Promise Land - Week 1 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Promise Land
Week 1 - St. Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Again, welcome to week one of Promise Land, five weeks, five promises, five verses from God and we pray that you are blessed as we get to unpack them in our life of faith, to help us move from fear and panic in difficult times on certain times to having thoughts feelings and behavior that flow from faith and not fear that bring peace and remove doubt.
Little over a year ago. CNN did a survey of Americans. And the basis of that survey, the focus of that survey was to see where Americans were at, but their mindset was how they felt about mental health, and the situation in America.
So one year ago, it went surveyed. 90% of Americans said that we have a mental health crisis in our country
Now, I know some of you work in that field and you would say the evidence is there,
And so CNN in their survey as the bunch of questions. And and here are the questions that they asked to really gauge and see why 90% of people believe there's a mental health crisis .
Asked people in America, “how's your life going in regards to enjoyment?” And 55, one out of every two, Americans said they're unable to enjoy life because of stress. Never goes up for people who are millennials and genres 65 and 64% respectively, say they're stresses at an all-time high.
Where American stressed, 80% are stressed about the cost of living 73% are stressed about inflation. 61% are stressed about their personal finances, and here's maybe a reason why out of all those people, surveyed 44%. They skipped a meal because they could not afford it. Not because they are fasting, as a result of a eating plan. No, because they could not afford food.
43% of Americans said because of stress. They're overeating to cope. 40% are drinking alcohol. The deal of stress. Half of Americans are stressed about a poor work-life balance.
And nearly one in two Americans. 45% considered the 2020s, the most stressful decade of this past 60 years,
Like I know, sometimes we forget in our brains, but so many people believe the “we are in the crisis of all crises” is when it comes to mental health right now. Now, I didn't live during the 60s and 70s, but the race wars and Vietnam, and all things tell me that within the last 60 years there've been other stressful decades.
So, why is it in today's day and age is this the case?
Well, 90% of Americans believe that we have a mental health crisis, but I need you to hear something loud and clear. Before I say part two to two things, you need to hear loud and clear. The first one is this, My disclaimers. I do not want to minimize the mental health crisis that perhaps exists in our world today, I don't want to minimize mental health issues in any way, shape, or fashion. If you wrestle with anxiety. If you are dealing with depression, if you have some sort of chemical issue, that's caused a disorder of one thing or another, if you’ve gone through a serious trauma, if you've been abused, what I'm about to say next, please hear me loud and clear. I do not want to minimize those issues, they are real. There are people to help and I don't want to make it. You feel minimized in any way shape or fashion.
And I say that, because I also need to say this like most experts would tell you this whole idea that 90% of us believe there's a mental health crisis. Did you catch what was a part of it? Like I was with disagree with that statement but the why should have caught you of guard because we're stressed
Like most experts in the area of mental health. Most people for the longest period of time while they might attach stress a little bit to it, stress is not normally considered a mental health problem.
Stress is a life reality.
Stress in and of itself. If you're taking notes is our bodies response to pressure.
Like it's a part of our biological makeup that when there's pressure from things that happen in our life, unexpected events triggered. When we don't have control, sometimes threatening the sense of ourself stresses, our bodies respond to a weight, to a pressure.
And last time I checked 2020 and this decade is no different than 1960, or 1520 or 670 or 30 AD or any time before that.
And I bring all that up, because before we get into this series, I want you to understand something.
Mental health.
Is not what we're trying to address in this series in of itself. Like to to eliminate the mental health crises that exist in our country is not the goal.
The goal is to bless you in a life where you will deal with pressure and stress difficulties and challenges uncertainties and issues that are real. To everyone.
And so, as we dig into this series, I need you to understand the direction we're going and the goal of why we're going there.
Now if you don't believe me, Jesus himself said in his word this reality that in this life stress, the pressure that comes from it, the reality that's behind it, you will experience it in this life. You will have trouble the night before he died. He's gather around the people that he loves. He's about to go to the ultimate stress. The ultimate wringer, the the ultimate pressure of carrying the sins and burdens of the world, taking his life and having his arms and his feet nailed to across dealing with the rejection of his heavenly father. Like he got and understood that this world is one where you will face an endure trouble.
So you and I will endure trouble. Which means you and I will deal with, and have to face uncertainty unknowns times when we're not in control times and things don't go our way times when there's loss and brokenness, a whole lot of pressure and stress.
Not stress can cause mental health issues if left unaddressed.
The stress can make things worse in your life. I have no doubt about that. It plays into mental health. I'm not going to minimize it, but there are things that God would for have you here as we deal with the troubles of life. To help you guard, your hearts.
And sometimes when the pressure builds, we forget the most important resource. We have the promises of God. Like when the pressure builds and fear grows
The devil works and leaves a whole lot of lies. Because he knows when the pressure builds and and fear is real. You are prone to attack.
And I would post you this. That it's what we believe in the moments when pressure is high, when uncertainty happens, when loss is real, when circumstances are challenging and tough, how we respond in those moments when that pressure and stress rise will affect our behavior, like, literally listen to what people say when it comes to stress. And this is one of the most stressful times in their life. It affects our behavior. 40% of people in that survey reported the eight too much or eight unhealthy, due to stress, like half of you, if 90% of us are stressed, you're affecting your body by what you're putting into. It 29% said they increased their drinking 16% so they started or increased their smoking like behaviorally, it affects us. Psychological effects, you know, 51% of adults, said that feeling stress. Also, was connected to depression, and being anxious like that. That's real, it happens.
16% of people harm themselves as a result. One in three at suicidal thoughts. As a result,
37% said it caused them to feel lonely.
Relational effects. 20% of them snapped under stress, had mood swings under stress screamed and yelled at loved ones, 20% identified. Those like this is real.
And so, is that?
Which is why promises are so important. In times when there is uncertainty, when we're thinking about the future, when there is unknown when circumstances are challenging and we don't know what's going to happen. Now, this series is called Promise Land. So I want you to have a working idea of what a promise and definition of promises is you know what a promise is. Write it down. There's no blanks in your notes. You're going to write this all down. I added this after the fact because I'm like you can't have a series on Promise Land and not set up people for what you are idea of promise is and what it means. A promise is a guarantee or assurance about unseen slash future things.
Like I don't say to my wife as I'm taking the pizza out of the freezer, as I turn on the oven as I open it up and put the pizza in. Hey, honey. I promise you that I will make the pizza like she's right there in the room. She's watching it. She seen it happen. I’m not the promiser. She seeing the actual work?
But there are some days where like she's working and I tell her I think I might get home before you I promise that that I'll start dinner, It's in the future and it's an assurance about something that's going to happen later.
Like parents. How many of you make promises to your kids? Like sometimes they'll ask you like, daddy. Mommy, are you going to be in my game tonight? Yes, I'll be there. Like it gives them in assurance about a future thing. To help give them what little piece.
If we make promises to people that we love, hey, I'll take care of that. You don't have to worry about that. Like, I know you've been for covering from your surgery, I'll come over and all your lawn. I promise you're looking to go. You won't pass your team. You don't know any laws. That's true.
A promise is a guarantee, insurance about unseen future things. And why we make them is to give people peace. Like when maybe there's something that's causing them a little bit of pressure or stress. To take that away to help deal with the pressure. And this series is all about God, the ultimate promise keeper. Like if I make a promise to my wife, the times I've made promises to my kid. You know what, Pastor Tim does not have a perfect track record of a promise keeping I'd like to think it's a good record. I like to think I follow through on almost the promises I make but I don't And so I'm not perfectly reliable. And that's what makes it so hard in our world. When we talk about the pressure, that is real, and eating promises to help us get through it and deal with it. Because if we attach our idea of how people keep their promises here to God, we're going to always be overwhelmed and have panic and fear instead of peace and faith.
So what I want you to see what I want you to hear, and what we want to reinforce along with the promises is a reminder of the one who's making the promises he is God.
And Jesus wants you to know that the one who said in this life, you will have troubles. Remember I'm telling you these things so that you may have peace.
And in this world where you have trouble take heart, I've overcome the world.
Like, when you are under pressure, when uncertainty happens, when you wonder about the promises of God, when the devil tries to weep doubt in your heart, remember the one who makes the promise is the one who came into this world and he's has declared, and he has proven, and he has done what it takes to overcome the world.
He's left, no doubt. That promises made our promises kept.
And with that, in mind, I want you to think of promise number one.
Like what is one of the things in life that causes a great deal of stress and pressure?
Like what is one of the things that can give us the biggest blessing and biggest benefit when we deal in a life where there are difficulties uncertainty and challenges.
I'll promise number one of God, reinforces a worldly truth that you and I probably accept and know and have experienced both good and bad.
And that's why we need this promise. Like shirt number one behind today's messages in life. We would all probably agree. Not just 90%, 100% that someone's presence.
Is sometimes the most needed present.
Like someone's presence. Is oftentimes the most needed present the the best gift we can get.
Like you probably would agree with me, you know, this to be true in your life experience. Like my wife's presence as I walk in the door after a long day at work, someone there to listen. Someone, they're doing courage. Someone there, just spend time with an online. With is a great present like having someone that I get to do life with both good and bad when there's challenges and difficulties. Someone's presence is a huge present.
Kids know this.
Like how many of you remember your first sleepover at our friends house?
Like it's fine, you're having a great time. You're hanging out, you're playing like crazy. And then your friends parents say it's time to go settle down. It's time to go to sleep. The lights, go out, and you are in a different place and you realize all of a sudden that your parents aren't present.
Like no, shame.
If you called your mom and asked her, to come pick you up because I did that the first time because mommy and daddy is present, was a present.
Like we get it, right?
Like if you're married to somebody their presence is a president. If you're a child, your parent’s presence is a present. If you're going through challenges and difficulties in life, if you're your circle of friends, the closest group of people to have them therewith. You are present Jesus acknowledged that when he went up the mountain of transfiguration, when he went away to pray in the garden of Yosemite. He brought his three closest disciples. He said to stay awake with me. Your presence is a present. I know that to be true. There are three to four people who are on my must-call list when life gets hard and difficult and challenging, and they might not answer in the first ring, but they will, if I double call them, and if they can't even answer that when I leave a message, they call back really quickly. They're available in their presence, their presence.
Like we get this for all the good reasons, right? And we also know it's true for all the bad ones.
Like, when that person is in the present,
Like when you have to go through the first holiday without their presence. Whether it's a spouse or a parent.
Their lack of presence when you normally would just call them up and say. I just need to talk to you. You understand the power of other presence.
On that person tells you I'm done. I no longer want any president and they file papers.
Like when that person on your team or at work moves on to a different job or retires? Like they're present, not being present as a big impact like whatever area of life. We can lift through this lens of knowing the good and the bad but knowing that's true, right?
And when things are tough, it's really good and important but when things are bad and we don't feel it and we don't have it, you know, what fear does to our hearts, but the pressure does
And that's what God wants to undo with his first promise.
Like he wants you and me to have the promises that remind us of no matter what we face, no matter what we're going to, no matter how uncertain it is, no matter how alone, we really feel and how long we might really be in this life that he is present. Because the devil would love to rob you of that. He would love to convince you that when it's bad and things are going wrong, there's somebody who's forgotten to be present. His name is God. And if the devil can get you to believe that God is not present. Oily, bad.
That can lead to hold that pressure, can lead to all those places we talked about before, anxiety, maybe even depression, the loneliness, the running to other things and God does not want that for you. And for me, And just to reinforce this promise of God, I want to take you back to a time and in history, 1500 years before Jesus. And tell you a story and weak number one about of the Promise Land, when God's people were on the edge of the promise to land, Like remember that the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years, God had this big promise of this land. That was going to be theirs. They wandered to wander because they had sinned right before, they're about to enter the promised land. If you're 40 years of wandering, perhaps the most important influential character in the pages of Scripture outside of Jesus Christ himself. A man named Moses spoke these words to God's people. As you're about to enter this land where there was a whole lot of stress and the pressure was filled with uncertainty about the walls and surrounding the cities, they had to conquer the armies that were powerfully trained the terrain that they didn't know the. All the unknowns Moses says to millions of God's people be strong and courageous Do not be afraid or terrified because of them. Right. Fear and terror are real. When uncertainty is in front of us when the unknown and the future are unseen. That's what was true of them. So God wanted them to know and have a promise. God will never leave you. The Lord, your God goes with you. The Lord himself goes before you and he'll be with you, he'll never leave you. No forsake. You do not be afraid and do not be discouraged. The sandwiches on the end, are the things God knew were real. The hearts of his people, the pressure that they felt from the unknowns and uncertainty. And so he made promise after promise after promise which is the same promise, the Lord's with you. He won't leave you. He's in front of you. He'll be a long side of you. He won't leave you, never will forsake you
Moses. For those Israelites, speaking these words meant to whole lot. Because his presence for them, spiritually was a present. I remember this is Moses like the man who led them out of Egypt and slavery. After hundreds of years, Moses. The man who with God's help. Held that staff, high the waters, parted in the Egyptians were drowned. Moses, the one who spent 40 days on the mountain with God, in his presence, who came down with the tablets of stone from God. For his people, Moses was the one who led them. All those years. That's this guy has presence was a present in their life.
And he wanted them to know that God was promising his presence. And Moses speaking those words is powerful.
Because Moses knew that these would be some of the last words that he would ever speak in their presence.
Because Moses was about to go up to the top of Mount Nebo and God was going to bury him. Like Moses' presence would never set foot in the promised land because he had sinned.
And I want you to imagine how that made Joshua feel.
Like Joshua, who was the the one that Moses had been mentoring Joshua, the one of the twelve spies who stood up for God originally but got shot down by the others. Joshua, the one, who was Next in line.
Think look at what Joshua heard from God. In Joshua chapter 1, only days. After those words of Moses, after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua's, son of noon, Moses aid? Like the servant of the Lord, the death of Moses. To his aid, Moses. My servant is dead.
It's a lot of pressure filling those issues. You want to talk about stress? An uncertainty with these people follow me. I know how they viewed Moses and they were tough on him. Well, they how they treat me. Can I equip for this job? Like Moses cute. He's spent time with you on the mountain. God, like, the best thing I've gotten to do is spend with Moses like I'm in trouble. How am I gonna do it? Who can help me, Moses, I can't call him up and ask him for help.
So what God said, through Moses to two million. People got stopped and paused and made sure one person. That person heard the same promise. About God said to Joshua. As I was with Moses. Like, I know, you know, I was with him as I was with him, I will be with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. You be strong and courageous because you will lead these people to inherit the land. I swear to you before to their ancestor, to the ancestors. To give them. I have a promise maker and I'm a promise keeper. Have I not commanded? You be strong and courageous do not be afraid to not be discouraged by the Lord. Your God will be with you wherever you go. Like, God made a promise to Joshua. I will be with you as you cross that river. I will go with you. As you conquer the land, I will give it to you. I'm gonna be there be strong and be courageous. It might be unseen and it might be uncertain and you might not know and you might feel stress. But in the middle of the pressure, remember the promise
Here. I'm not going anywhere. Wherever you go algo. Like that's God. In fact, time and time again, throughout the pages of Scripture off, God will say words like this, do not be afraid. Some people have counted them up. I'm not sure how accurate is based on Hebrew and Greek, but by estimations of most English translations, the word, and statement from God, or from someone beat do not be afraid happens 365 times.
On time for every day of the week, the year, every month, 365 do not be afraid. And you know what almost always is associated with? Do not be afraid.
Someone's presence.
Most oftentimes the promise of God's.
Like how do you deal with fear when the pressure builds? How do you not lose hope when the pressure build? How do you find? Peace in uncertain times and times of loss and times of difficulty, when you feel like you're all alone, Joshua needed to hear it. The Israelites need to hear it. You and I need to hear it. God is present.
That's his promise.
And I know there are times when you were going to doubt that because I do, I know there are things that the devil would want you to believe about God, that he has forgotten that And when you do, hold on to the promise when the pressure is real, when the loneliness is real, when the pain is real, when the uncertainty is real. And here's what I want you to remember, when the devil tries to rob you of the hope and peace that comes from this promise. Remember his presence. Literally,
He literally left his heavenly home and made, a home here on Earth. He became present.
All the 33 years, he walked on the face of planet earth. Is presence. Was your present and my present to the ultimate from the filament of the promise of God and you know
That in the moment as he was on the cross. That when he promises, what is real that you can find peace. And hope, even in difficult times, he overcame the world because he endured the very pain of hell, the lack of God's presence. And God turned his back on him. So that you and I Forget to enjoy God's presence for eternity and heaven. That's what that promise keeper did.
His present.
Is that you? And I would get the present. Of his presence for eternity.
So I want to give you three verses that I believe may be some of the best ones to help. Remember the presence of God, the significance of it, the bigness of it pick the one that you want, and then we're gonna have a truth before we wrap up today. Here are the three passages is one. You already heard today, some 139 three and then seven through 10. Like God is present King. David knew this remember King David had to go on the run for his life King. David had to flee his castle because his son tried to overthrow him, like, King David new difficulties. He faced uncertainty, he ran for his life time and time again. And yet he knew and proclaimed the promise that the God was always present. Lord. You just certainly going out my line down when I'm awake. When I leave, when I'm at home, you're familiar with all my ways. Where can I go from your spirit? No. Where, where can I flee from your presence? I can't, if I go up to the heavens, you're there to make my bed in the depths you're there. If I rise on the wings of the dog, if I settle in the far side to see, even there, your hand will guide me. You're right handle. Hold me fast, you're there, you're there, you're present, like, there's no where you can go, that God isn't with you. There's no where you can go, that can get you away from God. There's no, where you can go. Where God doesn't know where you've gone. God is present, King David, knew it.
Like if you want someone to promise that God is present, let God speak for himself. Surely, I am with you always to the very end of the age. Three years. Jesus spent with his disciples, 40 days after he rose from the dead. He spent time with them. He was about to leave them and go back to have no longer being visually present, he wanted you and me his church until the day, he comes back in his visible presence to remember his promise that he will be present always. That's sometimes not just when it's good, only when it's needed, but every day all the time, when you're dealing with uncertainty, when you're struggling with loss, when you've lost seemingly everything, when finances are hard. His promises, he's present.
It's Jesus onwards.
Perhaps the one that we've chosen as the one to put on the back of the card because God has said, never will I leave you never never will I forsake you. Never. I won't do it. Of won't let you down and I won't leave you alone. That's God to you.
So can I set up God's promise this way? Like if someone's presence is oftentimes the greatest present then you and I have received the greatest present by the greatest giver of it. Here's God's promise to you and me promise number one my presence is always present. 100% guarantee like it was for Joshua. Like it was for Jesus' disciples. It is for you and for me today like it was for David, his presence is always present the word promises it and God is a promise keeper.
There's why I'm going to leave you with the story of two jakes who needed that promise. The first one is the jake of the Old Testament. The heel grabber. Restores brother's birthright. And after he did it, he had to run for his life because his brother wanted to kill him. I'm gonna talk about feeling alone. You want to talk about uncertain times, like, it was so bad. He ran during the middle of the night. He was on the road work to with family members. It was so bad that he left with just a backpack of, who knows what he had to sleep on a stone for a pillow. Like, I don't sleep well at night, on a pillow, a little on a stone, as he fell asleep on the stone, God came to him and vision and he said, I know you're on the run, I know you maybe have doubts, but I want to assure, you of my presence, I will be with you and I will bring you back.
Don't fear.
Have hope.
And God delivered on that promise to that Jake.
And he did to another one.
His name was Jacob Brew, my grandfather.
Who was drafted into World War II? Who got sent off with the Marines to Okinawa 3,000 of the people of the Marines who went with and never came back alive?
He left before his firstborn child was born. He never saw him.
And I want to ask my grandpa. How did you make it through? He said, I knew God was present.
If I make it back, I'll get to see my son with my own eyes and if I don't I'll see him.
That's why the promise of God matters. In a life that's filled with pressure and trouble. Coming back till next week, I pray that that promise Gives you peace and faith. And helps you move from fear and panic. Amen