Dirty Bible Words - Week 4 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Dirty Bible Words
Week 4 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Welcome again to week 4 of “Dirty Bible Words”. We've talked about forgiveness, submission doctrine and today we're going to look at word number four. If you've missed the first three, if you are guest or visitor with us, if you want to check them out, you can find them on our YouTube page at St. Peter or the CORE. We have different sermons from both locations. We livestreamed it for you to be blessed by those messages. As I pray you are today. Last Sunday after church and going home and taking a nap, I boarded an airplane and flew to Columbus, Ohio to visit my parents. And on that trip from first Appleton in Chicago and then Chicago to Columbus on that, second flight, I started to think about today's sermon and today's word. I didn’t have anything to write with my bags were all packed and above and stored away down below. As I do, what any person would do in today's world, I took out my phone and I opened up notes and I started typing. Like I didn't want to lose the thoughts. I had some really great ideas. I was going to work on the sermon during some of my down time at home and as I started typing and look to the person sitting next to me and she had her phone out like this. I'm just going to angle it toward me and I have my phone, like this seems kind of angled toward her. And that's when I realized over the next few minutes, what made today's word, so dirty. Like three things. Like the first thing was, when I started typing, I realized that when you write a note that the first thing that happens is they put it in bold, big letters at the person sitting next to, you can read it and so instead of writing dirty bible words, hell. I wrote dirty words league four.
I didn't want her to see what I was writing about. And then every bullet point down below that was making it, I scrolled up quickly so she couldn't see all the notes and everything that was going on because I don't want to offend her. And here's the kicker, the ultimate thing that put over the top, the first time I wrote today's word down it literally added an apostrophe. Like my phone auto corrected from hell to he will. Because I see no one would take that word. That's got to be the word. That, that was a dirty word. This word is a very used word, right? And that's when I knew. While for a 51 year, old Bible card-carrying Christian who's heard the word talked about? The word was told by his parents, never to use the word, but never really thought of as a dirty word that all of a sudden, it became clear to me that in today's world. There must be something with it that he caused, even a pastor to not want someone sitting next to them to see them typing about it, right? I don't want to be questioned. I don't want to get into a deep conversation, I just wanted to work and land in Columbus and have some notes for the next day, when I got there. I want my notes that I had typed was get sets on hell. Like, what do people believe about it?
And that kind of opened my eyes as to why it's probably a little bit more dirty of a word today than it ever has been. Like 20 years ago or another does religious surveys and religious pools found out from statistics. That 70% of people believed in hell, that it was a literal place and a place of punishment. Less than believe in heaven, but, but nearly three quarters of American society believe in hell as a literal place.
Now, 15 years later in 2016 that had gone down by 10%. Like 60 percent of people born in a barn, a now acknowledges a literal place but, 40% aren't sure, or definitely, don't believe in it. Fast forward to 2020 to the latest survey Barton did on the topic and you're down to 50.
Like in a matter of less than 20 years of American History, 20% less people believe that hell is a literal place.
The statistics don't lie. It's probably why it's a dirty, danced around word in religious circles and in relationships.
And then you look at our culture in our world today and there's probably not just statistics, not just our own living proof like I've endured of life. It's probably dirty, but let's just be honest.
Like most people believe hell is a place for a few. Select people who are really bad.
Like the serial rapists, the mass murderers, the worst dictators in all of history, right? Like, I hope there's a place for people like that, but most people don't go there. I won't go there. Which made me think of why perhaps, it's a dirty word. Because to you and to me, it's dirty because we don't want to believe that that good people, that we know that people in our lives could possibly end up there. I mean, the truth is, most people in America, don't believe anyone goes there.
Like I've never once read in obituaries that said that person was the most awful person ever. They're in a worse place. And they deserve it.
I mean, a lot of obituaries that are they were good person.
And they're in a better place now.
But the Bible says, “Narrow is the path that leads to heaven and few will find it.”
And so I'm glad that today's list made the word made the list. Because we live in a world in a culture that defines how you get to heaven and and who ends up in hell so differently than how the Bible describes it.
As I guess, if you're new here, I understand you're going. He's going there. Yes. I'm going there because our church and our members need to go and hear about this word. Because, like I said, before, 11 of the 13 times, you find it in the Bible. They're found in the Gospels.
Like a lot of people say, hell's the made up thing, the church has come up with their own definition. It's a scare tactic to course you to live a certain way, 11 out of the 13 times. The word is used. It's in the gospels. The gospels are about the life, the ministry and the message of Jesus Christ. His teachings, eleven of the Thirteen times, the word hell is used in the Bible. It is spoken from the lips of Jesus Christ. Not Peter, not Paul, not his disciples, who could be accused of making something up to scare the world. Know, the one who came into the world, God himself, uttered, the word talked about the teaching of it,
And we do well, the Bible says to listen to him.
So today it would I want to do for you for this. Dirty word is answer for difficult questions. Like to help you have some answers on the word. Hell literally, what is the Bible's teaching and Doctrine on hell? Second, I want to answer the question and wrestle with the concept of hell and a loving God, like one of the greatest arguments against hell is a lot of people say. I can't believe in a god, a loving, God would send anyone there. I want to answer. Help you see that question through a different lens. How would God have us? Answer it? Third. I want you to be able to answer very clearly and understand very clearly. What is it? Why does someone go there? What is it that causes someone to end up in hell? And and why doesn't someone end up there? And forth. I just want to be answer the question what this means for you. What's the action item? What would God want you to take away on such an important topic? That Jesus spoke about it more than anyone else ever? And he spoke about it more than just about anything else.
So, lets listen to Jesus to help answer the first question unless you're five passages with you from Jesus own lips. About what is hell, what is the doctrine biblically speaking of hell, Jesus Christ, utter the words, what does the bible tell us now? Pastor, Tim not his church, but what does Jesus himself? Say to us on the topic. Here's what Jesus says, I tell you, my friends do not be afraid of Those Who Kill the body. And after that can do no more, They can literally take your life but after that, they can't take anything else. But I will show you them, you should fear. Fear Him, who after your body has been killed, has a thrower authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you fear Him. Now, the context of this passage Luke 12, you can look it up. Later is basically this verse 1 we're told of the scene there's a crowd of thousands gathering around Jesus verse 2. He turns to his disciples, his 12 speaks directly to them even though others are in earshot and probably heard it. And he said, watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees. Like their unbelief. If a little bit gets in, it could end up corrupting your soul. He then says these words. Don't be afraid of the person who can take your life, no fear the one who can and has the ability to determine and will determine where you go in. Eternity, and what follows it is, simply this. The why? Behind the what of Jesus statement is the Birds Jesus says to his disciples are, you'll be persecuted. They will arrest you. They will put you in jail and use some of you will die because of your faith. Which is why Jesus says, I want you guys to know it's going to be hard in the moment when someone comes after your life, threatened your life tells you to zip your lips to save your life here on Earth, it's going to be tempting, don't fear them fear. The one who has the ability and will determine where you spend eternity
Because Jesus knew that James shortly, after he ascended into heaven, was going to be beheaded by those Pharisees. And he didn't want to back down. Because he knew eternity was at stake for James. He loved James.
So Jesus made it very clear that there will come a time when if someone takes someone's life after that, it's not the life to worry about its eternal life, and God determines it, or look at some of Jesus other words and teachings on the topic. Matthew 5, it's better for you to lose one part of your body, than for your whole body, to go to hell in The Sermon. On the Mount, he is facing pointless. If your hand causes you to sin, Like and you can't control it and you can't stop it. It'd be better for you to cut it off, then have your full body end up in hell, like lose your hand here, so you don't lose your life for eternity. Like it's extreme, there's better ways to do it. Come talk, your pastors will help you walk you through it but fights in together. But Jesus point was it be better for you to lose a part of your body here than to burn in hell for eternity? He'll Jesus said where the worms that eat them. Do not die and the fire is not quenched.
Clenched his face. You 25? Not first Peter to then they will go away into Eternal punishment. You heard me read it before hell. And besides all this between us and you a great Chasm has been set in place so that those who want to go from here to you. Cannot nor can anyone crossover from there to us the story of the rich man and the poor Lazarus. Abraham speaking to the rich man in Hell. Who said Abraham send someone back to tell my brothers and sisters about hell and how bad it is. So they don't end up here.
When you put all those together, Jesus, his own lips, the Bible, God's word gives us for takeaways on the doctrine of hell. And some of them apply to both heaven and hell. But today specifically were talking about this word. Hell, first of all, from Jesus own lips from all those statements is real, like their religious Scholars that say, well, the words are confusing. We don't translate them. Well, Whether we get the translation perfectly sometimes, the word for hell is Gehenna. The valley that was in and outside of the city, you know what the valley of Gehenna was outside of Jerusalem, the place where they threw their garbage and was constantly on fire and burning
So, it's kind of fitting that people would refer to it as a visual illustration of the ultimate punishment of hell. God like you, but it doesn't sound like it was a great smell.
Jesus says every better for you to die here but not die. Eternally because at one point, God will call the shot and can send you to hell. It's better to cut off your hand and end up in. Hell, there will be a day when Jesus returns and judges everyone and sends some away. Cursed, are you into Eternal punishment? Hell. Hell is real. According To Jesus own lips. You might not like it, it might be hard and difficult that a teaching, you might think it's a dirty word and should never be uttered. But Jesus uttered it for a reason because it's real Take up your argument with him, not with pastor Tim.
Point two. Hell is a reality after one dies. Like you've heard the phrase. I'm going through hell like I'm enduring hell on Earth. Like life can be bad, really difficult. You can be going through, horrible pain and horrible suffering. And when someone uses the illustration, they're talking about how bad it is, how hard it is. It is not hell, it's broken, it's messy. It's Ugly. But there is no such thing as hell on Earth. Earth is not hell. It's a place where sin is. Hell is a place where sin is punished.
Hell is a reality after one dies, hell is a reality for eternity.
Point number three, where the worm doesn't die, where the fire never goes out Eternal punishment. Fear the one who can kill the body eternally.
Look, I need you to hear this, the world. Maybe thinks the word is dirty because of this but hell is really awful. It is really awful.
Like I know how painful just a small minor first degree burn. Can be how long it can last. Like you know what, fire does two things. It destroys it. Like your house catches on fire. It'll take it down to the foundation leaving nothing behind. If the fire department get there, like fire is destructive and painful and it burns things up but the fire of hell does not stop burning. It goes on and on
At the end of the day. What makes hell. really awful is God, isn't there.
Like the rich man. He pleaded with Abraham to send somebody back as he didn't want his family to end up there.
Because he knew there was no way out of there for him. When Abraham said no they got the word of God in the prophecies. Like can you just dip your finger in some cool water to quench my tongue for just a second because this is awful.
And sadly, we don't do justice to turn the Bible doctrine of hell. When what we send around our gifts and images of Satan dressed up in a costume giggling and ha ha ha.
Like, it's fine and don't say it's sinful in itself, but our world things, it's dirty. When we talk about be an awful because a lot of people, look at the Devil and go, he's a lot of fun.
And finally, hell, eternity, heaven and hell is under God's Authority.
Like God calls the shots on, at the end of the day and splits them up sheep and goats God's. The one who sees the heart, God's the one, who is the determining Factor? The one who makes the decision on where someone ends up that's clear teaching of the Bible, when it comes to Eternity God's in control of it, when it comes to Hell, God designed and created it for the devil and the evil angels who rebelled God has designed and created heaven as an inheritance for those who are believers in him. Eternity Heaven and Hell where people end up all the things that they are are under God's Authority.
As much as we would like to thank and partly why it's a dirty word, I would guess. It's because people don't like that, God calls the shots.
On Heaven and Hell. And who goes? Where
So it's God's The Authority as hell, is really awful. If it's what happens after one dies, if it is real and we need to get the answer to the next question, right? Because they're still going to be some pushback from people, why it's probably in our world that ain't culture. One of the dirtiest words, people love that God is love Well, that shirts teaches and says. That there's a place called hell that God will send people to. They don't understand how that's possible. How can a loving God send anyone to an awful place? I won't ask for a show of hands because some of you probably believe that or think that It's the wrong question.
It's not a fair question.
It doesn't really understand God.
And to really see the answer to that question. How could a, loving God send anyone to Hell? Could God sending people to help be loving? I want you to look at this verse, you probably never thought you'd hear John 3 verse 16 and of sermon on hell did you? For God. So loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Like, when someone asked the question, how could a, loving God, send anyone to hell? I want you to remember. And think of the right question, what did a loving God do? So that no one Would have to go to hell. He sent his son.
Like Adam and Eve. Fell. The sin that Adam and Eve had committed has been passed on to you and me the wages of sin is death. What you and me and all people deserve is hell.
I don't like hearing that you don't want to hear that, but the truth is, that's the truth of what we deserve for sin, for born with it. We can't do anything about it. We're dead in. It were condemned in it. And so a loving God sent his son so that you and I might be saved so that the world might be saved
Like a loving God sent his son. So that that wasn't going to be the case. Because he wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
And I bring that up three times over in there. What a loving God did he he didn't send Jesus in to condemn the world, but to save the world. Whoever does not believe stands condemned already.
It's not that God sends anyone to hell. God, declares the final judgment but unbelief. A person's rejection of God.
Because a person, whoever you notice, the focus is on the person. Not God, whoever does not believe stands, condemned person who doesn't believe in God is condemned. In fact, I would argue with you that The fact that God makes the final declaration and does send people ultimately to hell.
Because they don't believe in what nothing to do with him. Is is actually loving God will not coerce you or twist your arm into believing He won't force himself upon you. He sent his holy spirit to Break Down The Walls of your heart, he Longs for like Jesus longed for the Israelites to come back to God but But when they were not willing he wept but he did not make them. God does not coerce anyone into faith. He sends the Holy Spirit who works through the word of God. But if someone Rejects and does not care. If someone lives in unbelief and doesn't follow God's word,
God eventually like he says in the Book of Romans, lets them go.
Because that's what they choose.
Like the question is wrong.
Like I challenge you to think through long and clear, someone ever says that if you think it, how can a loving God, send that good person. That's not what saves good people. Because here's the truth. You and I are in no different boat than Than all people who don't believe in reality. Every person is deserving of hell. Like Jesus statement when he gives the laundry list of all the things that were evidence in Matthew chapter 25. You didn't do this. You didn't do that. There are times my friends, when you and I have not done that. Which would make us guilty, right?
Like, there are times when I intentionally don't help people.
Like, if the record of sins that God says, are things that exclude you from the kingdom of God, you will not inherit the kingdom of God, those who slander those, who get angry, those who have lost or sexually immoral, those who gossip those who, you know, the list could go on covers, just about everything in the few places, the Apostle Paul talks about it. Like no offense. I check all the boxes.
Like anger, yes. selfish, yes; lust sure, perfect husband. And father, I'd like to say I've hit that box but no check Like, All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Like, when it comes to hell, all of us deserve it. Like, when we point the finger in the direction of others, See that through the lens that if it was not for the only answer to hell one does not end up there, it is not because you are a good person or a better person or you carried a card Pastor, Tim for 51 years as a Christian.
Because those verses condemn me and you and everybody else. So how could it possibly could hear the other statement when Jesus stands before all people the end of time? Let's look at the next set of verses. So that we hear what?
Then answered God. Just to eternal life will be our answer.
See, here's filling in the blank. Sorry, I didn't do this before. What condemns? Why does someone go to health sin condemns you to help? Unbelief. Unrepentant sin like sin condemns be not deceived. God is Not mocked sin, will condemn, you to Hell sin condemns all to hell. So, how does one not end up there? If all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? The thief on the cross. Knew the answer. Like the thief on the cross understood fearing. God. Remember what Jesus said before, fear the one who at the end of time can make the ultimate determination of where you go, like, he was in the process of losing his Earthly life. And here's what he had to say to the other criminal he rebuked him. Don't you fear God? He said, since you are under the same sentence, we are punished justly for we are getting what our Deeds deserve like, he knew that because of his sin, he was dying. He knew that their crimes, he committed were heinous and Durable. He knew that the people jeering were excited about what he was getting. And he also knew that the one next to him did not deserve it for whatever reason by the power of the holy spirit in that moment, maybe over the course of dealing with his sentence. And thinking about that day, he got real with God, he got down on his knees and he saw in Jesus Christ, The God Who had come to rescue him. He knew who he was. In that moment he he declares that he believes in him. Remember me, when you come into your kingdom, like Jesus? I know, I don't deserve it. I'm getting what I deserve. You don't the only way I can get there. The only way I can end up there is if you If you remember me. To which Jesus said today, you will be with me in Paradise. Sin condemns to Hell. Unbelief, rejection of God, unrepentant sin.
But Jesus saves you from hell.
Like, it's what I wish I would have thought of When I had my moment of this is a dirty word.
Like what if she would have seen the word hell and asked, why are you writing about that?
Because I know Jesus who came so that that I won't end up there.
Because there's a place that God has made. And Jesus is the only way to get there. It's called Heaven. It's called eternity. God wants that for all. So, I'm preaching on that because
When Jesus talked about hell, I want you to think about this. Why would Jesus be the person who speaks the word ninety percent of the time? Because he knew how bad it was. He knew what it was designed to do punish the devil and his angels. He knew that God didn't want you or me or anyone to go there. And he knew the only way that we wouldn't go there as if he went to the cross. And endure the very pain of Hell being separated from God. So that you and I might be saved.
Like you look at the cross of Jesus Christ, when you listen to the words of Jesus that God so loved the world that he sent his son like when the conversation of Hell comes up, You can't Overlook the love of God. And you always need to come back to the fact of the only way to be saved is 25 grace through faith. It's not because you're good, it's not because you carried the card for 50 years. It's not because you came to church on a regular basis. It is only because of the blood of Jesus, that you've been rescued from all your sins. That hell is not your destination that heaven is Jesus saves Us From Hell.
Which is why I'm going to leave you with one last fill in the blank and and put something on your heart. I'll ask question that I'm not going to answer for you but I pray that the holy spirit will work on your heart and lead you in the right direction when it comes to Eternity. Like if the doctrine of hell is real. If the reality is that God, so loved the world that he sent his one and only son that what it is? That condemns, what we all deserve is hell because of our Sin. But because of Jesus faith in Jesus saves Unbelief in unrepentant, sin lead to hell. But faith. In Jesus says when when it comes to Eternity one or the other, what One Believes affects how one behaves
I use that last week but when it comes to the doctrine of Eternity Heaven and Hell, what one believes that it's real one is awful, one is amazing. That the only reason we get Heaven. Not hell is because of Jesus Christ and faith in him, all those doctrines all those teaching what One Believes affects how one behaves
And I want to speak to two areas first to you, and then I want you to think about them. Like, if all these things that we talked about today are real, That unrepentant sin, unbelief, following your passions, your desires living in those sins, not turning to God, leads to hell. But I need to speak to your heart today. Like, are there things in your life that you need to get right right now?
Like if you're living a double life, if you're keeping something from God, if you're going down a path of sin and you know, it's wrong. Hell is real and Heaven Is Real. That Jesus will come back one day and you don't know when it is, if the only thing that gets us there is Faith In Jesus. If you're on that path, if you're living a double life, I pray that you will stop and pause and get down on your knees and repent.
And that each and every day. I pray that you and I will be people who are willing to repent. Lord, I've fallen and I have failed if the only way to heaven is through Jesus, who saves to live a repentant life. We won't be perfect. This Side of Heaven, but the God's called us to turn from sin, and go and sin. No more. If there are things in your life, that you need help with encouragement with reach out to us. Expose sin for what it is. Get it out of the darkness.
Because God doesn't want you to end in the dark up in the darkness forever. It's why he sent his son.
And you need to get your heart in the right place with God. But I think it also will affect how one behaves when it comes to others.
Like Paul new, this is good and pleases, God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth that there's one mediator between God and man, the man who came Jesus Christ himself. When it comes to the Go Root, we make excuses, a lot of times to not tell we sometimes convince herself what they're a good person. They might get in, we sometimes say they'll get it right eventually if hell is real and hell is awful. If there are people in your life, who don't know God, if there are people in your life who are down a path of unrepentant sin and you see it and you know it and you care about them build a relationship. Tell them about Jesus. Don't hammer them with the law. Don't lead with hell. But have Heaven and Hell and eternity on your heart. As you think about one is awesome, and one is awful and God doesn't want it for them and maybe, just, maybe you're the one person. Who knows them and can share that with them. That Jesus Christ is the ransom for all that God has saved them.
Hell is a hard word.
Maybe even a dark word.
It's definitely a difficult word. In another world. It's a dirty word but for Jesus. It was an honest word.
Because he knew its reality.
And he wants you to know that he paid the price in full really completely tuned, do not fear. By Grace, you have been saved through faith.
And that the gift of God is eternal life.