Don't Miss Moments - Week 3 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Don't Miss Moments
Week 3 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Welcome to week number 3 of Don't Miss Moments as we journey through the Gospel of Luke. If you've missed the first two weeks and miss those moments, you can find those sermons online. We'd love to have you ketchup week number one, but don't this moment of Jesus baptism the significance of it. And the blessing baptism is for us last week. We've never to the temptation of Jesus in Luke chapter 4 was what we talked about today, week number three, Don't Miss Moment. We're going to talk about it. Recall of Jesus. One of the first Miracles that he performed as Luke records it for us. And to help us get into what we're going to talk about today. The focal point of this, Don't Miss Moments of Jesus' life.
I want you to consider this acronym, the GOAT. I got it with you heard it or not. If you're Green Bay fans, you probably aren't too happy with it. But on Sunday that old dude who lives in Florida decided to come back and play football.
Over and over, and over again, from all of the news networks, both sports and otherwise was that the goat is coming back, the greatest of all time. Now, there's some of you here who just don't like Tom Brady. That's okay. There's others of you here. Think, Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers are greater, but most people would say in argue that what makes Tom Brady, the goat. Is it the seven rings that he wears?
Five more Super Bowl victories than any NFL players ever had, and far more than any quarterback, toughest position in the league. He has produced over and over and over again. The debate rages in all sorts of different sports and areas of life. Who is the greatest? Like, Tom Brady makes it really hard when you consider winning 7 Super Bowls. But if you're a basketball fan, you understand that greatness? And the greatest of all time is debatable right based on your generation. You probably believe that someone different than the person next to you thinks about who's the greatest.
Years old, my generation of basketball is the 80s and 90s. And so Michael, Jordan is the greatest of all time. But if my son was here, he would get into a very strong argument and be very passionate about the fact that LeBron is greater. He's more skilled, more talented, more athletic plays, both sides of the ball, has his whole career and teams of actually ganged up against him and forms super team so that LeBron could win. And if you're even older than I am, you probably heard of a guy named Wilt Chamberlain who actually scored 100 points in a game. That's pretty great. Like sometimes the beetle, right? Who's the greatest of all time?
You could talk about different areas of life and greatness. You might think of music and who's the greatest artist. What's the greatest album who's the greatest songwriter of all time? And that might cause a lot of debates in a group like ours at 922 Ministries. If there's one place, I'm not going to go on and work and have a debate on who's the greatest of all time. Presidents of the United States. Like there's probably a fistfight ready to break out right now. And here's the thing about greatness.
A lot of times it's very objective. But sometimes it's very subjective. Like, you can argue the greatest of all time in different sports and different eras. Even if rings aren't what you count. You can subjectively save more skill and more talent didn't have the surrounding cast. Maybe do have that coach. Which makes it really hard in defining greatness. Yes, it's really the question. I want you to wrestle with today, but from a spiritual perspective.
Because we live in a world where people want to know, what greatness is. They have a definition of it in their mind. How do you figure it out? And from a spiritual perspective, baby? There's no other person in history or time. Whose greatness has been more questioned or doubted than Jesus. Like there's skeptics and there were in his day. There's doubters and haters and there were in his day, but there's people who have really wondered in question. And I want to know. Why is he so great? What makes him great. As I propose to you today that I want to help you answer that question when it comes to Jesus. How do you define greatness? And to do that, we're going to dig into Luke chapter 7 and then one of Jesus first miracles. I want to the miracles. That is probably the most defining moment. And when I want to leave you with today. Day, I definition of greatness. When it comes to Jesus that maybe you haven't considered before, maybe you haven't applied before me to tell you see it differently.
And then also, I want you to understand the significance of it. And it's one thing to say, Jesus greets. Another thing in more important thing for you to know why his greatness matters. Hey, Luke chapter 17 will be, we see Jesus performing one of those Miracles that stands out in my opinion above all the others. Now. I know a miracle is a miracle right about some of your goals that Jesus did. Are probably the best examples of what make him and Define his greatness? So Journey with me, two thousand years back in history to a city that Jesus was on his way into to help us. Answer the question. How do we Define greatness in regards to Jesus?
First 11 soon, afterward. Jesus went to a large to a town called nain and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. I'm just stop and pause for a second. If you've read through Luke's gospel are reading plan. If you've been here the last few weeks, Luke chapter 1, and to set the stage for Jesus life. It's about his childhood, Looper courts, more than anybody does. Jesus birth about Jesus as a twelve-year-old about Jesus and his family. Luke chapter 3 is, John the Baptist. And then Jesus baptism. Look for is Jesus in the wilderness. Luke chapters 5 & 6 contain. All sorts of information about Jesus early Ministry, calling to his disciples, some early opposition.
A few Miracles here and there, and some teachings of Jesus. So Luke five and six had to set the stage for Luke chapter 7, people heard about Jesus. Some people have seen some miracles of Jesus. He healed Peter's mother-in-law of fever. He's done some things that stand out that set him apart and people are wondering about who he is and what it means. And she is now is doing what Jesus did for three years straight early. In his ministry, going from city to city, preaching the gospel interacting with people.
Jesus, and his disciples in a crowded has started following his popularity has risen people are maybe seeing some of the greatness are on their way to a city called nain 45 miles, Southwest of Jesus hometown of Nazareth. So, we're up in Galilee. I'll 25 miles away from Jesus home base of Capernaum. So he's in the area where people had started hearing about him. Maybe heard a sermon from him and maybe even see him do something. Miraculous at this point already. And so the crowd along with the disciples are headed to the next destination, where Jesus probably do the same thing, preach the gospel and share the word of who he is and what he came to do. And as they're approaching the city, the Town Gate, a dead person was being carried out. The only son of his mother and she was a widow and a large crowd from the town was with her. We have one crowd of people, moving into the city, a crowd, probably that had different conversations going on in different places.
Like I'm using some in the crowd were talking about the last thing they had seen Jesus do and how amazing it was some other people. Maybe the disciples were having a debate or conversation about the last teachable moment that Jesus had just delivered and what his message really meant. Others might have been laughing and smiling celebrating. How people were seeing Jesus and maybe they just talked about the don't miss moment that they just saw. But that noise, that laughter that joy quickly dissipated.
Because as they were going in another large crowd was going out.
And a lot of times a large crowds are leaving City, it was because they were carrying a dead person. Like, in the city of Appleton today, there are a whole lot of funerals that take place. Go to cemeteries that are in the city limits, but in Jesus day. He did bury people in the city. You took them outside the city walls. And so, the joy and laughter was quickly met with the weeping and sadness and devastation.
In fact, this don't miss a moment of Jesus life began with something that all of us would say it was a moment. We all like to miss.
Is anyone in every one is ever lost someone? They love understands? There's nothing great about that.
In fact, you probably say, I wish I never had to do that. And if you've done that, you probably went through it, even though there's a part of the, it said, I wish I didn't have to,
And perhaps the worst part of What Jesus and his crowd encountered was a crowd of people?
With a woman who had lost her husband and now her only son.
Perhaps the worst.
But you know what people say in our world today. The worst thing that could happen to anyone is to outlive their kid.
Like to bury one of your own. I've seen it experience that all our pastors have to walk alongside somebody who's doing that. The heartache, the pain, the loss.
Is all the worst.
And that's the stage for the don't miss moment. They're going to talk about today. Luke goes on and records, these words. “When the Lord saw her. His heart went out to her. He said, Don't Cry. But He went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man I say to you get up. And the dead man sat up and began to talk and Jesus gave him back to his mother.” This don't miss moment, actually has two things. I don't want you to miss. Could you identify them? Both the odds are pretty good at the one that you wouldn't miss the second one like Jesus. And his crowd come head-on into the crowd of people mourning. The loss of this woman's son. And Jesus tells her stop crying touches, the bier and open casket. That's what they had in those days.
And He speaks, “Young man get up. And the dead man began to talk. And Jesus gave him back to his mother.”
When we think about greatness, most of us would agree. There's a whole lot of objectivity when it comes to defining the goat or greatness. And what Jesus did here is part of the definition? It's the, what he did.
By simply speaking the words, Jesus stops this procession in their tracks.
Is this man to life?
And the crowd, got it. They understood that, this was a Don't Miss Moment, something. They had never seen before the crowd after this took place at in. Praise God, they said a great prophet has appeared among us God. God has come to help his people. They didn't miss it. They didn't miss what this meant. What was taking place? They understood who was at work.
A little bit.
You see, for probably most of these Israelites. They remembered another man, a great prophet who had done something similar. Maybe you don't remember Old Testament history, maybe forgot this lesson. If it was taught in Sunday school or in our Christian grade school, but you remember a man named Elijah, who was a great prophet. Perhaps one of the greatest prophets of Old Testament history, 700 years before Jesus was born. And in the middle of a drought in the middle of a whole lot of bad, Elijah went and lived with a widow in Zarephath and she had one of those, “I wish I could miss it moment.” She lost her son that summer.
But there is something that this crowd, perhaps most of them in it, were missing about the difference. Of what defines greatness when it comes to Jesus? If you read through the story of Elijah raising the Widow of Zarephath’s son Elijah to touch didn't, but you would Elijah also had to do talk to him. Three times. Elijah prayed, God raised this boy and he knew the difference in this story. Jesus didn't call out to God, pray to God, do something. God. God raised this child though, Jesus simply said, “Get up.” Because he's God.
And that's the moment. I pray. You don't miss, like, in the midst of this story. Sometimes, if you're a lifelong Christian, you kind of glaze over it and you kind of think. Yeah, this is Jesus and Jesus has
He does miracles.
But you are sometimes we miss in the moment is the significance of what was being done, please. Jesus had healed, Simon Peter's mother-in-law of a fever and that's a miraculous. But you want a lot of people might have argued. Maybe her fever, just broke on its own. Jesus didn't really do anything special, right? He's not really God. This is those people even say some of the most miraculous.
Jesus life. He is 5000 that's kind of made up where they really that many people like we can take a head count at church, but maybe the disciples exaggerated and maybe they secretly had some food start off to the side.
But this moment is different.
Because things like this, don't happen.
Like, I presided over many funerals in my ministry. We have 10 to 20 of them a year at 922. And they cry sometimes talk to the person that they love, but not a single one of us could tell that person get up and they could do it.
But he could. We did. The three times in Jesus ministry, he performed something that no one else could do if you want to know a definition of greatness and you look it up in the dictionary. It goes like this greatness is defined as being larger than ordinary and sighs. I don't think that was Jesus but larger inability larger, in being higher in degree. The importance of the quality or state of being great as in size, scale, achievement and power. What Jesus did here? If no one else can do has.
Ever like this man would have been dead. Not just a few moments a dead and and maybe were actually brought back to life. People were not buried in that day and age until after a long period of time in a long-drawn-out funeral. Like there was no doubt that this man was dead. And I simply speaking the words, it came to life.
And I can't fathom that. I guess why the songwriter went to King David said, these words great is the Lord and most worthy of praise the crowd. Got it. This man is a great prophet. They did identify him quite as God. God has sent somebody to help us God's at work. And God's greatness. No one can fathom.
But Jesus greatness.
Is found in the fact that he is God, and it is proven and reinforce that he's God, because he did things, only God can do. We call them miracles?
And sometimes we do a disservice to God, let me call a lot of things miracles.
It was a miracle. I didn't get into that accident. Maybe just, cause you got taught right in Driver's Ed school to turn into the spin, or maybe that's not the way. I'm not sure. But you angels, and some protection. A lot of times we miss use that word, right?
There are things. We can't explain things. We don't understand, but when we defined, Jesus greatness, it is truly on display in what he did the Miracles. He performed things, only God can do in to the top of the list of things only got Raise people from the dead.
This event cuz he didn't want you to miss it. In fact, only three times in Jesus ministry. Did he do with that healed? A lot of people. He did a lot of amazing things, but that rare occasion three times. Is greatness. Was found in what he did. And God doesn't want you to miss that. It matters to know that he was God.
But that wasn't the only don't miss moment in this text.
It is good that you've read this before, heard this story before and you've missed the other moment.
It's only a few words. And the reason why we miss it is because of that miracle.
Just so that you catch it. Remember verse 13.
When the Lord saw her. His heart. Went out to her.
Like most people are defined as great or the greatest of all time based on what they do.
Like the list of accomplishments.
Like sports and athletes. The greatest of all time, is defined by the what? Like who's the greatest Olympian of all time? Top of the list. Most people would say, Michael Phelps. Why? Because he wears a whole lot, more gold, silver, and bronze, than anybody who's ever lived. He can do things that no one else could do.
But Jesus greatness is not just the what? In a town as that crowd that was exiting town.
The Lord saw her. But you probably catch that but you don't want to miss the moment as Luke records it. In verses 11 and 12 and then lower down below. Looper cords by inspiration. Jesus given name Jesus. Yes.
But in this rare occasion, Luke changes the name and make sure loud and clear by verbal inspiration. That we know it was the Lord.
That's God's saving name. The God of mercy and compassion, the God, who loves mankind, The God who so loved the world that he sent his one and only son. See what Jesus greatness is not just about what he did and he did things that no one else did or could ever do like raising people from the dead, but it's also about the why, that was behind it.
His heart went out to her.
And that's what makes Jesus great.
Not just what he did. His accomplishments the Miracles, but the why?
The counting getting much trouble with you, Packer fans? There's a quarterback here in town is really great at the stats, reinforce it all the MVPs prove it.
I think you and I would both have to admit, he doesn't do any of those things for you.
He does it for him. Like I do need to reinforce that based on some circumstances that all of you have seen this played. That's okay.
And that's most people. Like they work hard, they train hard in athletics, are in other arenas.
To accomplish the what?
But he usually doesn't have others in mind.
It's probably never ever the definition of our greatness for the most part.
But it's probably more important when it comes to Jesus greatness. And when you put them all together. You truly understand the greatness of Jesus. What he did?
And why he did it?
And only a few years later. That very same person who on the streets of named that day encounter people on the way out. Who raised the dead was let out of a city. And he did look so great.
Like on that Friday. When Jesus was headed for the cross, not a single person on the streets, which said that's my symbol of greatness. That's what greatness looks like. In fact, wrong did that. So you would look anything, but great. The bloody mess. The crucified message was Don't Miss.
And yet the night before Jesus summed up perfectly the why and the what of his greatness as he gathered with his disciples. He said this about greatness greater love has no one than this. And the lay down, one's life for one's friends.
Both what and why?
And then my friends while so many people in the world of Jesus day would not have looked at the cross as the ultimate picture of greatness for you. And me, it is.
The what of it willing to sacrifice his life, even though he had done nothing wrong. And the why behind it you and me. That Widow that day and like, everyone else like her. Jesus heart goes out to us. To a broken world. To rescue us from sin, so that we will someday might experience greatness.
Which is exactly what he predicted. In John chapter 5. He said the father loves the son and shows him all he does. He does, he will show him even greater works than these so that you will be amazed. Jesus, talking to his disciples said, you're seeing greatness. But here's the thing about the greatness that you see my greatness, God's greatness, a result of of my greatness. As you will see, even greater things than these, see what the greater things in dead people, rising greater things and No greater things than feeding 5000 with Five Loaves and two fish. Greater things than the deaf hearing, the blind seeing. That the crippled walking, the dead being raised. Yes, and you and I will see you too. Like, I think that's one of the greatest things about this miracle. That reveals Jesus greatness. We see the heart behind it. His love for hurting people for a broken world. We see the what of it, he was able to raise dead people. We live in a broken world where we lose people all the time.
Nothing great about it.
But you know what? Jesus wanted them to know and you didn't know because of his greatness. It's not the final statement. Look what Jesus says at the end of these verses. For just as the father, raises the dead. Even so the son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it very truly. I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. The greatness of God has crossed you over from death to life. Hell is not your final destination, you get the achievements and all the awards and all the accolades and everything that Jesus won, you have life with God.
Now, and for eternity, and very truly Jesus. At a time is coming. And has now come, when the dead, will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live the way we do. It means, son heard the voice of God. He came back to life and there will come a time when the loved ones that you I've had a whole broken heart / who've been buried and you've watched it. Jesus will do the same thing for them and he will do it for you. One day. He will raise you from the dead.
There's no one who can do that, but God.
You know, it could not God's greatness. Jesus, greatness means for you. And for me, the one who died on the cross, Who Rose from the tomb? His greatness leads to greater things. For you, and for me.
The greatness of God. And the why behind it means you and I have crossed over from Death To Life.
Remember what Jesus said by the tomb of his friend, where he wept people sometimes have wondered, if you ever ask, why did Jesus weep? When he knew he was going to raise Lazarus a few seconds later.
He saw the brokenness and the hurt and the pain that that death brings as a result of sin. And he came to break. The power of sin and death and give a life. To you and to me. And he wants you to hold on to that just like Martha and Mary knew Martha and her words were so powerful. I know you're the resurrection of life and Jesus said, whoever lives and Believes In Me even though they die will live and whoever lives and Believes In Me will never die. If you lost a loved one. It is painful. It is not great.
In The Lord of the moment, they breathe, their last experiencing greater things life with God. And one day, you know what, God's going to do for you. And for me, for a demand, for Eve, for, for the disciples who died, 2,000 years ago. He's going to take our bodies out of the ground when he returns. He will raise them to be like his glorious body.
And that's why Jesus greatness matters.
Like we can have all the dividends. We want about who the goat is football, basketball, musically presidency.
Medically, what whatever you want on the streets of meeting that day. Jesus left, no doubt.
And he defines greatness. For us differently than most of the world ever will. And thankfully, we know it.
Jesus greatness is not just about what he did there.
But also the why you did it.
We're just sitting right here.
Jesus greatness. It truly stands the test of time. And I pray, it's a moment that you haven't missed a day and you'll never forget. Let's pray. Heavenly Father. Like, there's nothing great about losing someone. And you you sent your son in this world so that we would be lost for eternity. Jesus said greater love. Has no one than this than to lay down his life for his friends.
He did it. It's not it's the what he did. But also the why each and every one of us. His heart, your heart went out for us. So, thank you. For this. Don't miss moment. We can see the power that Jesus has the greatness that he's worthy of because of all the things that he did that only God can do. Right along side of it. It's not just about the great accomplishments and miracles, it's the heart. And the why? For us. Amen