In The Midst of the Mess - Week 3 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende

In the Midst of the Mess
Week 3 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende

Once again, welcome to week three of our study, the book of Ruth, in the midst of the mess.

Life sometimes requires risks.

Like, sometimes those risks are ones. you have to take because you, you have to make a choice. You have to make a decision, but but there's risk. Like take for example that there are are many in our world who over the last month or so graduated from college of have started the interview process and eventually they might have to pick and choose but between option, A option, B or option C, those high school graduates are are making selections. And there's a risk involved and in the job that you take or the, the major path that you are choosing.

Life involves some risks that might not be so risky but they cause your, your heart to to race a little bit. When you, when you take that leap of faith, when you get down on one, knee proposed to that person that you love and have been dating for a long time. Like, trust me. I remember, I was 99.9% sure that my wife was going to say, yes, she's probably back there going…yeeeah but it was still a risk. Like what will they say?

You know, as much as we look forward to a celebration of a wedding day, marriage is a lifetime, and it's a risk.

How about when you go to the doctor's office and they run your tests and he comes back and says you know based on what we talked about and discussed here are the medications I want you to take or continue to take and usually, they'll go through. But you do understand, there is some risk like that pill might affect your liver that one might cause I won't say it. But you understand medically speaking. There are risks involved with medications. We take and surgeries that we might have and How about relationships? Like it's risky for that 14 year old boy who's at high school and homecoming is coming. And that girl, he likes her but he's not so sure what she'll say and he asked her to the dance and what if she says, no like I'll be ridiculed. My life will be ruined. Maybe not so much guys but, risk.

And I want you to have that in the back of your mind today because that's what we're going to talk about in chapter 3 as we see the story of Ruth progressed and what's transpiring. And there's going to be a great risk that is taken

Like some risks in life are ones that are easy to take because we know most likely how it's going to turn out. But some risks are difficult and challenging, some risks, like a surgery that we aren't sure how it will go, are things that we evaluate. We analyze, we weigh the pros and the cons, what if I don't do it? But what if I don't do it? We're going to see the risks involved. That that Ruth is going to take but quite honestly, all along the way that's been happening. Like in chapter one, a little Elimilech took a risk. He took his family from Bethlehem to Moab because there was no food in Bethlehem. There's a famine in Bethlehem and, and there was a risk involved in going to a foreign country, being an outsider, being someone who had, would have to learn to live off the land. And, and yet, he weighed, he did the risk analysis. If I stay, and we don't eat, or if I go, we might potentially have food and said, let's go. And then think of, Naomi and Ruth like they only understood being a foreigner, and being a widow, was not good when Bethlehem had food once again, while the trip would have been dangerous, staying might have been more dangerous. So she took the risk. And then what about Ruth who through security to the side who threw the the future to the side, most likely by never probably having a chance to get married as a foreigner and a widow It all in a country where she was an outsider Naomi told her as much go home. Find a man stay with your mom and dad. They will take care of you. There was risk in her saying no your God, my God, your people, my people, you die, I'll die there. Chapter 2, we last week we talked about risk. Like for a lady, an outsider to go and glean in the fields behind. She would put herself at risk. Two men who might take advantage. But Ruth probably weighed the risk gleaning and and the risk is worth it because otherwise we starve, we don't have food.

Which leads us to chapter 3.

Like we're going to see the progression of the story. A little bit of time has passed. The harvest has come and gone, but what I want you to remember from last week, and this is what I shared last week at the end. But we see all along the way is Ruth and Naomi their families, making choices like doing risk analysis. Like anyone who works in the business world, you probably HR department or someone in it. Analyzes the risk of decisions Acquisitions hirings and firings the choices that you make like Ruth and Naomi have been doing the human thing all along and making choices. And we see that the Bible talks about that. Here's Proverbs and it's a reminder from verse 16 in the hearts humans plan their course. Like Elimelech plans his course but it wasn't God's. Course Naomi plotted, her course and came back, but Ruth came along, they made decisions along the way plotting, their course understanding the consequences and in Chapter 2 Ruth planned. Her course, the only then said afterward, keep doing what Boaz asks you to do? Like we think this thing that we're doing the choices that were making the risk that we're taking are all part of our design and in their hearts, humans plan their course. But the Lord, the proverb says establishes their steps. Like route made a decision to glean. She stumbled across a field. It happened to be Boaz like she was making choices. She was planning her steps with the Lord was establishing it. Like the Lord got her, where he wanted her and was going to use that encounter. In the midst of the mess. And we call that Providence. The Providence of God, like God's sovereignty His Rule & His Reign Over All Things powerfully speaking. But his Providence is his Rule and his Reign for his people, with a purpose.

For their spiritual Eternal good.

So a lot of the choices we make in life come with risk but but spiritually speaking of the heart, a Christian or stands, God establishes their steps. We're going to see that play out today in the midst of the mess. We're going to see the risk that was taken and I'm going to come away with some truths that I believe we find in route chapter 3. I pray your blessed by it and you got to come back for chapter 4 because it ties it all together. Like this chapter is kind of stuck in the middle of chapter 2, where we get introduced to the guardian Redeemer concept. The guardian Redeemer the kinsman redeemer like Naomi identified Boaz as one of their Guardian. Redeemers some people ask the question. What was a guardian redeemers purpose? The law of Moses says that they serve for purposes so if you weren't didn't catch it last week, you missed it last week, they could Avenge the wrongful death of a family member. They could redeem buy back. A family member who had become a slave because of their poverty, they could pay the price to get them freedom and the last two involved land, like, the land that, that Israelite would own, could be passed along to be bought by a guardian Redeemer, so that the family member could receive their, their money and be taken care of Naomi came back relying on that.

Then there was another Guardian Redeemer law. Where, if that person took the, the person's spouse who had died. So like in this case, use Ruth. As the example is a guardian Redeemer married, her produce an error, actually Naomi would be the one whose family tree would be extended. So in Naomi's, understanding and talking about Guardian redeemers, there's a long, long, long, long, long shot like the Detroit Lions winning the Super Bowl. That this could have just kidding. Like, I know, the Lions fans think the Packers would be better. It's okay. Like you understand what this means so much. So that remember what Naomi said to Ruth when she came back, like, there's no hope for you to find a man here. No one's going to marry you. Its just a impossibility with, who you are, where you came from. So like that, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long long shot, it's out there, but ….

So Naomi understands her land could be redeemed, but here's the issue and the risk that needs to be taken. Naomi has an issue and Ruth has an issue. Look at what Naomi says to Ruth one day. My daughter, I must find a home for you, where you will be well provided for like Naomi knows that that because elimelech has land when this harvest season is over, she can sell it to one of her guardian redeemers, they'll pay the price, she'll receive the money, they'll work the land for her. Her. She'll receive a little bit of income, but be taken care of physically. And then one day that Guardian Redeemer will inherit the land because Naomi has no heirs. So he wins, he pays the money. Naomi kind of gets her retirement fund, but eventually it's going to run out like, it's enough to take care of her. It's enough to provide for her but when she dies, it goes away the other guy, their Guardian Redeemer, gets the land. So Naomi knows, like, who knows how long my life is? How much time do I have left? Like, if I die before I get the land, or if I died, two years down the road, like that leaves Ruth. This young lady this Widow, this Foreigner, alone and helpless.

And when you're helpless, sometimes you feel hopeless.

Think Naomi knows I got to do something you. I must find you a home. Like she said before. Go home, stay home. Don't come with me so you can have a home. Now, she feels compelled to revive her daughter. She doesn't view her as an outsider, she is family and here's her plan and here's the risk. Now Boaz with whose women you have worked the same field you worked in is a relative of ours tonight. He'll be winnowing barley on the threshing floor, wash put on perfume and get dressed in your Best clothes. Like this is that has all the makings of a great Netflix series.

The threshing floor, but don't let him know you were there until he's finished eating and drinking. So under the dark of night, be quiet, put on your best clothes. Look, your best. Here's what I want you to do. When he lies down, note the place where he is lying. Then go in and cover his feet and lie down, he will tell you what to do.

The risk. Like the risk that Naomi proposes to Ruth is not risky for Naomi. Like she's got her inheritance, someone's gonna buy her land. Land was valuable, she's going to be taken care of. The risk was all being assumed, by Ruth. Go into the threshing floor of this man who has befriended you, been kind to you took pity on you, been sympathetic to you, been generous to, you is a relative of ours, go into the threshing floor, after he is done working after, he is eaten and he lays down and laid down by his feet, uncovered them and lay down there In that day and age and that culture. What what Naomi was telling Ruth take the first step? Take the big step. Propose.

Like ask him to step up and make you his wife.

Now I know in our day and age, it's not quite as extreme like ladies, some of you may have proposed to your men, probably most likely because they just didn't have the courage or the guts to do it in the timely fashion that they should have. So, you took action, right? You ask them to marry you. But even in our world, they'll still today men usually propose to their Lady. It's kind of the way the world still even works 3,000 years ago, this would have been way out there. And, Understand like we get no impression, we get no Insight that that Ruth and Boaz after their first encounter in the field, you know, kept having lunch together kept having conversations with one another. Like but was we don't get the impression that he went to Ruth and said, tell me about your family. What was it like, how was your day, what was your dad gonna tell me a little bit about yourself. Hey, you want to go out for some ice cream or for a steak dinner? Like we don't get any of that. Now, his words are like, you know, that guy, he the field. He's, in Boaz. He's our Guardian Redeemer, like, the one you've been working with the ladies in the field go and propose to him.

And this is why I was risky like women didn't do that kind of thing. It would have been very forward. Second. Not only was it a bold request, but understand and remember who Ruth was what the book has identified her as The Moabitess.

Like just think about what she would have been doing. Foreigner widow has nothing literally. If Naomi dies, is left alone. Boaz has a whole lot of money. He is a wealthy man, like her, putting laying down at his feet and asking him to marry her could be very well viewed as gold-digging by 21st century standards. Like, marrying for money, marrying for security, and safety physically, but not for any other reason. Or maybe even worse, it would have viewed her as “that kind of girl.”

I understand the risk like as a someone who had no standing someone who had no real family tree. Like, in the moment when she makes this offer When She lays down at Boaz’ feet, she's literally at his Mercy. To make a decision in determination of her future.

Good or bad.

But I'll do it recent, I'll do what you say. I'll take the risk.

Like I know the promises of God, your God my God, where you go, I will go where you die. I will die. I'm going to put my trust in God. I have hope. That there will be a future. So, let's see how it turns out. So Ruth went to the down to the threshing. Floor did everything. Her mother-in-law told her to do, but was it finished eating and drinking? It was in good spirits, not drunk. We don't get the impression that he had overindulged. It was a part of the process of working and finishing the Day celebrating with good food and maybe a glass of wine. He went over to lie down at the end of a long day at the far end of the grain pile. You might wonder that doesn't sound like the place. I would go and taken a long nights nap after a day's work like the hard ground of the threshing floor. Understand why Boaz would have slept The threshing floor by the grain pile. The grain pile is this money. That gets its income. It says wealth. Like there aren't silos or barns that you could store things in back in that day and age like guarding it with your life was a literal thing. Which is why Naomi knew he would be there. Ruth approach, quietly uncovered his feet and lay down. Can you just imagine? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Like mine was racing like that when I proposed. My wife, thought it was, the craziest thing. I was acting weird. Uh-huh, I was acting weird. This is not normal Ruth approach. Quietly uncovered his feet and laid down in the middle of the night, something startled, the man he turned and there was a woman lying at his Feet, not normal. Who are you? He asked. He understood what was going on. He understood that there was someone at his feet, he understood that he didn't know who it was and wanted to find out. I am your servant Ruth she said Same word she used in Chapter 2. Your servant acknowledging her position acknowledging that she wasn't worthy acknowledging that she was looking to him in a position of not being equal or even close to equal. Because she understood what she was just about to ask spread the corner of your garment over me since you are a guardian Redeemer of our family.

Like, take that outer cloak that you're using to keep yourself warm, literally in the Hebrew, spread your wings Over Me.

The famous Christian song On Eagle's Wings. Like God the father, he spreads his wings over us. That was a visual imagery of what takes place in a relationship of marriage, the spreading of a the coat. Over you. Game of Thrones like the cloak got pulled over the wife shortly before someone died, always seem to happen, right? Like this is a symbol, this is symbolic of marriage as he was sleeping spread it over me. Cover me. Give me shelter in your protection with your coat. And its Ruth’s heart is beating waiting for him to wake up and now beating is she's making the request even quicker. I want you to put yourself in the shoes of Boaz like this lady is taking a huge risk and she's making a huge ask. And while her heart is beating fast, Boaz and his head must be spinning in circles, right?

Like, she's put you on the spot. She's asked you to step up and be a man. She's asked you to marry her to take her into your home, someone who is below, you, someone who is a foreigner and an outsider to to take her from being a servant to be an heiress and wealthy from being a foreigner to be an Insider. Like the ask is huge. And I don't know about you guys, but if this is you Why can you never really gone on a date? You don't know that much about the person you've heard of their character and reputation. Would you not your first word be like, I really appreciate the offer, but can I think about it? Like, can we talk about it? Like tell me about your mom and dad. Like, do you have any siblings? Like, I'm not so sure. This is a good thing. Like, what you want to go home and ask your parents, talk to your family members like, hey, this lady, she laid by my feet, she asked me to marry her like. What? She hasn't been over for dinner yet. I got think that would be logical. I think that we would want my kid to do. Like is she in it for the right reasons or if she just looking out for herself. All those things seem logical, don't they? Because Boaz understood that. If he was to say, yes, it would be a risk, a risk to his character, a risk, to status a risk to his wealth, a risk, to a whole lot of things. Like, taking risks being full of faith in the moment isn't always easy.

Boaz doesn't push pause. Boaz says this. The Lord bless you, my daughter?

This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier but you have not run after the younger man, whether rich or poor. And now my daughter don't be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character. Although it is true that I am a guardian Redeemer of your family, a not, the, there is another who is more closely related than I there. This is like a family tree thing. Like guardian redeemers of Elimelech would have been many and there had been one of the top of the list who was the closest ancestor, the one who had the first, right? To be the one to redeem and pay the price. So Boaz understands a principle like I will marry you, I will do that, but I can't be the true Guardian Redeemer. I can't be the ultimate one who take you in and fulfill all those things, but I will do as I have promised, I will make you my wife. However, Stay here for the night and in the morning and that other man. If he wants to do his duty as your guardian Redeemer, good, let him redeem you like I got to put it in his court, I got to give him the opportunity. But if he's not willing to be your guardian Redeemer, notice the difference, hold on to that till next week. Not Naomi's, Guardian Redeemer but Boaz is offering this to Ruth. If he's not willing to surely as the Lord lives, I will do it lie here until morning. So she laid his feet until morning, but got up before anyone could be recognized and he said, no one must know that a woman came to the threshing floor again Time After Time, Boaz, his character, Boaz his godliness, but as a man who knew God's word and knew God's law and knew what God Called to do boy, as someone who identified her. As, you know, someone I admire like from a distance Boaz was admiring her his admiration for Her character and love for Naomi his admiration for her not running after the boys and just taking care of herself, not just running after the young ones, or the money ones. But understand that she was a person of character. Boaz did not compromise on the threshing floor and he also cared for her. Bring me your shawl and when he did, he pour it into its six measures of barley and placed the bundle on her and then he went back to town.

Boaz says I'll go in front of the community and I'll make a note on what I am going to do to take you to be my wife and I will see if the other person will step up. Wait, could you imagine like being so excited? The proposals is taken, but now, but Boaz to her like someone else could choose to do it. Like you proposed to me, but it might not be me. Thank you. Imagine that. This is kind of crazy like says Netflix episode four and five and six. Well here's what happens when they Ruth gets back how chapter 3 ends up, when Ruth came to her mother-in-law Naomi asked, how did it go, my daughter, I'm guessing she didn't sleep much during the night, then she told her everything Boaz had done for her and added. He gave me these six measures of barley. She came home, filled up with food, to take care of. It's a sign of love, it's a sign of generosity. It's a sign of “I will follow through on what I did and take care of you, don't go back, go back to your mother-in-law empty-handed.” Then Naomi said, wait my daughter, Until you find out what happens for the man. The man will not rest until the matter is settled today like Boaz will do what he has said. He's a man of godliness, he's a man of character, he has his reputation, precedes himself. Wait, here he will not rest until he settles this matter before. Everyone else in the city, it will come to a conclusion, a dramatic one. Like all along Naomi and Ruth had been taking risks and now Boaz is taking a risk. And all along the way. They've done it in faith. They've been people of faith and they've made choices. They've plotted their steps there, they're thinking through their actions. But remember the proverb God establishes. The steps. Like God is at work. He's brought route to that field. He brought into contact with a Godly good man. Someone who's from the family tree? Like all the mess that has happened to Naomi and her family. All the loss of Elimelech in his sons. How is this going to end? How's the proposal going to go? Where is she going to end up? I know some of you have read through the end of the story. You got to come back to see how the Lord establishes. All these things is Providence is in play. And how, God. For the good of his people, blesses in the midst of the mess. But before next week, I want to give you three truths from Ruth chapter 3. I want you to hold on to think about consider and maybe apply in different ways. One like Ruth is a great story. It's a God story. It seen God at work in the midst of mess but it is a love story.

It is a love story in chapter 2 and it grows in chapter 3 and we're going to see it flourish in chapter 4 like Boaz. And Ruth are one of the amazing love stories that are found in the pages of scripture. Love in a Godly good way. And I really want you to see that in it. If I think that's important for today on a day when we celebrate families and relationships when we think of fathers and mothers husbands and wives kids and family, takeaway number one that you find in Ruth, it's not just a chapter 31 but a guy, Godly relationship models, Our Redeemer like Boaz was the kinsman redeemer. The one who was flesh and blood to the family, the one who was able to pay the price, able to redeem and willing to pay the price. You and I have a redeemer. That redeemer is Jesus Christ and God the Father sets up the relationship of husbands and wives. The human home to be built on the example of Jesus Christ, the love of God, for the church. And Boaz and Ruth display that in amazing ways. Like Boaz, displays what? A man of Godly character. A you-first love of a husband. A man is to treat a woman. Like, when she lays down at his feet, he doesn't question her character. He believes the best and doesn't assume the worst He guards her reputation. Love always protects, love always trusts.

Like love biblical, love you. First, love is modeled it in Boaz's actions and what he promises to do. It's love that only flows from the love of God. It models. The love of Our Redeemer our kinsman redeemer, who for you, and for me, did the very same thing. That's why God wants that front and center in every relationship. He's family. He was willing to redeem and he was able to pay the price. So, can I just encourage you to have this takeaway like moms and dads. If you are in the room. Like look at Naomi's words. I want to find a place for you to have a home. And she did just say, go find somebody. Anybody, you need a man. She said, no, go to that, man.

Because of who he is the godly man that he was like moms and dads be like Naomi, pray for that. Encourage that speak into that. Like, if you are dating ladies, be like Ruth and think of the person that you want to marry and have them be like that. Like who puts you first, who like guard your reputation? Like dudes. Did I just say that out loud? Guys like be like Boaz have the best interest of the person who comes to you like when a lady reach it connects with you and says I think I'm falling in love with you. Do not view that as a chance to take advantage but guard their heart. Like a Godly relationship models our Redeemer husbands, love your wives as Christ, loved the church sacrificial, like, what Boaz was offering to do with sacrificial, each One of you must love his wife as he loves himself wives, respect your husband's you first. Love love and marriage. A Godly relationship models God's love, take that away from this. Even though it's not necessarily as much about the mess, but it will bless you in the midst of any mess to have a Godly relationship for husband and wives love each other like that.

Okay, Point number two, From chapter 1 to chapter 22, chapter 3 and going into chapter 4, here's what we see on this play of spiritual truth. In the midst of the mess, even in the midst of the mess. When you have this, it is a powerful force, and it is called hope. Hope. Godly hope. Like Naomi came back bitter, but there was still a glimpse of hope. She's still using the name of the Lord. In chapter two Ruth has hope like I gotta go, I gotta go find a field. I'm going to do it. I trust in God, I hope Naomi sends her out and she comes back arms full of food. Naomi's hope rises right like 20 loaves of bread. Whoo and this man is one of our Guardian redeemers. There's hope, there's hope chapter 3 hope throughout the Harvest as now, grown so much that Naomi says, take the leap of faith. Take the step. Put your Head At His Feet proposed marriage to this man. Like you see hope, Like hope is a powerful force.

And who doesn't need hope in the midst of the mess Godly? Hope Godly hope that God could do something somehow at some time in some way to bring out something good, when you're bitter, God can and will spiritually for our good do something better.

In the midst of the mess remember this, we glorify in our sufferings was, does he know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame? Like I want to say this correctly. I don't want in the midst of the mess for you to be offended. God cares about your circumstances, he does in the midst of the mess. If you're going through it, God cares. Cast all your cares on me because I care about you. But God wants you to hear this loud and clear. As much as he cares about your circumstances, he ultimately and eternally cares more about your character. He does.

And perseverance in the midst of the mess, produces character and character, that refining produces hope.

And, you know, I you and I can have hope in the midst of mess. Because our hope is not in a wish, our hope is not in a human. Our hope is in Jesus Christ who came into the mess and rescued, you and me from sin, so that we could spend eternity with him free of the mess. When your hope is in that anchor, that is solid and secure. It will not disappoint you. It will not. You will not be put to shame in the midst of the mess. God Is that work and Naomi and Ruth Shaw and hope as you can see, from chapter 12 to 23 and now into 4 is a powerful force, like rely on, on that truth. And promise of God, that in the midst of messy, will work it for good because hope is a powerful force.

Number 3. Last one. Big one, the risk one being full of faith that God calls us to two things. Be faithful, be faithful know. The love of God. Be faithful to God, be faithful to his word, be in his word live live as God has called you to live. But in this life, there will come times when risks have to be taken spiritually speaking. In this life, there will be decisions you have to make where there is unknown and uncertain. When that happens in life, be faithful to God's word and you'll be reminded of God's faithfulness to you so that you can be full of faith and being full of Faith leads to taking spiritual risks. It leads to taking risks because your hope will not put you to shame when your hope is in God. And Ruth and Naomi did that. Like Naomi was putting Ruth at risk but their Hope was in a higher power. The amazing love of God in a man who they saw as Godly and good. Was it a risk? Yes. But hope is a powerful force. They took it. And the Bible is filled with people who are willing to take spiritual risk risk, their life risk their reputations, speak the truth in love risk relationally, because the all might have been lost and they might have been rejected, just think of some of the Risk Takers in the Bible. Think first of Abram,

Go to the land. I will show you. Can I get the map? Go to the land. I will show you. Being full of Faith takes risks, and trust God. Or think of Noah build the ark, why? A flood is coming, how many hundreds of years are going to pass? And there is no rain, like be full of faith, it leads to taking risks. Think of that young boy who took a sling and five stones, to a giant, who is causing everyone to cower and said, my hope is not in swords and shields and Spears, but in the Lord and He will fight for me like when you're in the midst of the mess, think of David, or how about Peter, when arrested after knowing that that they had put Jesus to death after being arrested and told be quiet. Don't talk about God. Don't talk about the hope that you have. He said I will not. We cannot help it. We will stand.

And up and speak for God. Risk. Like, in the midst of the mass, when, when you're fearful be full of faith, When it's a spiritual risk. When you trust it to God, trust not then your decision that you might get it right or wrong but God at the end of the day, when you pray about it, consider it our faithful to his word, be full of Faith, entrusted to him. Because he'll establish your steps.

And now, chapter 4, what will happen? What will take place in the city when Boaz puts it out there that he's going to marry this woman? How is God going to use this and their choices to establish some amazing steps coming back next week as we wrap it up.

In The Midst of the Mess - Week 3 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Broadcast by