Screens & Souls - Week 3 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Screens and Souls
Wk 3 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Look at week number three of screens and souls. If you haven't been here, this is your first week here. Maybe you're a guest or visitor because you're with your family for Thanksgiving. You can catch weeks one and two on our website 922 Ministries on our YouTube page. There are links that you can find it and I really encourage you. If you're listening today to also listen to those because without them today, doesn't make sense. And week when we talked about the blessings that you can use screens and Technology to leverage for the gospel. Both for our personal good, we can grow spiritually as we utilize screens but we can also reach others souls for God, your screens technology and as the blessing and we want to minimize that or undermine that God's given us the ability and all the ingredients in the mines. You came up with these things, they can be used for good. But there's also bad and Pastor Mike and Pastor Bill talked about that last week depending what campus you are on. Which leads to today if there's good and blessings, if there's bad and and danger than probably somewhere in the middle, we need to acknowledge. That would be wise and good to have boundaries.
It's hard, to be honest with you, like I don't know what you think of your screen and how you use it but this last week I decided to just use my screen, my phone like an it normally would I didn't give it a second thought and and on Sunday morning, I would look back at the week and go to my phone because you can find this out and see how much time I spent on it. Five point five hours, 38 minutes a day 39 hours. During the week. It showed me where I use most of my time 12 and a half hours on social media 7 hours basically crushing it on Candy Crush. I spent a lot of time on sports apps. Like ESPN. Thank goodness. My team lost yesterday. Won't have to do that much anymore.
And when I looked at it this morning, I'm like, I might need some boundaries.
And that's really what I want you to think about today. And unless you are old school, don't have a smartphone, don't have apps on it, don't watch Netflix. Don't turn on your TV. Don't have a computer that you login to regularly like you might tune out for today on boundaries because you already have him set up because you just don't have it. But even you might benefit from today's message because there are people in your life who you love or Souls that are precious to God. And I want to convince you and remind you that God did not just redeem us soul, but God redeemed US Body and Soul. He made us Body and Soul. He gave us the beautiful gift of our body to use to his glory, whatever you do. Whether in word or deed, whether you're eating or drinking a bad week to use that verse and Thanksgiving, we pray to it all to the glory of God. I enjoyed a lot of food this week. To God, be praised right? This to phone. And so the good things that can come from it, the blessings that can be found through it. The, the bad that can happen from a require boundaries in our life. Because you heard this before, the Apostle Paul said, In his words that he speaks to us, go back into the servant, you can advance, I have the right to do anything but not everything is beneficial. The right to do anything but I will not be mastered by anything.
Like it's so easy to get mastered by this thing.
Like a few Fridays ago. When I went on date day with my wife for lunch and I got about a block away from my house and I started doing this,
Searching all over and like, I left my phone and she said, you wanna go back.
If I can't put it down, if spend that much time on it, it's not a bad thing. Nothing really horrible is happening on it. Like, Candy Crush is not Satan himself. But I might be. Give me away from other good, things Godly things. Godly opportunities.
I don't even ask her about anything even things that are in the grave.
Just wanted to make a compelling case to you, with three words from the Proverbs and some fill in the blanks. And then set you up with some just ideas, some food for thought, some steps to maybe take to create some boundaries with this good thing so that you don't become Mastered by it. This. Here's what the Proverbs say. These words of wisdom from Solomon, was the wisest man who ever lived the wisdom of The Prudent is to give thought to their ways. They can how much time have you given thought to your ways, on how you use this thing? Like, I know, you know, like Pastor Bill talked about last week, there are some really bad things you can do with this thing. Don't do it, but a lot of other things that are neither right, or wrong, good or bad, and of themself, but might not be wise and beneficial And the Folly of fools is deception. Like if you've convinced yourself that this is not bad in any way that No Boundaries are, okay. You might miss out on some amazing blessings that God would long for you to have. Here's the truth of souls are at stake. Like you and me our relationship with God, our relationship with others, the body, and soul that God redeemed. The person that we are, their souls are at stake boundaries, might be wise.
And for those of you who weren't here and maybe for some of you who still aren't sure, Can I give you some Earthly worldly reasons why? They might be wise. I guess isn't Pastor Tim and the church being fanatical about everything that's new or technology-based. Like these are Studies by others. And I want to minimize this for you. Here's the why on why it might be wise to study that was done of 2,500 teens. Over two years.
And these 2,500 teens had no pre-existing ADHD conditions, like some people have ADHD they wrestle with it, they struggle with it. I get it. But these are our teenagers who don't have it have been diagnosed with that, they study them for two years and the basis of what they wanted to look at in the study. Well, it's not all inclusive. They look at 14 different platforms on this. From gaming to social media, to texting to FaceTime, anything and everything. And the ones who utilized it many times for a day, at least half of the platform's were twice, two years later were more than twice as likely to develop ADHD symptoms.
So wise. To not have a boundary.
How about all of you who are adults? Here's what a 20/20 study said about this thing, and the use of it, it changes your cognition, in a 20/20 study, people found that those who've been diagnosed with smartphone addiction, like the people who can't function without it, it modifies, your mood, your withdrawal, when it's not there, when you lose it, you lose it. Like people who have an addiction, there is such a thing. They found that you have problems with part of your brain responsible for transmitting messages and leads to poor cognitive performance. Like that's your function and work in life. That takes a hit. By every. Minute on here.
How about this? Did you know that by the year 2023 the World Health Organization is projected that depression will be the leading cause of disease burden. Like depression is going to lead to more diseases. It's gonna be the highest thing that causes disease burden in our world in 8 years. Their study then looked at things that are causing depression and and they examine screen time, and here's what the finding of this World Health Organization study says, it suggests that screen time is a significant risk factor or marker of mental disorders, Among Us, dissolved adults. Since this is the case intervention, should be targeted towards the prevention of these kinds of risk factors. I don't want to minimize anxiety, and depression. There are people who deal with it and wrestled on a daily basis and has nothing to do with this nothing. And there are amazing, doctors amazing people that can be blessings to them. Souls, as it can be the word of God, but for some people, it's going to this can lead you there.
Which means that might be true.
It might be wise.
And I didn't even get into the spiritual.
Like spiritually. Like, I don't think I need to reinforce what the world is reinforced about texting and driving and being concerned about the lives of others, 9 people per day, die because of texting and driving thousands are hurt.
Might need a boundary. And then what about the creatures God made us to be to be a blessing to others. There's a study that was done over 20 years of time. They've looked back at people who are a part of the technology age. They haven't lived there at technology, native. So to speak their whole life has been technology. Like they've had these things, they've seen these things. They studied college kids for 20 years, 40 percent, decrease in empathy And they attributed to people don't do this. Like you can't relate to other people understand their life, their issues, their hurt. Their pain, empathy goes down because you have withdrawn from relationships.
And all those things tell me God would say, that's not good for your soul.
The who he made you to be body and soul. The Godly calling teeth, he's blessed your life with as a husband, or a wife, as a parent, or a child, as a grandparent, or a grandchild as a co-worker, as a colleague. Like God designed you to in advance and created you with good works to do and sometimes even the good things you can do on here. Keep you from Things that are good and better.
So I think boundaries might be wise, does God tells us this? I've read it before in the proverb guard, your heart Like, when you want to guard something, you put a boundary around it.
Like I'm gonna tell you in my list of things that everything and anything is going to be your cup of tea, or we're going to do it the same, but What can you do to guard your heart? Your soul. From this, becoming a master from this may be becoming an idol from from this becoming a distraction to other Godly, good callings that you have. That might lead to a lack of resiliency emotionally or spiritually or physically all those stats. Do not lie.
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. The Bible says, Like the man who asked for a double portion of wisdom was inspired by God to share that wisdom.
And he probably would tell you that.
He didn't really live it in his life. Like Solomon didn't put any boundaries around his indulgent and dealt with things and possessions and women in it, it affected his soul.
And so this thing, I believe to do the same thing.
So if all those wise God's word and the literal stats speak to your heart today and would you consider setting some boundaries like by definition? Here's what I'm working with like personal rules. That guard you from potential danger? Like, it might be relational danger. It might be spiritual danger. It might be emotional danger. We all need boundaries. Like in everything we need boundaries like I need emotional boundaries in relationships, I need emotional. I made physical boundaries in my life or things that are good or bad. I need spiritual boundaries, help guard my heart. These are personal rules that help you that guard you from potential dangers, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Relationally.
Because the danger is real, it might only be here on Earth but it could be for the future. What personal rules? Might you consider to help guard you from potential danger when it regards to screens?
And so in the boundaries, I want to give you a big idea to really think about when you think about that definition where I want to go with my tips for today is this don't be legalistic.
Like, you can go to the ADA, the American Health, Heart Association, The WHO - The World Health Organization in, go to the psychiatrics and and all the Specialists from emotional resilience, they can give you numbers and details, try and pin you into a very narrow box. I'm not going to do that. You can find that age bracket wise, most experts would tell you underage to try and avoid it if at all possible but no more than an hour to an hour 15 you gotta figure it out. But kids need sleep and they need physical activity. It's good for their heart, not to just be on their screen. For adults, there's numbers and guidelines, but I don't want to be legalistic. I don't know your life. You don't know mine. I don't know. What you use technology for and how you leverage it? I want to be realistic. But not legalistic.
We need to be realistic.
Like Pastor Tim, honestly, like no offense, 50 some odd hours a day on just this screen that doesn't count the ones at my house, my computer that I opened.
Does not seem so good or wise.
Be realistic.
Does that speaks to your heart? That allows you to see what God Longs for you to be blessed. Spiritually for body and soul to be all that he's called you to be. And I got some words of advice to, to pursue other passage in Proverbs the highway followed by upright people godly people, spiritually inclined. People turn away from evil, the bad and the person who guards his way preserves his life, this will be a blessing. Boundaries on screens. Our blessings for Souls. Body and soul that you are the unique individual God. Created you to be the child that he loves and longs to bless this side of heaven and with eternity with him in heaven. So I need to get practical with you today. Like if you agree, all those wise convinced you, if the reminder from God in this word convinced you that this seems wise, then maybe consider one of these six things as a next step for you in your life, in regards to screens because God wants to bless your soul. And the first one I would tell you like every expert would say there are some of these guidelines suggestions that are personal that are going to change within your home and your Dynamic and your life. But some are non-negotiable like summertime based on some of our emotional focus. Some are spiritually focused incline but this one above all them is non-negotiable scripture before screens.
Like, if this gets your first glance and covers all the time early in the morning and God doesn't even get a look. You might have an issue. For your soul.
If you love to use your YouVersion Bible app and you love your phone to do your spiritual work, but every notification and every day distracts you, every time you put the phone in a drawer, do it the old-fashioned way. And open up the book and start reading about Jesus. Like the book still works. And you'll be blessed with scripture before screens.
Like, I'm guessing this side of Heaven in the technological age that we live in. The amount of time even if I cut it in half per day, this is going to get more of my time than my devoted life gets, which is kind of very sad. But that could be a novel goal to try and get them more in line.
In your home. Like, think about the devotion time you have with your kids scripture before screens, And then when you make that non-negotiable, if we can agree to that, maybe some of these practical ones will help bless you in setting boundaries. It'll be good for you. The first one is this track your time? Like it's not taboo to talk about emotional health anymore in our world or even in church circles sometimes. What is very taboo of me to tell you? You need to monitor your screen time and call you out for things like that's my life. That's my choice. Your emotional health is at risk, your relationships are at risk. So track your time. Like you know why? This is the first time I've actually actually opened the app and looked at all the numbers. Like how many hours I crushed it? How many hours I was Sports following? How many hours I was on social media?
I didn't want to know before.
Like it's pretty cool to brag about what level I'm on. It's not cool to break out how much time I spend. Just think about that, that's seven hours at someone else in my life could have gotten a benefit from my wife. You guys for me, reading something else, other than playing some crazy game. That was candy room, track your time, see where your weak spot is. What area do you need to put some boundaries off? When you track your time, you'll be able to figure it out and see and set some Godly goals in areas where experts won't tell you. Good to be too much. In the midst of those things, remember this direction? Not perfection. Like there are some things. where God says this is wrong? This is bad. Don't do it. That you need to stop cold turkey. Like sinful things. Ungodly things screens are not that I'm not encouraging this cold turkey, give it all up. Maybe you can try it for a week, see what happens. Give up your favorite game. Don't do it. Like spending one less hour on Netflix. But can you strive for Direction? It's not a matter of perfection. Like boundaries that can guard your heart and bless your soul in your spiritual life and relationship with God direction. Is a great starting place. That's what I did this morning. Like I actually put a few boundaries by using this great device that has all sorts of things you can leverage and I mean, I can override it but it can shut me down. Social media use after 30 minutes per day can shut me down from gaming, after 30 minutes per day as opposed to seven hours a week Direction. Perfection. It's a gray area. I'm not going to want to say more than God says. And then is there these last three: limit your social.Like most of the experts would tell you that social media for all the good that it has brings a whole lot of bad. It instigates fights which aren't Godly. It causes you to say things that aren't good. It causes emotional reactions that aren't good for so many people for young people who unfortunately, look at what they see on there, and think it's real life, and it affects their heart and relationships, like, just limit it not saying, don't do it. Most experts will. About 30 minutes a day, is that dividing line on social media and if you go past and Beyond it will affect your emotional Wellness. So, just limit it. Parents, think about this when you put this in the hands of your 12 year old
Like, how much of that can be a good thing? What boundaries do you want to have as they use this?
Limit your social and then have some screen free spaces. Like I think I'm going to Institute a new rule of everyone. I told you before about driving on date day with my wife to our favorite restaurant. I didn't turn around.
And almost the whole time we were sitting there, me and her at one of our favorite restaurants at the bar, because no one's there at 11, we love going at 11:00.
I searched for it, like at least five times. I'm like I'm here with my wife. Enjoying a good meal. Like maybe Friday at date, they launched. I can just leave the phone behind. If something so drastic happens in your life on Friday from 11:00 to 12:00 and I don't pick up my phone. You'll know it's why I left it behind. I'm going to try and do that every time you go to lunch because I think it might be good. To just have a screen free space every once in awhile. Maybe it's mealtime in your house. Put them in a drawer. Don't have mouths. I'm not going to get into bathroom and hygiene and why you should never take it in there. Like, maybe it's your bedroom at night, and don't give me this whole alarm clock stuff. I use it for an alarm clock. You know that every old cell phone that you own can get hooked up to your Wi-Fi and still be used as an alarm clock. Put this one in a different place and use that one, so you're not distracted. And then leverage technology for just time off, do not disturb like set up your messages when you're on vacation. Have your “do not disturb” notification on like you can do this and use all of this to bless your soul and have good boundaries. I don't know what resonates with you on that list. I'm not asking you to To do all of them perfectly, but direction. And Scripture before screens. I think would be a great place for all of us to start for our souls. Because you know why? That's so important?
No matter what it is, a screen or anything else in this world. Your soul matters to God. Like today is so practical and so, so life application that I think I need you to leave you with at least this reminder. Like so often we fix our eyes on screens. And they can consume us and get the best of us. What kind of the urge you? I, we did this series. Your soul.
Don't ever, ever forget. This can be a blessing. This can be bad and there's a reason for boundaries. But fix your eyes on what is unseen and fix your eyes on Jesus. We use a lot of technology in here their screens over there, their stuff back there, there's a whole lot going on up there, but right there in the middle. Is the ever-present reminder of your savior.
Who loves you body and soul? And longs to spend eternity with you Body and Soul by aside forever. It's my boundaries may be good.
We think about screens. Celebrating that he thought about what we need to first.