Promise Land - Week 2 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende

Promise Land
Week 2 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende

Promise Land moving from fear and panic in a world filled with trouble. God wants us to be filled with faith and be overflowing with one of the fruits of the spirit. Peace, in a world where we face so much trouble. We pray these promises of God, our blessing to you this side of heaven, until you reach the promised land with him. I got a twist for you today. And this is not to ask you how the score or game went last night. Sorry, I can't resist the quizzes. This is 80s pop culture. How many people believe you are 80s pop culture, experts, there's a hand. All right? The question that I'm going to put in front of you, I'm looking for an answer and you just get the shout out. Everyone is a lot as you can. You know, when you think of 80s pop culture, and you hear this question, what's the one word response, “who you're gonna call”? See you guys are 80s. Top culture, experts. Who knows to you? Like, 1984 Ghostbusters, some of you who are children of the 80s, remember actually going to the movie theater and seeing it like, thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Like this movie almost, never made it because it costs like $25 to 30 million back in 1984 for the special effects and special effects in comedy movies were usually a recipe for disaster like comedies, were not about special effects. It was almost, almost, never got off the ground, but thankfully, it did, it made nearly $280 million in its first year. Over the course of time multiple releases like it's it's a pop culture phenomenon. Based on all the sequels, all the tangents, all the stuff that people have bought almost every Halloween. You might see somebody dressed up in some Ghostbusters outfit because it's a part of the pop culture in which we live. Perhaps most of all what makes it memorable and famous to many people as the song. The number one song, song on the movie soundtrack, that Ray Parker, Jr. wrote right over and over again. The question is raised, who you're gonna call when there's something weird and don't look good. Who you're gonna call?

When there's something strange and your neighborhood who you're going to call, Okay, she got the gist who you're gonna call us busters? Like I'm gonna do two things. One is, I know you didn't come here for Ghostbusters and me telling you all the information about it if you love it, great, if you don't that's okay too. And I also apologize because now all of you are going to have that song in your head for the rest of the day. Like my wife came to church on Thursday and as we were driving out for dinner on Friday, she played over and over again and she was singing it I'm like going, oh no, did you remember anything in the sermon, besides Ghostbusters? So, just clear that out of your head. Remember the question? Like that's the reason I brought it up. Like what was going on in New York City? There was no one who could solve the problem. The mayor ultimately had to get them out of jail because the only person you could call were the Ghostbusters to deal with the problem, that New York City was facing like they were the only solution. They were who you had to call for help with that problem. And I want you to have that in your mind. So down, you actually, literally think about who it is that you call when you are in need of help. Who do you call?

Like today, we're gonna focus on the spiritual, but I want you to think about in your life. Who do you call when you are in need of help? Like who makes the list and why are they the ones that you call? Oftentimes, the people that we call, we call for help, we believe that they are the right place to go to, because their willingness is probably there and their ability, it is something that we know, Like if you need medical advice, if you need something done, medically speaking, you call your doctor, someone you trust who has knowledge in that, if you need insight or wisdom, when it comes to financial matters and planning you reach out to that person that you trust with your investments. When you think of other issues in your life, maybe relationally, you have a go-to person that you know, has gone through it, you reach out to them for help because you rely on their ability and be, they're willingness Like we all know this in our life, we have go to people to call for certain reasons when we are in need of help. Like in my family. Like my son. Knows who he's gonna call in certain situations. And when by caller ID shows, my son, my wife's jaw drops because she gets really scared because he never calls me for anything, but one thing,

Like, when he needs help and encouragement, because school is so hard. He calls mom. Like, when he said relational issues and relationships throughout his life or things haven't been good, and he needs someone to, to sympathize with him and empathize, he calls mom. Like when he wants to call him, let us know how he's doing and check in on how we're doing. He doesn't call me, He calls mom.

But there's one reason he calls these calls dad.


Like financial resources. Like, hey, dad, I'm broke. I need someone to cosign on our lease for our apartment in college and now beyond. Would you do it? Never has called mom. Always dad. I've done it four times.

Dad. Like, I am a broke medical student. Obvious story, can you just send us some money? So we can have a good dinner. Yes, on Venmo, thank you for that gift. Like financially dad, can you help me attack taxes? I don't know how to do this, like everything financial on the list, dad, dad, dad, and the fear in my wife is always that the one financial request that is coming, is the car that we gave him as he went out to Utah. Has broken down and we're gonna have to allow him to use the Discover card to make all the repairs. Like, I love you, son.

But I know when you call what you're calling for help needed help. And you believe that I will do it.

And spiritually speaking.

Sadly, all too often. We struggle in this area.

And that's why today's promise is so important. Like my guess is pretty good that that each and every one of you knows has learned from little on and believes to this day you understand this promise of God that God has promised to help, right? Like we're gonna call it for spiritual help. If I ask that question, you don't need an 80s pop culture expert, Most Christians can answer God.

But I'm here to tell you that. Sadly, I don't think all of you believe it all the time.

And sadly, I think it's for us the most underused promise of God, unrelied on promise that God gives to us because spiritually, what lies beneath and in our hearts oftentimes is this thing that we believe both in life, but also spiritually that we are strong enough that we are able to honor our own, do it. Like how many of you truly like asking for help?

Think if you were raising kids right now, once they get to a certain age, they don't want you to help. They want to figure it out on their own, like leave me alone. I can do it. And as I've gotten older, that's only gotten worse. Like, I don't like asking the people I work with, for their help. I'm smart enough. I'm strong enough. I can do it. I don't like asking for directions. Thank goodness for GPS on your phone. It's almost everywhere without having to stop at the gas station and look ridiculous that you don't know where you're going. I don't like asking for help.

And you might not like that asking for help either and oftentimes in our spiritual battles, we think sadly all too often that we can. We can do it on our own What you can't? And I need you to hear that today. I'm actually proving that to you today. I think that's important. Why behind the what of this week's promise for you to truly take to heart this promise? Appreciate this promise rely on this promise, run to this promise is for you and me first to have our perspectives change on the need for this promise. In our spiritual life.

And so I plan today, over the next few minutes, the first make a compelling, why before I give you the, what of the promise? Why it's so needed why I pray you run to it. Why I pray its game-changing for you going forward in this life where we face so many challenges spiritually, that's what today's promises about the spiritual health that you and I need

It's only give you two truths. The why before I give you the, what of the promise? And the takeaway for you today and I kind of go through and fast but there's two truths that that are really significant important for the why of this promise that you and I have this need for spiritual help. First through this and when you look at you probably go past her Tim that doesn't make a really compelling case but let me explain it first, The first truth that I want you to see and I'm going to give you a Bible passage that reinforces it is. This Christianity is easy.

And here's what I mean by that. The foundation of Christianity is easy.

The apostle Paul's words that I want to share with you will help you understand what I'm saying with that when it comes to this spiritual truth of how you and I are safe. When it comes to the spiritual reality, how how anyone make it to have when it comes to the, spiritual reality of a relationship with God. It's really simple. It is as the apostle Paul would say not because of anything, we have done, he saved us, and called us to a holy life, not because we've checked out all the boxes, not, because we've done so many good things but because he's saved us because of his own purpose and his grace. I got want you to hear this. If you're new to Christianity, or if you've been a Christian your whole life that the reality that God wants you to hold on, to remember that Christianity, how you get to heaven, how you get from here to there? It is all God's doing. You don't have to do it. You can't earn it that you can't check more boxes and someone else and get in. No, it's by the grace of God. That you are saved. It's the gift of God who gave you faith? Just like he gave Liam faith in the waters of baptism that you are saved. It's his doing all his doing. I need you to see that and understand that Christianity from that perspective is easy. It's all him. Not you

And Martin Luther 500 years ago.

Celebrated that. When his eyes were open to that. Like for all of his life he had been told it was about what he did, he had to do more, he had to do enough, he had a little life that was about checking boxes and you know, where it left him, it left him with guilt and doubt.

Because guilt and doubt when you're told it's about you.

Is what makes and made for him Christianity so hard. But here this first and know that truth, Christianity is easy. From the perspective of how one gets to heaven. How one is saved. How one is forgiven? It's Jesus Christ is perfect life and death. The Holy Spirit, who gave you faith by grace alone? Through faith alone, scripture alone? That's it. That's the list.


Even though that's true. Martin Luther then as eyes were opened to that experience. Another truth that That he knew for a different reason, Martin Luther thought Christianity was hard, because it depended on him. Once he realized, it wasn't about him, it was freeing, but what he still experienced every day, going for it from that moment, the persecution. He faced the struggle that he had the challenges that that people through his way, the spiritual battles. That he endured the temptations, that the devil brought to his door, he understood still that while Christianity is easy, from that perspective of being saved by grace alone. Sure. Number two is being a Christian is hard. Is hard.

It's hard to be a Christian.

For many reasons.

And those reasons are the why behind the compelling lot of? I pray you view this promise differently. I pray that it's game changing today that you start relying on it even more that you rely on yourself. No more. That you run to it over and over again. And but I need you to see the why it's so important because being a Christian is hard, it's hard first reason because Jesus said this, when it comes to the commandments, as he sums them up at when asked, which one is the greatest, love God, with your whole heart with all your soul, with all your mind with all your strength. The second is this. Love your neighbor as yourself. There's no greater commandment than these, my friends. If I said, which one of those do you think is harder? The answer is. Yes.

They're both hard. To love God with you all your heart.

Hard. Is there even good things in this life like a spouse and kids and family and friends and work and hobbies and interests that. Sadly sometimes, take the number one place in your heart. Instead of God.

It's hard to love your neighbor as yourself. Like I love the neighbor on my right. But a few there are like three or four doors down, sometimes really frustrate me.

I love certain people on staff a whole lot more than I love others. Just kidding.

Some people I work with are really hard to love and all of them are like saying mirror.

Some of you are hard to love and you're like pastor, Tim, you were really hard to love the day. When you said those words, right? You did the beginning like people are hard to love.

Being Christian is hard, isn't it?

Reason number two Christian is being a Christian is hard. Jesus said, whoever wants to you might disciple must deny themselves take up their cross, and follow me like to do those. Think that Jesus said, love God, love your neighbor means. You need to deny yourself You needed to deny yourself. Some pleasures the world says are out there because, you know, God says, don't go there. You need to die yourself when it's so much easier when that person pushes the buttons to lash out in anger and God says deny yourself, instead be humble. And forgiving.

It's hard. Every instinct oftentimes in your life it says be selfish and God says be selfless. Denying oneself is hard. And GSM because you will have to deny yourself. Because you will say, notice certain things, it will bring crosses in your life, that will be hard to carry. Like being a Christian is hard. Jesus says, you will carry across Different times. It might be heavier, might have many more spiritual splinters. It might cause you the loss of relationships because you stand up for truths. You deny yourself and people say I'm done with you.

Jesus says, I know this to be true Christian, being a Christian is hard. Reason number three being a Christian is hard. Jesus. In the Garden of Gethsemane looked at his disciples and said, I know this is going to be hard watch and praise. So you won't fall in temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Like I know you want to. I know you are willing, it's not for a lack of effort. Like Jesus looked at the disciples I know you want to give it the old college try, but I know that you're your spirit is weak like the old college. Try only to get it done about 10% of the time.

Like you and I are weak spiritually. Why do we struggle with our spiritual battles? Why do we need help? Because The fleshes week.

And maybe if you sum them all up reason, number four

The apostle Paul said, I know the good that good itself does not dwell in me, that is in my sinful nature, I've the desire to do, what is good. I want to do, what is good, the apostle Paul love God and he wanted to love his neighbor. The apostle Paul understood caring crosses. He, he understood his willingness to to do but I cannot carry out for. I do not do the good. I want to do the evil, I do not want to do this. I keep on doing now. If I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I do it, but it is still living in me. That does it. So, I find this law at work in me this log at work inside of my heart. Although I want to do, good, evil is right there. Right here inside of me, and inside of you, is the biggest problem.

And why it is so hard to be a Christian because you have a sinful nature and this side of heaven, it will never disappear. It will never go away. It will rear its ugly head. It will not at the door of your heart. It will seek you to, to run after pleasures. It'll push you down past that cause hurt, and destruction, it'll cause you to cave to temptation, like, right here. Like the reason passed pastor Tim it selfish in his relationships right here,

The reason why. Sometimes, when my son says, I need some help. I say no. Even though I could Is maybe sometimes here.

And I need you to see that and understand that.

Because being a Christian is so hard and because the problem is internal, because our flesh is weak, as crosses are heavy because God's called to action is really big and and all inclusive. Is why you and I need to remember this promise rely on this promise and take advantage of this promise more often than we do.

Like, when you are tempted. In the future. Remember the promise I'm about to give to you. And don't cave to the fact that everyone is doing it or don't cave to the fact that it's too hard. You can't ever overcome it. That is not what God says, God promises he will always provide a way out. When tempted, you'll never be tempted to be on. What you can bear the spiritual battle. God promises you a way out.

But it's not you and your strength. It's not you and you alone know you need Jesus and you need God. It's the only way to do it. When the cross is heavy and you feel like giving up when Christianity is so hard that you say it would be easier and better to just to walk away from it. Jesus makes a promise to you to help come to me. You are weary and burden and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you.

One who carried the cross. I want you to have my yoke frame, gentle and humble and heart. You'll find rest for your soul, like he promises to help. And here's the thing, I want you to see in this promise, before we get to the promise, he can deliver the goods.

He can deliver the goods because of the end of the day, the thing you and I needed help with that. We could not help ourselves in any way, shape, or fashion was being delivered from sin and the desert punishment of hell. And the wrath of God.

So I got promised a savior to Adam and Eve he repeated over and over again and and he sent Jesus to help you and to me to take away our sins and he did it through his perfect life. And his death on the cross.

And his resurrection giving you and I new life and hope and help.

Like that's why this promise is so essential because on our own, we are broken spiritually. We are desperate. And in our struggles with the devil, we are weak and crosses our heavy, like, you know, this who you're gonna call Again, the first service I asked the question. I didn't get Ghostbusters from a little kid up front. He was God. Like dude, like I got 30 minutes of content here.

But that's it.

Like the faith of a little child gets it, but when we get older, we forget it. We stop calling on him. Like, stop thinking that you can defeat your blind spot. Stop thinking that, that pets in, that gets you all the time, you can overcome stop thinking that, that on your own, you'll control, your anger issues. No, Jesus can help you control all those things. Jesus can help you fix the broken relationship, Jesus can help you with that blind spot. He can help you put people in your life to call it out and he will not allow you to be tempted to be on what you can bear but don't believe the lie.

Don't believe the lie. That you can do it on your own.

And so if I've convinced you who are going to call, You're going to call on God, let me share with you the promise of God and give you the truth that I pray. You hold on to and you'll remember when you're facing temptation when you're flesh is weak. When the cross is heavy, when God's call to love him and others seems so hard. Listen to the one who makes the promise he first makes the case for why you should go to him. Since we have a great high priest who's ascended into heaven. So Jesus says return home, he came to earth. He went to the cross that he carried paid the price and is now ruling over all things. And he promises for the good of his church and last time I checked if you are Christian, you are a part of the church. Your name is written on the palm of his hands. That means he's overall things for your good. We're gonna get to that promise in a few weeks but that's who he is overall things. He's the son of God, God himself the one was there at creation and he is your high priest, the high priest is the one who went before God's throne on a regular basis. Sprinkled the blood on the ark of the covenant, what makes Jesus? The great high priestess. He is the blood of the sacrifice and he stands

Struggles at all times. You failed with a devil wants you to doubt that you could be forgiven and loved by God. No, Jesus sends the message loud and clear. God look at me. They are holy and they are cleansed to the blood of the Lamb. Let us hold on. Swerving into the faith that we profess. Because of who he is.

And what I love about this next verse, it's so amazing why call it him because of who he is, why call on him for help because he gets it, like all too often people just don't get it.

Again, you don't call them for help and they can't get it right. But when they won't understand when they can't understand what you going through, you find somebody else in your list. Well, Jesus knows the spiritual battles, he knows how heavy crosses are. He knows how it's what it's like to be tempted. Like the devil put temptations in front of him that were hard. And I know, you don't know, would say that they weren't hard for me, they work because he was true, man. They were hard. He was hungry like to not have to go through the cross that he was gonna carry. When the devil offered him. The whole world, like that was hard. And so he gets it and he gets you, we do not have a high priest who's unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who's been attempted in every way. Just as we are yet, he did not sin. Like sympathy is to have pity for someone who's going through a difficult time, but empathy is to put one self in another shoes to really feel the pain to truly understand that there's a difference between sympathy and empathy and Jesus can empathize with you and me because he endured the temptation that the devil sent, and he overcame them so, you know, he can help because he did it. He can empathize with how hard it is, and how heavy across is because he went through it. Like, you can call me up and I will try and help you through anything that you're going through. But I'm gonna point you in the direction of the one who alone has the ability to help all the time. Every time is promises are good and he gets what you're going through.

And here's a promise. Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence. So that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need approach. The throne of God, like God through the blood of Jesus allows you and me to approach him to come into his presence to literally say. I need your help, and here's what he'll say to you. You have mercy. Compassion.

And I give you grace.

And just like the apostle Paul, we can save, but you're grace is sufficient for us. Your powers made perfect in our weakness. When we need help. Lord, Jesus. You are the strongest, like, his grace is offered to you. The one who came to help who made you God's child the grace of God. That is yours helps us in our times of need it points back in the direction of Jesus. I can't tell you that life will get any easier in. In the spiritual struggles will get any less. I can't tell you the cross will get lighter, but God will help you carry it and get you through it until you reach the promised land. Which is only possible because of his help.

Yes, Christianity can be hard. I want to do that. Why to make this promise that much more powerful But Christ promises to help like the one who helped the one who rescued. The one who rules the one who will one day come back. He promises you and me he gets it. He understands it. He's gone through it. I want to help. So next time, the devil knocks and that temptation seems too hard to resist. Can I can I tell you to to tell the devil to flee from me? That's what God says to do. Say Jesus name. Beat him back if you fall and fail run to the throne of grace. And ask for forgiveness, if what you're going through is really heavy and really hard call on God the day come he says come to me and he'll give you rest. We're going to call when you need help, when the cross is heavy, when the temptation is real, when your spirit is weak. Calling Christ calling God.

Like, I believe there's going to come a time. Please. When my son stops calling me for help,

Like the goals to get through medical school. Like and after a few years, he pays off all those big bills. Maybe gone.

Daddy wants to retire sooner, son.

And I don't know what he'll call me for because he needs to change in this side of heaven. I'm glad he calls me for help. I'm glad I can be there for him for help. I might have to rely on him for help with my age, going up, and my medical needs and questions that I have. Like in life, those people change. Thank God for those people.

Of this promise from God. Never changes. He's the same yesterday today and forever and his promise to you and to me no matter how heavy the cross, no matter how big the temptation, no matter how hard it is, he Will help.

Who ya gonna call?


Promise Land - Week 2 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Broadcast by