How To... - Week 5 - St. Peter - Pastor Bill Monday
How To
Week 5 - St Peter
Pastor Bill Monday
Welcome back to our final week for our annual mission and vision series and I don't know about you, but haven't we been blessed again review? How it is that we sink Our Roots, deep in Jesus, and enjoy that Spirit’s fruit that He offers real life. And we're gonna see the same today, as we review, the Go root that this beautiful privilege, and it is a privilege to share. Are the good news that, you know, of Jesus the world that's dying to know it. We're going to have for our theme passage second Corinthians 4:13. We believe therefore we speak that will guide us in our conversation here. Let's begin with prayer.
Sanctify us by the truth. Oh Lord. Your word is truth. Amen. Well, when you think about evangelism, maybe you think about evangelists, and if you go back to the 20th century, you would find the Reverend Billy Graham, arguably, the greatest evangelist from that century. I was reminded of a story in preparing for the message about, Reverend Billy Graham, obviously a lot of speaking engagements and one instance, in particular he was picked up in a limousine.
I was really impressed and amazed and humbled by that not feeling worthy to travel around a limousine. I saw as he was thinking, is that limo driver was getting out and open the door for me. He asked if maybe they could just switch places, he told the show for. He's like, look, I'm so privileged to be able to speak and have this engagement nearby and I know you work so hard and you drive so many people around, maybe I could give you the night off. Why don't you enjoy your evening in the back? And I'll drive to our destination. I know where we're headed. And how do you say no to the Reverend Billy Graham, so the chauffeur driver jumps in the back and off they go. But apparently Billy Graham had a Lead Foot. So not too long after he was pulled over. And this how the story goes the police officer came up knocked on the limousine window. Well, and he said, license and registration please. And then all the sudden you notice, this is the Reverend Billy Graham and he's like, oh, I'm sorry, pastor. Gee, I didn't know that was you and then kind of light bulb went on and you see where this is going?
Billy Graham here chauffeur Drive. Who's in the back? Is that, is that Jesus in the back, is this, the end? Are you bringing in the last day? I think about that story and I envy Billy Graham. To be known for such a life as he had I and I this is, this is my desire in for our faith life, isn't it? What you desire to do? Don't you want to be so known for? Jesus said it for whatever reason, one day, you're driving a limousine and if you got pulled over that people would wonder is Jesus in the back. That's what I want. And I'm not there yet, but I want to be, I want that to be my legacy. I leave for my kids. I want them when they think of me. To just think that he was all about Jesus and not because I'm anything like Jesus so far short of being perfect But because I so need Hs grace and no, I have it. And I want to be known for just speaking about our need for Jesus and that he's here for us and his love for us. Something the world needs. How about you? At the end of our days, don't don't, you want your obituary to read that way? Known for Jesus, then for all these other cool things to whatever, but known for Jesus to leave that, as a legacy for your family, your friends, and its when we realize what kind of impact that would have for future generations. And talk about that more toward the end.
This is the beauty of the guru. How we dedicate our life to see is our highest calling no matter what callings we have. Whether we're husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, Aunts, Uncles, Grandma's, Grandpa's, friends to know that, in at all, we're to be Jesus to others, and we're to share the Good News about Jesus in every action and word. That is the beauty of the Go root. That is life. But if it's been a while since we've really focused on this privilege, As I'll admit it is for me, I don't think about the Go root from day-to-day necessarily or week to week or month to month. There can be a lot of time to can go by before I realize, I'll maybe I haven't really shared the love of Jesus.
So I'm going to start off with this message and maybe ask this first thought, or at least emphasize this first truth. It is necessary to do evangelism. You know, if God's people God forbid would stop sharing the name of Jesus. Then the world would be lost. The world could not be saved if people like us, who know, Jesus don't. Don't share Jesus in my question for us. Really is next. And if you're filling in the blank, I want you to wrestle with us throughout the message. Are we convinced that evangelism that Go root is critical, essential. It's necessary that we must have people share the good news of Jesus. Not because we have to, but because what else is there?
Because we get to, and because it's a glorious thing, literally giving eternal life to others. Are we convinced that I got a couple passages that I'd love to share with you to show that this was the Apostle Paul the greatest evangelist of all time. I would argue whose work continues to resonate to this day. Of course, all glory to God. In Romans chapters 14 or 10, and verse 14, and verse 17. We find this truth here Paul reminds us. How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear? Without someone preaching to them, or sharing to them? For faith comes from hearing the message, and that message is the good news about Jesus. And the message is heard through the word of Christ. The scripture.
And what is that beautiful message will? Jesus says it this way, in John 14:6. He says, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, except through me and within 24 hours, he would prove the “why” he would die. And within three days, he would prove the certainty of that truth. He would rise. I don't know if we can say this enough today that evangelism is essential, it's essential. We must be convinced of this because so many aren't even among God's professed people. I started about a month ago someone shared this stat with me from “Christianity Today”. Maybe fill in the blank, your 56% of evangelicals, Evangelical, and not just a political group, obviously Christians that are named evangelicals and here's the irony with the stat. Evangelical literally means one who shares the Gospel. That's what Evangelical means. It's reported that 56% of Evangelicals. They reject that Christ is the only cure. Specifically, it reads this way: 56% of Evangelical respondents affirm that God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam that's up from 42% just two years ago.
That's in direct opposition to Jesus words. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one, NO ONE, NO ONE comes to the Father, except through me.” I get it in our day and age, it seems intolerant seems unloving, but it is the truth and I want to just explain a little bit. Maybe an illustration. Why? Jesus is not, he's not being arrogant and he surely is not being unloving by saying I am the way There is no one else. I've been maybe in this illustration here and I used it already with the Cure. You know, sin is a sickness In the Bible, it often uses that illustration that brings suffering and heartache and death. And we think about illness. Illness is what puts us on the path of dying physically. Some speak of in terms of the leprosy of sin. Right? That's a disease that if we think of what has infected all of us, no matter if we're Christian or other, if we think about Sin and how devastating it is from the scriptures, we see it is the reason we all die. It is the reason why there's so much heartache and brokenness. Whether from natural disasters, like hurricane Ian or broken relationships in our homes, sin is the root cause
But there's really only two ways that you can address an illness. You can either address it through diet and exercise. Something you do. You think it may be type 2 diabetes for some. They can address that through diet and exercise. But then there are other diseases and illnesses that you can't treat with diet and exercise from polio to certain forms of cancer. You just need treatment. You need something to be given to you. Think of this: all world religions, this is why they fall short. It's not because we're better and they're not or God somehow doesn't love them. God gave Jesus for everyone. But every world religion, rejects the cure and prescribes works, diet and exercise. Generally it's some kind of religious diet. Refrain from this, only eat that and have these belief, disciplines, pray so many times a day walk, so many steps go on so many pilgrimages but be better than bad, do more good than evil and somehow maybe it'll work out for you. Diet and exercise, the phrase.
God and we just read Jesus, He says it doesn't work. Sin is so deep. So insidious, it's so sick that only God can provide a cure. God did and the Bible has been consistent since Adam and Eve fell into sin. God said, I have an antidote. I will give one who will not be tainted with sin. He will be my son, and he will accomplish what you cannot to give you the Cure. He can think of this God demands that we be perfect and perfection that harbors life. God is perfect. He is life, sin divorces from life. And so God says, I will give you perfection as a gift. Through the one who earns it in your place. The God man. Jesus Christ. Who is unlike any other? And about the payment. What is killing us? The wages of sin is death. Jesus is, I will pay that death for you. And that's exactly what He did on the cross. And, you know, the story, He suffered there. Our death being separated completely. Absolutely. So and as the Eternal Son of God, eternal hell in that moment. What we owe God, and because Jesus alone provides perfection and the full payment for our sin because he's worth more than all creation. We have life, we have to cure, we have Grace.
Three days after his death He rose, his grave is still empty. You compare that to all other religious founders of all other faiths. They're in their graves, that proves that their prescription doesn't work, but Christ does. And then we asked how can 56% of so-named Christians believe that there's another way. There isn't. Because it's impossible to be saved unless God provides a cure and he has. He has noticed that the Bible speaks this way, I've got a couple more passages to again show us how privileged we are by His grace. Paul says this, in Romans 3, he says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
And all are justified, declared not guilty, freely by his grace, his love, how through the buying back? The redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Yes, we maintain that a person is justified declared not guilty by faith, by trust, apart from diet and exercise works of the law. And then he sums it up. Well, Romans 6:23 something to keep in mind whenever you're sharing the truth, the wages of sin is death, but the gift is something you cannot earn. It's given out of love. The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. So we're convinced, aren't we? There is truly only one way.
We're not being arrogant. We're just speaking about reality and this is the truth and it's for all people having been convinced, what's the next hurdle that maybe keeps us from fully engaging others with the hope that we have is I think of well one of the things in this kind of speaks to the next truth, how we do evangelism? What it takes to get evangelism done One thing I think we get caught up and fill in the blanks here about the. What, what would I say it? How much do I need to know? And I'm not trained. Like, maybe the pastors are the teachers, are those who have spent years studying the scripture. I'm not qualified and maybe when the call goes out will depend on the outreach committee, evangelism committee or whatever but it's just we get caught up in the “what”? But praise God, it's not about the “what” you know.
The “who” is cliche is that my son is true. It's about the “who”, you know, sharing the gospel is about speaking of your love. For Jesus, who is your Redeemer, your friend? I think about today, like a lot of people, right? Go Packers in they’re playing overseas. And many of them are watching the game right now. Which do you want any highlights in the updates? I could give no of, maybe some adult. Don't tell me the score. I'll watch when I get home. If you are a Packer fan and if you love the Packers, you can kind of be. Well, all kinds of different fans are out there. You could be a fan that knows all the stats, right?
I mean you could be the person that knows every person that's on the roster and for the entire history of the Packers every year and you could know how many touchdowns Aaron Rodgers is thrown in his career. Now you might think, okay, that's a Packer fan and if they're going to convert anyone else, maybe you have to know that, but I mean, just living in Wisconsin, you're a Packer fan already, right? You don't have to know anything about football. And how many fans don't really know about football or even who the quarterback is, even though that might be difficult, but they still love the Packers, they still go to the games, they still enjoy family time and then just their way of life in a certain sense.
That's exactly how it is for Christians. Yeah, you could know all the books of the Bible and have all these passages memorized but that doesn't give you any more advantage. Not just sharing the faith in somebody who just knows Jesus. Even though they might not be able to find the Book of Matthew,
You know what? You need to know. We just shared, you have the cure. Don't be afraid, share. And if somebody objects, and somebody has a really compelling argument of why you shouldn't be a Christian, don't let your faith get shaken over that. But do dedicate yourself to finding the answer. In fact, think of that as a great opportunity. Wow, you've got some cool thoughts. I've never thought about it that way.
Come and see Jesus. Find the answers. I know a bunch of people at 922 Ministries that might be able to help us. You don't have to be afraid. The truth does not have to be afraid. All right, so let's get right to it. Then let's talk about that inspiration. That gives us the one that we already know and why it is that you don't have to be qualified in any sense other than knowing him, second Corinthians 4:13. It's our theme passes there. I believe therefore I have spoken notice. It wasn't like I've been trained. I've gone to school for so many years. They actually called me to this place or we have a committee that gives us the credentials
Do you believe you know? And so you speak. So how do we do this? Because I think that's the next biggest question. Let's talk about how to do evangelism. I've got one thought here and I think maybe we don't think through this, but this should be such an encouragement. Here's one great way to begin the evangelism process. We can witness as much by our actions as by our words. Jesus shared this with his disciples the night before he died. He said by this, everyone will know that you are my disciples. If you love one another and another place. He says let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in Heaven. I think we forget that it makes a difference how genuine and generous we get to be in Christ to outshine anyone else in the world. Yeah, I mean, everyone can love those who love them but we Christian people, we can be generous and love those who do not love us, even our enemies, even strangers. And if you've ever met somebody and you yourselves, you know, when you've been overly generous, how that really changes someone touches someone and they want to know what why, why are you so different? Why do you care when nobody else does? Ah, they're asking you to evangelize You can say, because when Jesus died on the cross, I didn't deserve that. Oh, but I know a God who is so generous he supplies all I need and all the more. Can I share with you about him? If we love more than others and our generous more than others, people will see that and people will be jealous for what we have, and we can give it away for free. So don't count out your actions and that leads to being able to share the hope and your words. Let's go on to the next one.
Number two.
I'm thinking about that. That's John 13, we just read. But maybe kind of write that in there by this everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another right in your actions. But the second thing will look for a particular target audience and how to evangelism. We'll look for the down. And the ill the down and out, we want to evangelize. We want to share the good news with everybody. We can for sure and that's what Jesus did. The Pharisees and the Sadducees to a rich young ruler to his hometown. But they rejected him outright most of all of them, wanted nothing to do with Jesus. So, prepare yourself, even Jesus got rejected. I even crucified him for evangelizing.
So, you're in good company. But notice Jesus, who did He really win over? Who did He go extra lengths for? A broken woman at a well, who had messed up five or more relationships. A woman caught in adultery, who is about ready to be stoned to death. A tax collector, still in his tax booth, right? A fisherman who knew how messed up he was. And said, you don't want to be around me, Lord. And Jesus said, no, I do. It is you that I've saw it. I think of Jesus words here, In Mark chapter 2:17, when people were offended by his love for the lost. He said this, it's not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I've not come to call the righteous, but sinners. If you're keeping a list, I would encourage you of people that you could reach out to, for sure everybody. But be Intentional about reaching out to those who are rock-bottom moments that people who maybe are in such brokenness, we'd feel uncomfortable being around the addicts in this life that the people have gone through again, relationship after relationship after relationship who are down and out, they are ripe for the gospel. So, be targeted and the ones who you see and perceive needed the most go after them. And then last, let's talk about how we want to be intentional. Will be intentional, which isn't it true? Isn't that the case for anything that we want to succeed at? If we want to be good at something, it takes planning, it takes some forethought, and I would encourage you to do this. Maybe you have to rehearse some thoughts, as you picture the person you want to reach out to in your life, maybe rehearse how it could go. And rehearse, the worst-case scenario is that they hate you and will never talk to you again. I've never really experienced that, but play it out through your head and be at peace. God has called you to this.
And maybe just ask questions. I remember that from a missionary I was privileged to hear a presentation from what he's talking about evangelizing. Now this was an evangelist, we're not all evangelists. I'm not, but he like, he was just gifted, wired for speaking about. He could turn any conversation into like he's at the grocery store. The cashier is like, hey, do you want plastic or paper? He's like, I got a question for you. If you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven? Like, okay, but he could pull it off.
He can ask questions like that, every time he was on a plane, he was determined to witness. And could you imagine that you show up, how many times have you gotten on a plane> Years? I just want to sleep. Please don't talk to me, please talk to me, he would talk to them, he would open up his Bible. And he would say, hey, by the way, I'm sewing. So I'm a Christian Pastor, I love Jesus. What do you think about God? What's your religion? And this was his patent answer after every time they would respond, if it wasn't the Christian faith, they might say, well I'm such and such. He’d play like a Colombo and he would say, oh I'm so sorry to hear.
I'm such and such a faith and he was like, I'm so sorry to hear and then he would apologize. I didn't mean it like that, but I meant that it must be difficult. Because through all these works, through all the things that you're prescribed only, then maybe maybe will you be saved. That must be a hard life. It's true. This is, that's why I love Jesus because I know I can't come near to God's requirements, but He's saved me by Grace and He saved you too. I mean just a little stone in the shoe and who knows how many those seeds planted? How many of those seeds have born life? But maybe we could just start that way. What are just questions in relationships where there's trust? You can just ask them. Hey, been thinking about God, a lot ever, think about God. What do you think and let them talk and let them share their thoughts? Because as they answer they're going to feel obligated as well. What do you think? What do you think you're one of those Christians, right? And you can share they will ask you to witness. So be intentional, think about Peter's words here. Peter who said in 1st Peter 3:15 always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you for the hope you have. You don't have to have all the answers but be ready to respond with anyone who might ask.
I want to just encourage you then with one last thought, I want you to know it works. It works. The Go root produces fruit, it works. You're all proof. You ever think of that. You are the product of the Go root. You're sitting in the pews that you're in. You're listening to the service that you're part of. Now you're hearing this wonderful message again about Grace. Because someone risks themselves so that you could be here whether with you directly or through your parents or ancestors way back when. But someone thought it would be better, that I should suffer. And that you would go without life. That's true for the Monday family. You know many of you heard the story before but it just it amazes me how God works because we should not be saved. My dad wasn't in a religion in was lost and it was prescription works and diet. And he had fallen far short and I remember search. And with, with my dad and we were going to different churches and we just, we were lost, we went to a family reunions, and I don't know if it was at the time for lunch, when my dad was scarfing down some potatoes and fried chicken with his cousin, Jerry, childhood friend as well.
And he had that relationship and you just said we are lost, we don't know where to turn. And God put it in my Dad's cousin. It is hard to just say, well, why don't you come and see, come to our church. And that's a sister Congregation of this one in Cincinnati, Ohio, and six months later, we were baptized. And after that to my dad had been instructed and came to know Jesus. He was baptized. The rest is history and three generations of Monday's, probably too many of us. We know Jesus because of that conversation, that one invitation could have gone the other way.
But it works and I know you have the same story in your family lives.
So, throw caution to the wind. Just tell the hope that you have and enjoy the Spirit’s fruit. May God, give us all such a Go root. Amen.