God's Odds - Week 5 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Gods Odds
Week 5 - St. Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Welcome to week 5. Of God's Odds, our study of the Book of Esther. In 2011, Americans stopped and celebrated. The ticker tape, headline news was running across the screens of Times Square news, media and TV stations broke into whatever coverage. They had to report the news people are posting on social media and sell it. People were celebrating
Is it 2011 when The Mastermind behind the plot of 9/11 met justice. Osama Bin Laden, the news reports came out had been captured and killed.
And there is joy and celebration in the hearts of many Americans thankfulness that this terrorist had met justice and you're right alongside the news, media reports of the events of that day, the celebrations that were taking place. The people who were thankful that the one who came up with the plot and help carry it out. Had been captured it And now he's no longer alive. The same news media outlets also quickly said, While we can celebrate, be thankful, we can't become less vigilant. Not just capturing and finding the people who are the masterminds of that and having them meet justice didn't stop terrorism from happening. I mean you and I still live in the world at war, terrorism is real and threats are real and 11 years later. Hasn't changed drastically that much in some areas of the world.
And it brings out today because that's literally the same place. They were at in the story of Esther. If you've been with us the first four weeks, you, you saw the God’s Odds, transpire and take place from the beginning of a Jewish orphan. Girl, who was being raised by her cousin get elevated to Queen? And kind of like The Bachelorette contest. We saw that a nobody Jewish man become a hero by saving the King's life. We saw a plot get devised by an evil, wicked man. We saw encouragement and courage on behalf of Mordecai and Esther to take a step in faith for such a time as this. And then last week, in the midst of all of it, after Mordecai gets honored for his saving the King's life, Esther makes a request and Haman is brought to justice. Like all the plot twists, all the turns, the highs and the lows as we've gone through it have probably grabbed our attention and after last week maybe you took a breath and thought, well that's how the story ends, right?
There's still three more chapters in the book, so the answer is no. What else could there be in the book to celebrate and see, to remember, to learn from well, literally that very truth was what was in play. Remember, back in chapter 3, or chapter 1. Like the king makes an edict. He seals it with his Signet ring and the words of the Bible as God recorded them. Tell us both times that these decrees of the king cannot be revoked. Chapter 3 laid out Haman’s wicked plan, and the decree that the king signed off on and then sent it out across the world of which he ruled and reigned where the Jews lived. Dispatches were sent by couriers to all the king's promises with the order to destroy, kill and annihilate. All the Jews, young and old, women and children on a single day. The 13th day of the 12th month, the month of Adar to plunder their goods. From that time until where we're at. Now in the story, a couple months have taken place And that the decree still stands.
The Jews were so to speak, sitting ducks for anyone who wanted to gather a group of people together, a nation who wanted to mobilize their army and move in on them. So, to take their land to take their property and literally annihilate them, men, women and children, no mercy.
So while we're at a point in the story, where let's be honest, Esther and Mordecai are pretty good going to see in chapter 8. We go back to that verse that was flipped on the screen. 8:1, literally tells us that the king gave Esther, the estate of Haman I mean, he was a wealthy man, very well-off, very rich, probably owned a lot of land and, and Esther's good. She's got the King on her side. She now has wealth and privilege and power and possessions, you gives it to Mordecai to take care of their safe. There well off, they're good. Nothing's really going to happen to them.
For every other Jew, there's still fear, uncertainty and death in their future, if nothing is done.
So I can unpack the story and look at it. What transpires how the next week of God's Odds, reveal just that very truth. God's still in control and I think it's at this point in the story where we probably talked about it or touched on it, to really come back to after seeing it all play out, tie it together to learn the big. Why behind the what of this book?
When there's no mention of God in this book, why is it included in the book? Like we see God on display behind the scenes. We see the odds completely against people like Esther and Mordecai. If everything turns in their favor, God is obviously at work. And yet why is it recorded for us? Why is the Christians hold on to it? What can we learn from it? What truths would you want to take away? So you see what transpires next? Esther and Mordecai are put in a position of power. Can you go back to the other verse beforehand? Because where Esther makes her plea where she understands the issue?
The king took off his signature ring, which he had reclaimed from Haman and present it to Mordecai, and Esther appointed him over Haman's estate. Esther again, pleaded with the King. Here's what she said. Finding his feet and weeping, she begged him to put an end to the evil plan of Haman the Agagite, which he had devised against the Jews. And the King extended the gold scepter to Esther and she arose and stood before him. Esther knew she had pleaded once with the King and he accepted her request. She carried it out as he had promised and she asked one more time for the lives of her people to be spared. While hers was spared. And while Mordecai's was spared, there were Jews across the country who had been spread out, sent out were living in different places who are endangered.
Here's what Esther said next to the king as you look at the next few verses. If it pleases the king she said and if you regard me with favor and think that the right thing to do and if he is pleased with me, but an order be written overruling. The dispatches that Haman the Agagite devised and wrote to destroy the Jews and all the king's provinces for how can I bear to see disaster, Follow my people, how can I bear to see the destruction of my family?
Xerxes replied that Esther and Mordecai the Jew, because Haman attacked the Jews. I've given his estate to Esther and they have impaled him on the pole. He is set up now. Right, another decree in the king's name on behalf of the Jews as seems best to you and seal with the Kings Signet ring for no document, written the king's name and sealed with his ring can be revoked. The Kings eat at grain of the Jews in every city, the right to assemble and protect themselves to destroy, kill and annihilate. The armed men of any nationality or providence, who might attack them and their women and children and to plunder the property of their enemies. But they appointed for the Jews to do this and all the provinces of King Xerxes was the 13th, day of the 12th month, the month of Adar and a copy of the text of the edict was issued was to be issued as law in every Province and made known to the people of every nationality.
So the Jews will be ready on that day to avenge themselves, on their enemies, and the Courier's riding. The Royal horses went out spurred on by the King's Command and the edict was issued in the city of Citadel was Susan. There's a lot going on in there. But did you catch what transpired? The king cannot revoke anything that he has written, it has to be carried out, he's commanded and declare that the Jews can be killed on the twelfth month, the 13th day of the month of Adar, right? I can't revoke it, can't take it back. Because the king is the king and the King doesn't make mistakes and government operate a little bit differently back in that day, but he could declare another law, he could give another command and that same command was to give the Jews the right on that day. The same day to defend themselves, to protect themselves, to fight back, to prepare to organize to be ready in two. To not just be sitting ducks for all those who wanted to plunder everything they had and annihilate them out the face of planet Earth.
What are the odds?
I mean, from beginning to end of this story, God continues to protect and provide. For the good of Esther and Mordecai and his people, a rebellious people. I mean, a people for the most part who had no real homeland, they had been the Osprey rods, so to speak sent out spread out, they had lost everything. When the Babylonians took them captive. And you God continues to work behind the scenes to be in control of all things, too.
Have the good of his people in mind.
I'm gonna come back and see what happened in just a second, but notice how God, had have less Mordecai and Mordecai left the king's presence. He was wearing royal garments blue and white, a large crown of gold, purple robe of fine linen in the city of Susa held a joyous celebration for the Jews. It was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor the Jews recognized and realized that deliverance was, there's that had gone from potential funerals, celebrations and enjoy festivals.
And it wasn't just in the city of Susa where Mordecai was now being elevated and honored. The same was true across the provinces as the news spread much like that same day in 2011 as the world woke up and found out in every city to which the Edict of the king came. There was joy and gladness among the Jews with feasting and celebrating
And many people of other nationalities became Jews. Because fear of the Jews that sees them. Like in the midst of all this as news, spreads us of what's going on. People of different nationalities, different countries befriended. Aligned with, and even some became Jews.
Because they knew.
They recognize them, realize that there was a powerful force who was on their side.
She got it to work and the toughest, the most difficult of times, the story of Esther reveals to us even against all odds, when it appears that everything is going the wrong direction. The God who is sovereign and God's providence is ruined rain for us. Is never to be underestimated.
Which played out on the 13th. Day of the 12th month, the month of Adar. Beat It commanded by the King was to be carried out on this day. The enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them. So I mean, ten months of our time have now passed from Esther's request. The second decree, most experts believe, But the enemies of the Jews still attacked. They seize the opportunity. Like in a sinful world even when they may be heard the story. Maybe when there were concerns the desires for more, the hatred for some the the opportunity to add to their real estate collection, their bank accounts and to maybe get Vengeance on a people and a nation. They didn't like On that day, the enemies of the Jews, had hoped overpower them but the tables. Overturned. And the Jews, got the upper hand over those who hated them. The Jews assembled in their cities and all the provinces of King Xerxes to attack those determined to destroy them. And no one could stand against them because the people of all the other nationalities were afraid of them. All the Nobles of the province's, the same traps, the Governor's in the Kings, administrators help the Jews because fear of Mordecai, it sees them Mordecai's, renowned Mordecai's position Mordecai's power, was something that caused all those who are in power to look at him and see him, and fall in line and helped the Jews.
Mordecai was prominent in the Palaces reputation, spread throughout the provinces and he became more and more powerful. Meanwhile, the remainder of the Jews who were in The Kings province, is also a symbol to protect themselves and get relief from their enemies. They killed seventy five thousand of them, but did not lay their hands on the plunder, this happen on the 13th day of the month of Adar and on the 14th they rested. And made it a day of feasting and joy. And we're going to come back to that next week because we're going to see what the Jews did in response and going forward, how they remembered this day and things that we can learn from that. But for this day, I want to talk about that day and everything that's come up to this point in the story of Esther.
I guess you see it all play out from beginning to end, as you see the endgame and you look at what happened, well, it might be interesting to discuss and talk about the Battle for a little bit and there might be things in it. You go. It doesn't really seem to make sense to me, but you just defended themselves by all estimations the way the words are written. It wasn't that they went on the attack, but they defended their cities and rightly. So they defended their life, their property, their spouses, and their children. But notice what they didn't do which kind of speaks to the heart of what they were doing, they had the right to plunder and do whatever they wanted but they didn't Instead, they simply defended their life, defended their property.
And God brought them to Victory.
Which takes us back to this main truth. That we began this series on, as we've seen play out throughout the entire work in a story like this, where he small nation, who has been pretty much minimized of all its power, has the ability to rise up in all the different places where they're at and defend themselves and be victorious in a day. In a day.
Only reminds us in reinforces US of this underlying truth of the sovereignty and Providence of God, that God's power, is always working. For the stories like Esther remind us of this truth: God's power is rule in his Reign, is always working for the good.
And I understand that not everything turns out good. And we sometimes wrestle with that truth, don't we? Like this doesn't seem good.
This isn't really good right now in my life. Why is this happening to me?
The story of Esther has a bigger picture. Then just about one person.
See, remember that verse I read a few minutes ago, we've talked about it as a theme verse probably a great verse for any Christian to memorize every member and really unpack, Romans chapter 8, we know believe that in all things, not just some, not just 50%, not just the ones we like, we know that in all things. God works for the good of those who love him. Been called according to his purpose.
God uses his power to carry out his purpose. And his purpose is always for your spiritual and eternal good.
Like the Captivity that took the Israelites off. God, intended it for their spiritual. Good. To turn them back to God.
God uses challenges and difficulties and can bring about good. The Apostle Paul begged and begged and begged for the thorn to be taken away from his flesh. How can this be for my good? And God says no my grace is sufficient for you. So Paul said I'll celebrate all the more
We can see the sovereignty and providence of God at work. Throughout human history, in our history. To bring about the ultimate good for you. And for me, To use things and everything for our spiritual good. Because His ultimate purpose, His ultimate plan is for you and for me to be with him in heaven.
So when you take that truth and you connect it to Esther, I think there's another truth that kind of is Central to this book and why it's included from most theologians' position and belief in God's word as got inspired by your writing. But the book reminds us and shows us and reinforces this truth, God controls history. To preserve his people and fulfill His promises.
Esther, Nehemiah. Esther, our historical books included in the Bible, not at the end, or a lot of those small little books in the Minor Prophets are written close to the end of the Old Testament. But historically speaking, they are some of the last books that are recorded in the Old Testament. Because there's going to come a time right after the Israelites. Return. Right? After a final few prophets speak, right after this event in history, in roughly 400, 9480 somewhere in there BC, you know what God does? Stop speaking.
Like there are no more prophets where he inspires words to be recorded, God goes silent.
Until? The arrival of Jesus.
Like if this is one of the last historical accounts of the Old Testament of God's people, and their story before his story and history is changed with the arrival of Jesus Christ. There's got to be a pretty strong link between the two.
Which is really this story. May all throughout, maybe you've been mesmerized about the Jewish orphan who becomes the princess queen, like every girl loves the story of how that happens, Disney's made Millions off of it, billions off of it, five times over 10 different stories, the improbable that Against All Odds.
How about the hero? Mordecai, the guy who was unknown rises to the level of power and people have some so much respect for him that they fall in line. For a Jew hung up by a gate and had nothing.
Or maybe you've been mesmerized by how Wicked a man can be but how justice can be done. In a world where we long for it, we were drawn into that and we desire it. And all those things are intriguing. And all those things will grab our attention.
But if the God’s Odds weren't in play, you know, what would have happened?
Like Haman would have gotten his way.
Like Haman’s plan, literally laid out to annihilate all the men, kill their wives and kill their kids.
Which would mean in a generation, there would be no more, what Jewish Nation.
If there was no more Jewish Nation, and there would be no descendant. Who would come from the Tree of David named? Jesus Christ.
With God at work controlling history to preserve his people and Fulfill his promises.
God made a promise to Abraham.
That you have no children right now but your nation will be as numerous as the sands on the seashore and through you all nations will be blessed.
Tribe of Judah from your family tree. That son of Jacob will be born. The Savior, King David, your family will be the one through whom that Savior arrives. The prophet Micah who predicted the place the city of Bethlehem.
Without the preservation of God's people. God would have gone back on his promises to all those individuals.
That's not how God operates. When God's involved odds astronomically are all in her favor.
So the Apostle Paul knew and that's why I love when you just read that verse, but you pulled out of context, you miss these beautiful verses about God's providence and as he points us, in the direction of Jesus Christ, what shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? The odds are in our favor. Do not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all. How will he not also along with him? Graciously, give us all things.
The Book of Esther reveals to us this great truth that God controls and is in control of all things, for the good of his people to accomplish his purpose, to fulfill his promises.
And the ultimate good that God worked for you to fulfill. This ultimate purpose is found in him, in Mordecai and Esther were not in the direct descendant tree of Jesus. Remember Mordecai was a descendant of Saul so he would have been from The Tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin and the tribe of Judah were the two tribes that survived in the south.
And yet God used Esther and God used Mordecai. He used every good and mixed and heinous act in the midst of this story and he was at work to continue to carry out. His ultimate story. Your redemption and mine.
Our Eternal good.
And I think that's worth holding onto from this story. The odds are pretty good, that none of us are going to be in positions like Mordecai and Esther. The odds are pretty good and I don't know, but none of us are going to face the dilemma and challenges of what they faced. positions that they were put in
But we will face difficulties and challenges and will have times of wondering in testing.
Perhaps our lives are like those Jews who are out of the fringes of the province's who, who caught wind of the first decree and And we're hunkering down and figuring out any possible way that they could protect themselves. Fearful for their lives and loss and wondering.
It's going to do something. What can we do? What will happen? If this happens.
I probably will have been or will go through moments like that. Where do we wonder if God is working for my good? Where's his power? What's his purpose?
But Esther reveals God at work controlling all things. Human history proves it from beginning to end the historical accounts of the Old Testament and New Testament reinforce it. As a truth, I think I want you to hold on from The Book of Esther is greatest the ups and the Downs, the entry again, the story is to me the best route is this? It reveals this? The odds of God making good on his promises are always 100%.
Like when there are challenges and when there are difficulties, remember God is faithful to his promises. Story of Esther proves it. When you're wrestling with guilt. And with doubt wondering, if there's purpose Remember God makes good on his promises. He sent his one and only son, how along with him. Also, will he give us all things? The Apostle Paul says like look at the cross. See the empty tomb. Celebrate the God who came to Earth to live so that you and I might have life. In him, you have your answer. The odds of God making good on his promises are a hundred percent.
God doesn't say in this life, you won't have trouble. He says, you will. God doesn't say in this life, you won't face difficulties or challenges the Apostle Paul later, said, what can separate us from the love of God, persecution, it'll happen, but it can't suffering famine. Not having wanting for things. It won't change that. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. That is in Christ Jesus, our lord,
And God preserving this people in the Book of Esther through these individuals, some good, some followers of God, some not reinforcing this truth about God, He makes good on his promises.
I think that's really important to hold onto from this book.
Like, you can say, I really enjoyed it because of the story, but What you really remember? Is the god behind it and how everything is in his story. Still comes back to that. Because of that. Which is why we can say. We know that in all things, God works.
For your good in mind. The good of those who love him. The called, according to his purpose.
And he'll continue to do that.
The ultimate day when God calls us home to heaven, to be with him and celebrate. That instead of mourning and weeping.
While there might be some of that on this side of Heaven, it's not without hope. That's his promise. Let's pray about them. Heavenly Father
The odds. The Apostle Paul described if God is for us, who can be against us? That's really what the Book of Esther reveals and why would you step in God? Those people have rebelled against you so many times. But when we look at it, when we see it, we understand the significance of what Haman wanted to do and what it would have meant to what you have promised to do. Thank you, but in the midst of looking at this book, we get reminded of your ultimate promise, how you are at work in human history and control of it and work it and use it to accomplish your ultimate purpose. We just bring us to you. And by preserving the Jewish Nation by preserving the family tree of David by preserving the descendants of Abraham, You kept your promise. 2000 years ago, 500 years after this event, you sent your son to do what we needed. To bring the ultimate deliverance. So then, till next week when we see how the Jews celebrated this deliverance, and we connect it to that. Help us celebrate this truth that you are a faithful. God, you have, you are working history. You use your power to work things for good and we see in Jesus, the ultimate fulfillment of your promise. And that ultimately you keep all of them. Lord strengthen us in that.