Revelation - Week 4 - St Peter - Pastor Tim
Welcome again to week number four of our sermon series, digging into some key sections of the book of Revelation to better understand today, tomorrow and the end.
Which one do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news? Like, how many times in your life have you heard that statement? That question has been put in front of you. Which one do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news?
By a show of hands, how many of you, when you get that question, have that statement put in front of you, opt for the bad news first? How many of you are bad news? Then good news? You are about the same. As studies have shown, four out of five people, when offered I have some good news and I have some bad news, will opt for the bad first.
Like there's something about the all's well that ends well, lived happily ever after. The good news at the end of something, it's something that resonates with people's brains, with people's lives, and it's something that is important to remember and realize that for most of us is how we're hardwired. Because in this life, there will be times when you get bad news and good news. There'll be times when things are good and there's not much bad. And there'll be times when there's a whole lot of things that are bad. And you wonder, where's the good?
And I bring that up for you to consider today as we wrestle with it, to understand that at the heart and core of the book of Revelation, all the things that we've been talking about, to better understand today, tomorrow and the end, it's important for us to understand what the book tells us will happen today and tomorrow. But also in the end, there's bad news. Sometimes the book of Revelation tells us it goes from bad to worse. And you wonder if there's anything good. But in the end, there's good news. There's great news that Jesus wins. It's really the story of Revelation, the cycle of the visions, that things are hard, that there is still hope even when it's bad or if it gets worse. In the end, Jesus wins. God's people win. Good news, bad news.
And I want you to have that in mind not just with the book of Revelation, but the story that we're going to focus in on today. Like there's going to be good news and there's going to be bad news. And as we dig into Revelation chapter 19 today, I want you to understand that I think God understood 2000 years ago, as we also do today. That to better understand today and tomorrow and the world in which we live, still today, just like 2000 years ago, we need to understand the challenge that we face in this world where there is bad. In this world where there is trouble. God wants us to remember and know this because he knows this. The challenge for you and for me and the world in which we live our todays and our tomorrows until we get to the end. Spiritual compromise is common.
Like spiritual compromise is something that is very common. Like 2000 years ago, God inspired John to write these words. Chapters two and three were letters written to churches where there had been spiritual compromise. Like if you read through chapters two and three again, look at all the different churches and they were people who had compromised spiritually.
Like some of them, the compromise was you've lost your first love. Like you were really in love with God. But now you're kind of, eh, for some of you, your faith is lukewarm, like you have a reputation for being really good on the outside, but inside you're hollow. You're spiritually dead. Like you've compromised. For some, the compromise was mixing their Christianity with these other teachings and other religions. People were kind of pulling them in to things that weren't true, but they were still holding on to some of the things that the Bible said. And Jesus speaking to the churches through John said that compromise is endangering your eternity.
Some were compromising their bodies. There's a whole lot of the examples in those churches where sexual immorality was mixed into their religious practices, that they were being influenced to cave to the pressures of the world. Compromise. They were compromising their faith and their confession because swords and persecution and suffering was real. Like compromise 2000 years ago was common.
And as you just think about that list, it probably would still be true today, right? Like so many people talk about the sexual revolution that was experienced in the 20th century and it's only advanced in the 21st century. Like don't be convinced that things have changed so drastically in regards to our bodies and God's gift of sexuality and how people view it, fall in line with it or abuse it. Like 2000 years ago it was an issue of compromise and it is still today.
Or how about when it comes to the other things, like a mixing of different religious practices? Like there are some christians and maybe some of you here today who are right now walking the fine line of compromise. Like you like this teaching of Jesus and that teaching of Jesus, but not that teaching of Jesus. And you definitely like the world's view on that position versus Jesus.
Like, you can't have it both ways. Jesus would have told the churches back then. Like, you don't get to like the fact that Jesus is God and Jesus died to save you. But Jesus doesn't get to be God when he talks about all things in regards to your resources, your time, your identity. Like, you don't get to have it both ways. That's compromise.
Or how about maybe the biggest compromise in our world today? Like Jesus was the model of you first, but we swim in a me first pool. Our world today is very individualistic. I set the rules. I make the choices. I get to decide right and wrong. I am God. You don't get to tell me what to do. I get to determine what I feel about authority and identity and anything else. Like, there is a world in which we live today where this challenge is real.
And here's the danger. Why I need you to see that challenge for what it is, why I need to appeal to you today, why today's message matters. Because who you are aligned with, in the end, today's text is going to show us, matters.
Like if you are willing to compromise your faith, it potentially could be of eternal consequence. Like so many people understand that compromise is common. You know, it may be in your life you viewed some of the things that you're doing, the sins that you're committing, and the compromise that is taking place, and you've minimized it. I know it's wrong, but it's not that bad. I know it's wrong, but everyone's doing it. I know it's wrong, but no one's getting hurt by it.
Like you need to understand that if it's wrong, you may not be hurting anyone else, but you are hurting yourself and you are endangering your relationship with God. Like who you are aligned with in the end matters.
That truth is front and center for us today because we're going to see the end. And God wants your vision of what the end is like to help you understand the importance of who you are aligned with, who you are backing, the horse that has your support, so to speak, as you're going to see in the vision for today who you are aligned with matters in the end. At the end, in a world where we are challenged by spiritual compromise.
Jesus understood this and John would have heard this. Jesus said it this way the week before he died. Holy Week, as he's teaching, he's in the temple court. Some of his final teachings this side of heaven, before he returned to heaven, were about when he would return from heaven, because he understood that there would be willingness to compromise. And he understood that who you are aligned with at the end matters. Like this is Jesus, the one who loves you, who died on the cross for you, who wants you to understand about the end so that you don't miss out.
“When the son of man comes in all his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.” We talked about that. In week number one, “all the nations will be gathered before him. And he'll separate the people one from another. As a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, he'll put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, come, you who are blessed, take your inheritance. The kingdom of God prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
These were christians who lived by faith and lived in light of God's grace. They understood who Jesus was and that filtered out into their life. They weren't perfect this side of heaven. They're still sinners, but they knew they were saved by grace. They hadn't compromised their faith.
“But to those on the left, depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”
They tried to raise their hand. Jesus said, and say, when did we ever have a chance to do that for you, Jesus? And Jesus said, you didn't do it for the least of these compromised. You are living for the God of this world, the God of yourself, the God of this age, and that matters in the end.
And so I don't know where you're at right now in your spiritual life, your relationship with God. The odds are pretty good that some of you right now, right here, are struggling with some form of compromise. You've convinced yourself it's not that big a deal to watch that on the screen. It's not that big a deal to self medicate with that thing. It's not that big a deal to cross that line with that person. It's not that big a deal to not address that issue in my heart and in my life.
Like, there are some of you in here who are right now probably in danger. There are others of you in here right now where we walk and face this temptation all the time to compromise, like, it doesn't matter which boat you're in. I need you to understand and see that that challenge is real and it has eternal consequences if you cave and if you leave God behind.
And Jesus understood that at the end, he's going to simply divide people on one side or the other. He's going to know where you stand and you'll be judged.
And that's the vision of Revelation 19, because God wants you to see the right person, to be aligned with the one who is that judge who will come back in all of his glory. So jump with me into Revelation, chapter 19. It's a gritty, it's a graphic section of Revelation, and it's in two parts. And it's interesting how God allowed John to see this vision. The first part of the vision is a vision of Jesus, descriptive of Jesus, a reminder of the person God would want you to understand. Being aligned with is so vital and important, and this is the right horse to back.
And he shows you the vision of Jesus before he gets to the vision of the final day, the final scene, the final battle, the ultimate victory, like understanding who Jesus is and who God wants you to be aligned with matters because of what Jesus does. So here's the text in those two parts. Revelation 19:11-16 to start:
“I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse whose rider is called faithful and true.”
Pause for a second if you've read Revelation. Revelation six has a white horse with a rider on it. You might think it's the same person. It's the same symbolism. The symbolism is similar, but it's not the same person.
That white horse with the rider in Revelation six was riding in the middle of the earth, going around proclaiming the gospel message of Jesus. This horse is coming out of heaven, from heaven to earth, to accomplish a purpose. In this vision of this rider, we get a very different description of the one riding on the horse.
“With justice, he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean, coming out of his mouth. As a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, he will rule them with an iron scepter.”
That was also in Revelation, chapter twelve.
“He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God almighty. And on his robe and on his thigh, he has this name written, king of kings and Lord of lords.”
A striking, graphic, gritty visual of Jesus. So that you and I know that in the end, this is how it's going to end. And who it's going to end with and who's going to be the one to back.
And so what I want to do for you for just a minute is understand why who you are aligned with matters in the end, to take some time to unpack Jesus and this vision. Like why he is the right horse to back, why he is the right person to back, why spiritually compromising is something that if you're minimizing it or justifying it, you will see him for who he is and as he is, so that it speaks to your heart today before the end, when it comes. Like today and tomorrow, God wants us right with him so that in the end we can be right alongside of him.
Five blanks, five things about Jesus, the rider who's on the white horse, the descriptive words and pictures and images that you find in here. So if you're taking notes, here's who jesus is. Let's unpack them, let's walk through them. What we just read.
The first one as we are answering it, I know the word Jesus is isn't up there, but that is what is leading all five of these. Jesus is first of all, faithful and true. Why is he called true and faithful? True because he's consistent. True because he is loyal.
Faithful because he keeps his words and does not change his mind. True and faithful. Consistency, loyalty, faithful to his word, which is so important when understanding. If you want to align yourself with someone, what horse do you want to back when it comes to your eternal future? The one who's made promise after promise. The Old Testament is filled with them and the New Testament shows you that he's kept and delivered on everyone.
Or the one who offers you worldly pleasure, personal gain, compromise your faith. It'll feel good in a moment that short term pleasure might not lead to long term pleasure, but long term pain.
Like understand very clearly the rider on the white horse is faithful and true. He will deliver on all his promises to do right by you, to do good for God's people for eternity. But he will also be faithful and true to every last thing he said he will carry out for those who do not believe, those who cross the line, those who bear the mark of the beast versus wearing the name of the image of God.
He's faithful and true. Every last word that he has said is true. And the one who is faithful and true, the one who is loyal and consistent, the one who keeps all of his word and will follow through on them, is also someone who, according to that word, will rule justly. Listen again to the words of Revelation. “With justice, he will judge.”
Like it's one of God's attributes that we underemphasize, not because we don't appreciate it, not because it's not important. We just emphasize in great detail his mercy and his love, his compassion. All those things are emphasized a whole lot more. But do not forget that the Bible is very clear about the one who will return at the end of time. He will rule based on faithfulness and truthfulness and justice.
Like he is not going to change the rules at the end. As terrible as the fate will be for those who oppose God, the one who is just will only carry out what their sin of unbelief deserves, separation from God. It's not what God wants, but it will be what they get. And God does not want that for you, and God does not want that for anybody. So look again at the challenge of compromise.
The one who's faithful, the one who's true, the one who's just, is also this. He is all knowing, like the blazing eyes that you heard in this section. You know what that means? He sees all things. We call this omniscience. He sees through every. Every hypocrisy. He sees through those who are whitewashed, tombs like the Pharisees. Like on the outside, you look good. On the outside, you've done a lot of what people would consider as good. But on the inside, you do not have faith in the son of God. You do not believe, be not deceived. The one who's on the white horse, the one who is riding that horse, who's faithful, true, and just cannot be mocked.
Like, if you're literally walking through life right now, going, not hurting anybody. Understand, there's one who sees it all. In fact, the apostle Paul said this in Romans, chapter two. When he's talking about the world and sin and how all are accountable. He said this about that day when Jesus returns. On that day when God will judge men's secrets. The last day, he will judge men's secrets through Jesus. Through Jesus. He's all knowing, which can be frightening.
But it can also be comforting. Like the one who's all knowing knows your pain, he knows your struggle, he knows your heart. Like what we talked about before. When we sin and when we fall and when we fail, we have a God we can run to who is faithful, and he is true to his promises, and the blood of Jesus Christ purifies us from all sin. If you are here today and you've been compromising for the last week, the last month, the last year, and you've been minimizing it here, the one who is faithful and true and just, he's calling to you, but he's also holding his arms out and longs to welcome you in, and his blood has paid the price for your sins. He knows your heart.
Faithful, just, true, authoritative, all knowing, and then authoritative, he has all power. Like his name is the word of God. John said in his Gospel in chapter one, that title is reserved for Jesus. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. This title of Jesus, the word of God, he has authority.
We know in this life. Jesus has told us his word is truth, what God has given to us as authority so that we can speak about the things of God better understand today and tomorrow. It is the word of God. Jesus literally is the living, breathing word of God in human flesh for 33 years. And now he has given us that word. That's who he is, the word of God, Jesus Christ in the flesh. And the word of God that God has given to us, that we have still today, is authoritative in every last way, and his authority is represented by the crown he wears. A lot of the beasts we've seen wear crowns. The woman and prostitute in chapter 17 wears a fake crown. Jesus has the real thing, the real McCoy, the ultimate crown.
They're all imposters, imposers, and Jesus is the real deal as he comes back in all his glory. He has a sword that he swings. It's his authority, which is also the word of truth.
What is going to strike people down and eventually be what determines their ultimate destination is the word of God that says, unbelief condemns, and faith saves.
And in heaven for all eternity, he will be the ultimate authority as he sits on his throne and rules with an iron scepter. Iron represents something that cannot be moved.
And last but not least, I want you to see this last part. He's holy. He's holy like the visual of the army. Angels of God that are behind him are clothed in white. They're riding on white. They're white everywhere, holy. And those who have been washed in the blood of the lamb are holy.
In fact, the Bible even says, when the name that's on his thigh is king of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus is the ultimate king, the ultimate authority. Jesus is the ultimate lord who will sit on the throne and rule and determine justice on the basis of human hearts. But the Bible also tells us the apostle Paul said, one day, alongside of Jesus, the saints will judge the world. The holy ones of God will also judge the world.
Jesus is the judge. But our faith in Jesus stands as the reality on judgment day of who we stand with, who you are allied with matters in the end, he is the king of kings. If we endure with him, if we persevere with him, if we don't compromise, listen to this, we will all reign with him. In other words, if we endure, if we persevere, if we do not compromise, we are kings. When it says he's the Lord of lords, King of kings, you and I are included in the lords and the kings of eternity, the holy people of God, the special possession of God. God wants you to make sure you are aligned with the right person in the end, that you are backing the right horse.
It matters far more than whatever horse you backed in the Kentucky Derby or the Preakness Stakes this last week. If you're a horse fan, like if you put $20 down and lost it, all you lost was $20. If you backed the wrong horse in eternity and the wrong rider forever because you spiritually compromised, you don't just lose out on a little, you lose out on everything.
So Jesus wants you to see that backing him. Here's why it matters. He's the right person to back. And that one who's coming back will ultimately carry out this. Here's how the scene ends.
The battlefield. I want to jump ahead a few verses because I want you to see this part first.
“Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth.”
So everything that's been going on in Revelation, the beasts that are aligned with the dragon, the beasts that are persecuting God's people, the beast of the earth and the beast of the sea, the false prophets within the world and within the church that are leading people astray, causing them to follow false doctrine and compromise, the beasts that are the political rulers of today, that are aligned with others, who are seeking to destroy God's church, who have persecuted the church throughout time in history, like understand those are the beasts that are out there, the people that are against God, those who have compromised and those who have aligned themselves with them, and they see it coming. They know Jesus coming back.
Do not be deceived. Like the devil knows that his day, it will come due. Like, he will have to pay up. He's on a chain, and one day it's going to end. He's been cast out of the heavens, and so he's mustering up his forces.
He's getting his agents and beasts aligned. “They're gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army.” The devil will never stop. He will continue to fight until the end, and foolishly so, he will continue to believe that he has a shot.
Like, that's why I wanted you to see the scene first. Like, in foolishness, he believes he can muster up enough forces to bring God down. And I showed you that scene first because I want you to see what John saw first. After seeing Jesus and the scene Jesus walking through while bloodied, conquering all his enemies, the winepress that stamped them out. Visuals from before in Revelation, like, God will get justice on those who have attacked God's people, those who have persecuted the church, those who have taught falsely, like, God will press them out.
God is the one stomping the wine press. God is the one swinging the sword. Like, they will meet their maker and they will meet their doom. But before they're even waging war and getting the battle lines drawn, an angel, John saw this.
“An angel standing in the sun who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in the mid air, come gather together for the great supper of God so that you may eat the flesh of kings and generals and the mighty of horses and their riders in the flesh of all people, free, enslaved, great and small.”
Like all those forces who are against God, all those who bear the name of the beast, all those who are aligned with those who are not Jesus Christ, that they will meet their fate.
Like the angel calls it out, before one shot is fired, before one sword is swung, before Jesus sets foot on the scene, like the angels are telling the birds to gather around because you want to get ready for the feast that's about to happen. Like, you've all seen birds swoop in on carcasses. Well, maybe not all of you, but some of you, like, they have to search it out and find it. Like God wants people to know it's going to happen, be ready.
And then we see what happens. The lines are drawn. The angel declares, what's going to happen is very clear. God is going to win. The enemies are going to be defeated. And just like that, the beast was captured. Like, seriously, like, can we get more of a scene? Like Jesus swinging the sword and the beast's head getting chopped off and they're all suffering. No, snap of a finger, in an instant. When Jesus returns, it is done, it is over. There is no fighting.
There is no back and forth. There is no movement in the battle line. It is God winning and Jesus winning and every enemy losing. All in a heartbeat, all in a flash. It is over. Who you are aligned with matters, because in the end, Jesus will win and it will be swift. And God wants you aligned with him.
Like when you look at the picture, the prophet who had performed the signs on his behalf was also captured. With these signs, he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped its angels. Like God. God knows that so many people are compromising. God does not want you to compromise.
Know that backing the right person matters. The right horse matters.
“The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur hell. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse. And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.”
The beasts and the agents of the devil. Those who are aligned with Satan and those who followed them, those who worshiped them, those who compromised, all suffered the same fate, eternal doom and separation from God.
Bad news, which is why I don't want to leave you with just that. Like I want to give you both good news and bad news that this text reveals. I think some applications for the churches 2000 years ago are still true for us today who live in the season of the end of times today and tomorrow, even though we don't know when the end is, one day it will end with that as the scene, with that as the ultimate statement, with Jesus coming back in all his glory. And God does not want you to miss out on the end with him. Being aligned with him is so vital and so important.
Here are two truths, both bad and good. Warnings and encouragement for you and I to take in light of the truth of that final scene. In a world where there is so many things that are common in our world where people compromise, God does not want you to compromise. God wants you to be aligned with the right person in the end. So here's truth number one.
Can I put this on your heart today? Can I convince you to take it to heart? What this scene means, what it reminds us of, even though in a world today and tomorrow we don't know when it's going to happen, do not mistake God's patience like the fact that he has not returned yet. Do not mistake God's patience now for leniency at the end.
Like when this scene begins to unfold, when the white horse comes riding out of the heavens. There will not be one last words of sin and grace moment for you or me or anyone else. There will not be one last time of grace message that goes out into the world. There will not be one last call for people to turn and repent. Like, now is the time for that. God has given people a time of grace to get their hearts in line with God to repent of their sins. The kingdom of God is near, Jesus said 2000 years ago, and it's nearer today.
Like, do not mistake God's patience now for leniency at the end. When he comes back, when that scene takes place, who you are aligned with, whose name you bear, what's on the inside, Jesus will see it. He's all knowing. And Jesus, the God of who is just, will carry it out according to the way God said it. He is faithful and true. He will carry out his threats on his enemies and he will deliver on his promises to believers.
Like, I know for some, in that there is a lot of fear and it sounds bad, but also it is good that God is not leaving you in the dark on how serious it is, your spiritual life, your relationship with him, how damaging compromising can be. It's why he called out to the churches of Revelation, repent, be faithful to the point of death, and I'll give you the crown of life, the same crown. He comes back, right? And he wants to give to you and to me.
Like, don't mistake God's patience now for leniency then. Be humble, be repentant on a regular daily basis. Celebrate peace and hope and joy in the forgiveness because you've been washed in the blood of the lamb. The one who comes out of the battlefield with the blood of those who persecuted the church has covered you with his blood that was shed on the cross. He has made you holy.
He has defeated the devil every time he faced him on the battlefield, from the wilderness to the cross to the empty tomb. Like, don't go against Jesus. He's never lost.
And as a result of his victory, you win. Like, remember these words:
“The Lord's not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. And he's patient with you, not wanting to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
Like, don't mistake that patience which is a gift of God. Don't mistake his patience, which he gives you a time of grace to cause you to think he'll be lenient in the end. He's going to be just and he's going to be faithful and he's going to be true. Matthew 25, the end of that section says:
“Those who are on his left, they will go away to eternal punishment.”
Facts. But right alongside those facts, those facts are the good news, brothers and sisters, those who by faith, through God's grace, those who are repentant, those who know Jesus and believe in Jesus, that Jesus is the only way, that God's word is truth, like “they will go to eternal life.” You win because he wins. Like hold on to that truth in the end, this final battle scene each and every time in Jesus life. And in the end, Jesus wins. He wins.
And God wants you to see the end to help you in the todays and tomorrows when compromise is so present and so prevalent and so tempting. He wants you to hold on in the end because he wants you to see who wins.
And you know, what about this victory that we saw today? It was predicted. You know when it was predicted? The moment sin entered the world. Like the one who is faithful and true. When sin entered the world, he made a promise to Adam and Eve. He spoke directly to the serpent, to the devil, to that snake that longs to destroy you and to me. You will be defeated. You are going to get a blow in, but you are going to be crushed. And on that last day, the ultimate crushing will happen.
The devil will have spoken for the last time and he will be confined to the fires of hell. God predicted it and said to the serpent, “I will put enmity between you and the woman.”
The times we are in, the devil is going to keep coming. There is going to keep being battles. He is going to go after the offspring of Eve and every Christian and “he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.”
Eve's offspring, Jesus Christ, will crush the snake. He'll get his blow in, but he will be crushed.
The cross and empty tomb, guarantee it. And one day when he returns, he will reveal it. He wins. And because he wins, you win.
Like in life, there are times when we get bad news and good news. Sometimes in the days and tomorrows, there isn't much good.
Like over the last few days I haven't had much good news. Like some of you know, my dad is dealing with lung disease. It's chronic. He loses oxygen, strength, and one day his lungs will give out.
Unfortunately, this last week, in the midst of having to deal with that on a daily basis. He fell and broke his hip, like, he's been in the hospital since Wednesday. They've scheduled surgery multiple times. He can't go into surgery because his lungs are too weak, like every day. It's bad.
But Jesus has words for him and for me. Like, in this life, there will be trouble. Like, even in the midst of the bad news, there's good news. His name is Jesus Christ. The message is the Gospel. The good news, the one who says, in this world filled with trouble, take heart. I have overcome the world. Like, I believe Jesus. My dad believes that message. He's faithful and true. He's just.
I'm hoping in the next few days we get better news. But at the end of the day, I know that when it all ends, it'll be good. The best news ever. That's what God wants us to hold on to, to take heart today and tomorrow.
Until that day when he returns. Let's pray about that.