of many people.
And so far today, I have a very simple goal. To try and at least understand the word in your mind. I'd like to give you a different perspective, a different thought that while it might still clash with the world in which we live, you might still have questions. At least you'll understand from God's perspective from the Bible's perspective, what God calls us to do, and why? Why? So, maybe it will just put a stone in your shoe and cause you some uncomfortability, make you think maybe raise more questions, which I think you're good.
And so my goal for today is to do three things to cause you to view this word in a different way, to give you a definition that we can work with and help you understand better what God is talking about, the biblical definition to give you the areas of life, the how, what? So, to speak of how the supplies and then give you a little, why behind the Reason God calls us to do. And I'm going to make a statement right up front. This is going to be like drinking from a fire hose. And it's going to be a very shotgun approach as opposed to a rifle approach on submission. Like the goal for today is to understand the word out to give you every application and every area that that your life in which it might involve, if we were to do that we need a five-week series. So we are going to pack all five areas, I'm going to lay it out for you. Where God calls us to submission, maybe Pastor Jim, to be willing to tackle that as a Bible class as an offshoot, because I know from Thursday night already, my wife is hitting me with like five or six questions about specific applications which are all great.
You do not have two and a half hours to sit here and listen to me, talk to me. Well, maybe you do but you're not going to do that. So there's way more on the topic and the specific applications in all the areas. Today's about the word. What does it mean? And the areas God calls us to in the things he'd have us know. What that tells us is to celebrate and understand the world better. And that I promise, I pray, I can do for you today. And to help you do that, like I said, goal number one is to give you a definition and understanding of what this means, from a Biblical perspective. What does the word submit…what is submission, definition wise? I've two ways in which this comes out, you could combine them together but I think they Eight and good, understanding you look it up in the dictionary. You would see this first one and it's this to yield to another's authority or will, Biblically speaking. What that looks like, the Biblical word for submission is to willingly put yourself under another's authority. I don't mind the two words that I had you fill in the blanks for a reason. I want you to focus on them, remember them and hold on to them to really truly grasp the biblical definition of submission.
So willingly put oneself under someone else's Authority. Like the aspect of yielding.
And the importance of willingness.
Literally the two thousand years ago term, the word that Paul was using that Peter was using that's found in the New Testament, is a military term where someone who would go into the military willingly puts themselves under the authority. Those of you who serve in the military, understand the importance of that, the need for them. And so it was a choice. You willingly did it but you're under someone else's Authority and you yield to them.
And maybe there's a good visual for that idea of yielding and willingly do. Doing that will help you understand it. You just imagine if you left church today and you went down, the street, got onto Ballard Road and you drove into town like if there were no stop signs and there were no stop lights. When you're cruising down Ballard and you get to the Northland Avenue intersection, where people are also going 45, you are in for an epic, epic problem.
That someone would stop you.
But I'll stop signs. Without stop life. Without street signs. Like you have disasters?
Well, the city I could prepare, grandparents grew up in my dad, grew up, in City of New Orleans. Many of you are familiar with it has many streets that go north and south and east and west have no street signs like people in the city. Understand you come to an intersection and you all do it. You'd stop and you yield but for us Outsiders who live in Milwaukee and big cities like Appleton like no stop sign, Full Throttle. The best way to visualize it, as what we have experienced over the last several years with The use of roundabouts.
Like whenever you enter a roundabout, if you come into the roundabout at any intersection, all four of them there are yield signs. In fact, I've drilled on one the other day, the Richmond and Northland one. And there's a yield sign here and a yield sign here and yield right in the middle. So you can't miss it. Like if you come into it, you have to yield. And so the authority, the power of the person in the middle. Like they have the right away. They have the ability to continue moving and you need to stop. If you don't, you will cause damage to yourself, your car and maybe hurt the others.
And that's what the purpose of yielding is to someone else's Authority. By definition. My God is we're going to pack, it is going to put it in place like submission are literally biblical yield signs from God. Yield signs from God not in driving on roads, but in navigating life and relationships
Like on the road of life, God wants it to go. Well with us on the road of life, God wants us to be able to thrive and be blessed. Not too. Have the firing bus crash scenario.
So that working definition in mind a little bit of understanding of what God means. I pray that you will take this to heart when we see how God calls for submission in certain areas of life. Because God says this about submission from a spiritual perspective. The wisdom that comes from heaven. So, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, God tells us, spiritual wisdom, Heavenly wisdom. We all want to be wise when it comes to our spiritual life. With God, the spiritual isn't that? God gives through the power of the Holy Spirit is first of all, Sure, there's nothing wrong with it. It is it is wholly. It wasn't that God gives his peace-loving consider it. Submissive. Like Heavenly wisdom, includes being submissive.
Like I did not make this up. Like the 20th century, 21st century pushed back on the word doesn't undo or change the fact that God says Heavenly wisdom. Wisdom, that is of god that produces a fruit that is submissive
Before through faith are people who are peace-loving, consider it full of Mercy. Good fruit impartial, sincere and submissive
And I don't know about you, but I want to be someone who has spiritual wisdom. Like is filled with good fruit and so God's going to give you some ways in which he calls his people to do this.
And just because the culture, definition of today's world doesn't understand it. Misunderstood applies it or, or even abuses it It undo God.
So as we dig into it today with that definition, we're going to see different areas of life. God calls us to submit. There are five of them and then we're going to see some applications for it. I pray that you're blessed and understanding, why behind it? As we already kind of unpack it with the definition. So again, fire hose drinking from it. Here are the five different areas of life that can be part one of today's sermon in which God calls people to submit.
The five differences are also spiritual but they all affect us in our life here on Earth as we live our life for God and the first one is this. When it comes to some Mission, the Bible lays it out and submit yourselves then to God everyone to God. Like, at the top of the list is putting yourself under God. I got the end of time when God returns every knee will bow in heaven on Earth, Believers or unbelievers. Has. It will be revealed to everyone that they are under God. God, God, specifically calls Christians, you and me to put ourselves under God. If you perhaps one an example of of why God calls that or what the reasoning behind it is if you really need one, think of the man named Joe. 437 chapters of his book. We hear the horrible Story the back and forth between his friends. Joe finally gets to a point where like he's he's questioning God calling got out and when you start to read God's words and the first words out of God's mouth are this, where were you when I created the foundations of the Earth? I have authority God. You are under me.
Who Do You Think You Are?
From a spiritual perspective. God has Authority, because he is eternal Almighty. And we also know he is filled with grace and love and mercy, like, put yourself under the God, who is all-powerful and all-loving.
So, I have one of the things we teach, it's called The Ten Commandments, the things God tells us to do and not to do, and God says willingly. Put yourself under these laws, not because I want to be a dictator, but because I want to be at the First new blesses, you and you thrive. Pick any of them? Like the Commandments are not intended to be viewed as negative, but God is guarding something. Good in all of them, like your possessions with number 7, But when you put yourself under God and others, put themselves under God and don't steal other people's possessions, steal from their employers, steal from their peers. All possessions as gifts from God. Things go good.
Everyone to God. Like it's at the top of the list for a reason because all the other ones will fall under it. Them it's vitally important. If we don't yield to this one, you know, the disasters that can happen in life. Do you spiritually, relationally, physically, emotionally?
Number two. As we continue to Journey Through the Bible, like I said, drinking from a fire hose, forgive me is citizens to their government. Romans 13 is one example. We read one from First Peter, chapter 2. Let everyone be subject to the governing Authority for there is no Authority, except that which God has established authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently whoever Rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted Those who do so will bring judgment on himself. It's necessary to submit to the authority is not only because of possible punishment, but also as a matter of conscience, it's not just about being fearful of the law. I thought they might have clicked on you, but it's a matter of conscience. Like willingly putting yourself under the government as a call from God, God established authorities. And I'm not here saying every Authority that has ever existed on the face of planet Earth is good and godly. But look at the examples of God's people in the Old and New Testament, who willingly put themselves under some really despicable Wicked rulers. And they willingly did it like Daniel. Like he took a heathen name.
Those people and rulers and Babylonians most likely make him a eunuch. Like he put himself almost under every last thing that they called him to do willingly. The same is true in examples of the New Testament with the Apostle Paul. He went through the system even though he was wrongly accused the whole way. Willingly.
History and time, the reality of ungodly Kings among Godly rules, it's still it's God, who has allowed for them to be in that position. It is still God who oversees that God could swoop in at any time and up, turn up and Kingdom and set up a new one. He's done it before because he's the one who establishes the overseas and he's in power and control. But he calls you and me in this life
Like, in regards to things like taxes and laws and rules for her good. You might not like every one of them, you have to agree with all of them but you still have to put yourself under those in authority.
Number three. Why this one little tweak from culture and time? But employees to their employers,
Like in the old and the New Testament times, the basic way things operate it, as you were, either a toner or a slave like the boss, the employer had people who worked for him under him on his lands on his property. That's really what is going on. That doesn't happen as much in our world today, but some of the applications are still the same. There are people at your work or work in authority. They've been entrusted with the right to make decisions and enforce decisions. On the basis of what is good for the company in their opinion. And this one's really hard at times because you might think, you know more than the boss, you might have better education than the boss. You might be smarter than the boss, but you know what, you're not the boss.
I was here first but I still believe Pastor Bill, Jim like it. Michael might be smarter than me. Might have better education than me. But there are still people who are from a chain of command and Authority.
And God says, in reverent fear submit yourselves to your masters employers. Not only those who are good, don't do it just because they're good and nice people. Don't you get along with even the ones who are harsh.
Which is hard. Number four is probably the one most people think of what the word submit, why it is a really dirty word. Wives submit yourselves to your husband's as is fitting to the Lord. In this relationship that God has instituted at creation, that this foundational relationship of life. God puts in place because God is a god of order, puts order and says wives, willingly submit to your husbands. As he gives husband's the responsibilities of spiritual leading their homes for their families. Their wife, their kids. Now the relationship of marriage is unique because the things both are called you are really kind of the same thing, put yourself under but submission and Authority are different. One has been called to lead and ultimately be accountable for decisions.
Last one. Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their Authority because the heat walked over you. As those who must give an account, this one is Christian's you. To their pastors and church leaders. Leaders like me Pastor Jim and Pastor Bill, maybe the teachers in your classroom. People who have been called up to be spiritual leaders. Those have been chosen such as Fear the church make decisions. These Christians are as the Apostle Paul. Most people believe who wrote these words, but maybe not. It's God that inspired them to submit to their Authority. They must because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account when your pastors are spiritual leaders, declare spiritual truths and they line up with God's word with yourself under them, make a few declarations. The first one is this. See if you can go back to the list. So I can see all five of them up there at once. If you can fill in that blank, If you're anyone outside a number one, now let us apply to God if you're at the second blank. If there's an important element, when we talk about submission to at least call out the people who are in authority, If you have the power and the circle, And others are yielding.
To you, God would call you to lead in a Godly way.
Like husbands, love your wives as Christ. Loved the church.
Spiritual Authority and Leadership Love. Like, Jesus loved you. You, so they see that love.
Fathers are you are in your home and you have authority lead like the father
It gives every good and gracious gift from a boat. Like have the Eternal spiritual, emotional physical, well-being, of everyone who sits around your Keep in mind. If you are an employer, remember what Jesus talked about for Servant leadership. We model for the disciples in the upper room, what it looks like to have authority and leave humbling. If you're in the government or position, Rule like the ruler of Heaven and Earth. What most people have and loves peace.
Like, I need to say that upfront. Me this, this topic is very aimed at areas of Labor, room, put ourselves under. But if you've been put in a position where you're over, Lead like Jesus leads, like God leaves lovingly, human humbly all those things, make it go well when people are yielding abused and misused people start running yield signs.
The second thing, if you're a kid, was here today, notice, you're not on the list. Because nowhere in the Bible, does it say children submit to your parents? Willing to put yourself under kids. The Bible tells you to obey your parents in the Lord that it's not necessarily a yield sign. It more like a stop sign. But you are under them. Not willingly putting yourself under them and that relationship at that time in your life, you're under. Steer that model clear. And the third one I want to probably say because some of you right now are looking at this going, this is really convenient for you, Pastor.
Number five, not only am I a pastor, I'm really a master. So I have people under me at work. So I'm kind of like an employee or in many respects that from the people I work with. I'm a husband. Like it. A lot of them replying to me.
Sometimes being the one who's on the other side of the column, doesn't make it any easier. I got to be held accountable. People are in those positions. Like I desire to do them. Well, I pray that God gives strength to lead like Jesus with lead, but the truth is I'm still a son. I still have people over me here at church and in our Synod and I wonder God, we're all in the same boat in different areas of life that these apply and God doesn't want to be dirty but he wants us to understand the why with that blood before we get there I think we should have packed why it's hard because you looked at the list of one of them,
Hits you the wrong way. It does roll on the day of 21, 22, 23. Like, I mean, how many of you like number two, Maybe at work right now is not going well. Why is it that it's so hard? Sometimes we don't do it and we push back on it. Well God really tells us another place where he uses the word submit. You really apply to the human heart. Look at these words from the book of Romans, if you Want to better understand it, the Mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law nor conducive spiritually speaking. I don't want to yield to God. Like if there's anything about our current culture, and our 21st century World, why do people think this word is dirty? Because what this world believes at the top of American mindsets is, I'm the boss. I'm in charge. I call the shots. You can't tell me what to do, follow your heart, do your own thing. Like, all those things are in play, why do we want to push back? Why do we repeal? Why don't we much like the word. Why is it so dirty? Because our heart,
Human Nature. So kids rebelling against parents. That's why employers and employees have conflict. That's why citizens and their government have tension. It's why in the home? This is difficult and challenging. It's hard to put oneself under
I think the first step in the word is too. Maybe make the admission today that gets dirty because we are spiritually.
Even at that, wisdom, that is spiritual from Heaven. To be submissive requires humility.
Like, if God put up these yield signs and God is good.
My heart isn't always good because it's sinful and the issue isn't God. And the word at issue is me and my heart.
And because I know firsthand.
When it comes to people over me in our church structure and time when they make decisions and do things that I don't necessarily know, right? Or I don't like or have a different opinion but it's not ungodly.
Same is true when it comes to the government.
So as I examine my heart, how do I get it in the right place? This gospel. These fields that sign up for a reason. Let's see, why? And see if you have other things you have us remembered. 2. First one is this when it comes to biblical submission, all five of those on the list that yielding that's done willingly, it is Godly, and it's for our good. God says in Proverbs, trust in the Lord, with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, don't prop yourself up with your own.
Brain is literally the visual of that passage. Like, you problem off up against the wall, don't use your understanding to be the thing that holds you up and said, let God's word and what he says. Hold you off in all your ways, submit to him, put yourself under him willingly and he will make your paths straight. You know what God wants for you and for me he wants us to get from point A this life to point B life with him in the street as possible path, doesn't it won't be without challenge. It doesn't mean it won't be without slowdowns. It doesn't mean it won't be without all sorts of other things along the way. But from point A to point B, if we willingly put ourselves under him, it will go well with us twice. These children will be your parents in the Lord. This is the first prompt command with the promise. He may go well with you. Like when husband spiritually, like God has called and wives willingly submit a thriving Place with Jesus at its Center when When we put ourselves under in these different areas of life, we get from point A to point B, but when we'd eat you or don't do it, you see how far off the path, we get difficult and challenging that will be Like, you can burn through.
Like, you can burn through. And I pray that in our relationships, we can willingly. Look, it's not a bad thing. It's not a dirty thing, healed. And that those in Authority for in this room can lead, like Jesus lives, so that we can have blessed people with thriving homes and lives not ones that crash.