Tough & Tender - Week 1 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende

Peter kicks off his letter with a reminder of (1) who we are in Christ and (2) what we are called to become through Christ. We already have divine power, precious promises, and the calling of God over our lives. Pastor Tim Glende digs into the tough AND the tender words Peter writes in this epistle.

Tough & Tender
Week 1 - St. Peter
Pastor Tim Glende

Welcome to week number one of our summer. summer sermon series focusing on two books of the Bible, the book of 2nd Peter and also the Epistle of Jude over the next eight weeks. We are attack them, walk through them. We're going to find in them are his inspired words from God to these two individuals communicated to Christian congregations. That included tough words. But also tender words. And we pray as a church that 2,000 years later those words and encouragement do the same for you and for me, and our members at 922. The calm before the storm.

Like over the course of the last several months. We've had a few of those storms that we're just a little bit eerie in the calm before it. I don't know where you guys live, where I live on the south and more west side of town on College Avenue. There's this day when the storm was coming, the weather people had predicted it, the scrolling across the bottom of the screen was tracking it telling you of the warning and the watches and the hail that could come. But right before it was like this eerie no movement, you could see it off moving toward you and yet, the calm was real and weird.

But here's the thing about the calm, before that storm. Like eventually the skies opened up, the hail came down and it was one of those storms that caused a whole lot of damage. Well, I didn't have hail damage at my house. But some of you are getting new roofs, got a new roof. Got some new siding had window damage, like when the storm finally hits, even though the calmness it before it. You don't know when it's going to hit when it does and unleashes a fury and does a whole lot of damage. One of the amazing things because we can predict weather, meteorologists can study the patterns and make the best estimates. Use their knowledge to predict where it's going to be that it was really bad storm calms. There are sirens that go off that will blare to alert you to the reality that you need to pay attention. That you need to take action because otherwise you are in danger.

And I bring all of that up because I want you to have that as the backdrop, but what's going on behind the scenes for the Christians that Peter was writing to spiritually, literally, they were in a storm.

Peter wrote these words, sometime between 64 AD and 68 AD, which means it's right around that bridge of time where Nero, the Roman Emperor started going after Christians and persecuting Christianity.

And so literally externally, they were on the verge of maybe almost calm. Right then a huge storm. But that wasn't the only storm they were facing. Its when packing and unpacking this book they were facing other storms. They had other issues.

Peter understood how important it was to be proactive to be ready for the storm in the storm. Because Peter was one who had endured storms in his life. Like literal storms and attacks from the devil spiritual struggles and things that he wrestled with. And as he wrote this book, he knew that he was going to face the end of his life and be put to death for his faith. How do you stand strong in the storm? How do you face the storm? What is required of a Christian who has Faith, but maybe his wandering, maybe his strain, maybe is struggling. That's what these words are written to accomplish.

Because Peter did not want them to fall and fail in the storm like he did when he denied Jesus. He wanted them to think like he did on the water. When the seas got rough and the storm was real.

As soon as we unpack 2nd Peter, we're going to see a lot of issues that this Christian congregation had. Had a whole lot of tough words, but also much-needed tender words, encouraging words to Christians in the storm. But before we get into the meat of the issues, as we unpack this book out, I just want to give you a few highlights of what was going on. I told you the author is Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, the early Christian Church leader, when he wrote it 64 to 68 AD, the persecution of Christianity that would go on until about 300 AD was about to go in full swing under Nero. Peter wrote these words as a follow-up to his first epistle, 1st Peter is more like Pastor Michael starting point class. Anyone here, take the starting point of a Pastor, Michael like a vital Basics, 101 key teachings. Key doctrines. 1st Peter is chock full of amazing truths of Jesus, focused core Christian values and teachings. His second letter was not written to newby Christians as his letters written to Christians. He knew who he had taught. Who had issues at four key issues, if you're thinking of the book as we go to unpack them over the next six weeks, they had forgotten their identity and they are failing to live out their faith. So they come to know Jesus, they knew grace but their faith was stalling out, getting stagnant, not moving forward. And Peter, there is a reason to blast the siren and wake him up because the storms that they were in and we're going to face that was not the kind of faith that was needed to face it and stand strong. They were wrestling with their confidence in the word of God. It was shaky there are false teachers amongst their congregation that were trying to undermine God's word and the validity of it. Like you know how important it is to not be shaky when it comes to God's word. Like the book is what we have, the truth that we need to know.

Is your faith and is it shaky in a storm here in trouble?

Like if the compass on your boat is your only God as the waves are high and you're not sure that compass is working. Not good.

And then the last issue was, they were way too focused on earthly things, valuing earthly things more than spiritual. As that's the case, when you start to get persecuted for your faith you'll be in trouble. Like this life and the things of this life and holding onto this life versus eternal life. If this is getting your focus and attention, and as your passion, your faith is in danger. So the sirens are blaring in Peters ears and God inspires him to write these words.

Now, he starts the book off with these words are neither tough nor tender, but I would tell you that they're the foundational truths that you wanted them to hold on. To remember that were a part of the entire letter that he's about to write. They needed to keep these things in mind each and every day Peter starts, right? In the words of this second letter to his Christian friends in Asia Minor, which is present-day Turkey, kind of know where that is in the world. Thank you. Crane thinks that area over there. We're talking about that region of the world. Simon Peter is everything Apostle of Jesus Christ to those who through righteousness are our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Have received a faith as precious as ours Grace and peace. Be yours in abundance to the knowledge of God and of our Jesus. Of Jesus, our Lord. Now, every new Testament epistle begins with something like this. It highlights for you who the author is, and has a few introductory words in a greeting. And a lot of times we just skip past it right? It's no big deal. Author identified. He's basically saying hello just kind of like at the top of page. You write your greeting in an email to somebody dear Christian friends, dear mom, and dad. Like those kind of things. We bypassed this, but I don't want you to bypass this.

Because when there are storms in life, we're going to hit these, Christians. These two verses high-level was front and center, vital and important, a matter of life and death message that they needed to remember. You see how many times in those two verses Jesus identified talked about the direction that he wants them to look in the thing that he wants them to remember, like if, if Peter wanted to highlight things for them about the storms of life? Jesus, Jesus. Jesus remember, he's the Savior. Remember, he is God, remember that? Because of him and through Him and the knowledge of Him, you abound in grace and you have peace and grace and peace and righteousness are summary words are key. Number two. Don't just remember Jesus and focus on Jesus, but remember who you are.

Remember the result of what Jesus has done identity identity identity. Like Jesus and identity. Identity link to Jesus. Jesus gives you your identity, your identity. And how you live flows from who Jesus is and what he did, those two things are inseparable, Peter knew, it clung to it and he wanted them to remember this is who he is and this is what he has done. And as a result, this is who you are. I used to do those short important introductory words, the reminder of the blessing of your identity that the more, you know, Jesus, the more peace that you have, the more grace abounds. The more, you know, Jesus, the more you celebrate righteousness, that you've been declared not guilty. Peter quickly moves on to the issues. Like some of the gospel writers, like, Apostle. Paul had a lot longer introductory things at different times, a long prayer words of encouragement thanksgiving, but Peter jumps right to the issues. The other day, that's what all the Epistles are really about. They're in the Christian congregations, who had issues who are dealing with storms. Some of the stores were theological. Some of the storms were spiritual and temptation and sin related somewhere. Emotional resilience will be needed, and required. Some lacking spiritual and more spiritual resilience was called on by the apostles, but there is always an issue. That needed to be addressed and this side of heaven, there will always be issues. Because in this life, this side of heaven, you and I will always face storms. You know, the storms can do. Like if you don't pay attention to the storm, if you don't do the things that you need to do to protect yourself that could be a great deal damage and Peter understood the spiritual damage, that could be done. Which is why he follows up with these tough and tender words. His divine power has given us everything we need for a Godly life, through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Great and precious promises. So that through them, you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by its evil desires, like issue number one that Peter is going to address because the storms of life were real. For these Christians is that they were compromising their faith that they were willing to set it aside that they weren't living it as they knew they were called to live in. In fact, they were celebrating people who celebrated God's grace, loved forgiveness. But, you know, what happens with this side of heaven, for Christians. We face storms. Temptations are hard. Challenges are real.

Hey, this is easy to compromise. Your faith, fall from your faith. Peel it away from it.

No, you don't see it in here. But Peter's quick transition says one very clear thing. And he wanted to cut them off. Before they got to their excuse list. Like if you look at verse 1, there's a whole lot behind it. His divine power has given us everything. We need for our Godly life, through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

These new be Christians came to Faith and then the storm has made life hard as a Christian. Like, what do you mean? God? I've achieved My Lifestyle. I can no longer do that. Hey God, like that's really hard. I don't know if I can carry that out. Hey God. Like I know Jesus is God and he faced every temptation. But do you really know how hard this temptation is?

Like I can't do it, overcome it. I might as well give into it. Like, if you ever heard that or maybe I've ever said that, like this temptation is so big and so real God. I don't have what it takes. To fight it, to follow through with it, to do it.

And Peter basically says, bologna. I don't know who said that. He says, God has given you everything you need for a Godly life everything.

Everything. He's giving you everything to face that temptation in the lust. That's in your heart because he's giving you the Holy Spirit and you have the ability to resist the devil. And tell him to flee, not because you're strong, but because of my divine power, not because you are so good. And so, grave it because of what I have done. That's why he says, remember through these, he has given us his very great and precious promises like his word that word that you're doubting that word that in the storm. You're wondering if it's true that God will keep his promises that very word enables you to do. It gives you the strength and ability to participate in his divine nature and escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil.

Fires. God has equipped you. God has empowered. You have all the resources, all the tools, all that. You need to take your faith to the next level. No more excuses. Even when you fail, remember, you are forgiven. And the old is gone in the newest can rely on God. Remember his word. He will not fail. If you're taking notes about a Next Level Faith, here's the first thing. Peter wanted them to remember, and you need to remember when you are facing Stars, when it comes to a Next Level faith. It is God's work.

Like, you can do this and these blessings can be yours because it is him at work. Not you.

God, the holy spirit in the waters of baptism made you His child. God through his means of Grace, the powerful word that he's given to you strengthens you in that faith. God, the Holy Spirit is at work through the sacrament of the Lord's Supper offering forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. And we all have those prayers we leave the Lord's table, we go away, Lord, and power me to live as you would have me live to do that. A Next Level Faith. God says is possible because it is God's Work. Faith is the fact that you have it. God the fact that it can grow, God, the fact that can grow even stronger, God the fact that you hold on to it till your last breath. God. And, I needed to remember that. Because you know what Peter found out in his life of faith when he thought it was all about him. He epically failed.

Hey, Jesus, I will go down swinging for you. Like I will die with you. Jesus and a few hours later. He called down curses and said, I do not know the man.

When he got out of the boat, he took his eyes off of Jesus. He almost sunk. Because he was relying on himself and not God in the storm.

But, like a next-level faith is God's work. I do not want to underestimate that. Nick's little faith is only possible because of Jesus Christ his life, his death. His resurrection on this little faith. Can only take place because of the Gospel. The message of Jesus Christ. It's my fault. Peter said Jesus. Jesus. Jesus that your identity. He focused them on that, but What do what he says next? For this very reason. Make every effort to add to your faith.

Like, a Next Level. Faith is God's work. But these are tough words. Because Peter looks his Christian friends in the eyes and said stop making excuses. God has given you everything you need to do and accomplish this and to move it forward, but you need to do the work.

You make every effort to add to your faith and the whole long laundry list of Christian qualities that God wants you and I to add to our faith. I want to come back to the list before I do, I want to give you blank number two because it ties together with number 188. Next Level. Faith is God's work. Amen. The Holy Spirit alone is the one who makes it happen. Made it happen and can make it happen, but a next-level faith requires work. You to do the work? Look my kids in the eyes and said, if you want to pass that class, if you want to get through that class in subject, if you want to get that job, you had to do the work.

Like don't bring your algebra 2 book home and ask me to help you. I can't figure it out. I can't sit there and take the test. You need to do the work.

And God meant us. No words.

And here's the thing in my talk about tough and tender. This is tough.

It's not easy. Because when the storms of life hit, it's so easy to get distracted. Like we might be listening to all the things they had issues with and like how could they be so consumed with things of this world and not focused on things of eternity, but I would challenge you that if I look at your life you buy a spend a whole lot of time thinking about this life, these relationships, that bank account, all the things worldly that get your attention when the worldly things in a storm collide. You get overwhelmed, and you lack. Peace. And you wonder why.

Because you're not doing the work.

Like, Pastor Tim, why is it that you crumble and complain and grumble and act like that? Because, Pastor Tim you haven't been doing the work.

Why do I give into that sin? Why does that one get me? What? Because you're not doing the work that is required. And I don't want to mince words hard.

I also wanted for you to make sure that God didn't leave you unequipped. Remember what he said at the beginning. I've given you everything. You need to live a Godly life.

And you know where you find it. The book?

It's where you find the promises. That's where you find the gospel, the book, but it will take work. Have a Next Level Faith, but you have to open the book. Like Pastor Mike put a whole lot of time into three reading plans this year. They're on your version. We've printed up the list. We actually printed at the passages there, by the information center for our next one that launches tomorrow. He's giving you opportunities to join a group. So there's accountability but you know what, you still have to get up tomorrow morning, you have to open the app and you have to do the work. Like Pastor might put all that work into a recorded videos for, it said it all in front of you, but you have to do the work.

And we've given you something simple to remember. That helps you. Take your faith next level in the work that's required. It's called roots.

Like you did the work this morning and you set your alarm and you got dressed. And you're Gathering. Some of you this last week have done, a reading plan with your group. You are rooted and connected to others for accountability and you've opened the book and you've been blessed. The Holy Spirit is the one who takes it next level, but God's called people who are filled with the Holy Spirit, too. Putting the time and do the work. And if you look at your life over the last month last year, last two years and when the storms have hit you crumbled, like a storm, hitting a tree that has weak roots, and it knocks it over. If you've crumbled. You lack Peace. If there's not Joy. If you're doubting them, the odds are pretty good. You're not rooted.

I'm doing the work. And I know that's tough to hear, but I need to look at your heart and evaluate where you're at. Because Peter says, I don't want you to go down the wrong path. And Next Level. Faith is God's work. And Next Level Faith requires work. If you look at that laundry list of things that I put up there before, hear the things that he wants you to work on and add to your, your faith goodness, which is moral virtue, like, Bia a morally, good person have values that are Godly knowledge, which is practical knowledge for Christian living. You know what God says, if you want to know how to live and live the life worthy of the calling, you have to get into the

Read Proverbs, read Psalms, read the Ten Commandments each and every day. You'll know right and wrong, good and bad Godly and ungodly self-control add to it. Self-control restrain your emotions and impulses and desires, half for severe, is when the storm comes. You need to get through it. Some storms are very quick. But some take a long time and to it godliness, which is a love for God and to it mutual affection, which is love for other people. And ultimately at the end of the faith and values section is love you first. Like, add those things to your life. And the only way you can get those things is by doing the work being connected to the Holy Spirit because He alone can take your faith to the next level, but God says, He's giving you everything you need for it. Everything.

And that's why we believe so much in the roots, and we will say it over and over and over again. The stronger your Jesus roots are. The more Next Level, your faith will go and that's the thing. I want you to think about the action step. I want you to take this week. And in this series, like what shove, your roots needs to go to the next level for you to have stronger, Jesus roots. Stop making excuses. Stop saying you can't do it. Because God has given you everything you need for it. And the cross of Jesus, the love of God, the grace that is yours fills us with the ability and gives us the motivation to go next level so that we can face the storms.

Next little faith, a faith like that requires work. And we can help you and we will encourage about circle a route. Think about our route. Is it gathering this summer? Is it growing in that reading plan? Is it grouping with others? Is it giving of your time? How are you showing Mutual affection? How are you? Loving others first? And all those things, Peter calls them there. Tough words. But here's the why. Which is so comforting and encouraging and tender. Look at these words of Peter Interstate 980 files. And for, if you possess these qualities, like, I'm not trying to sell you something and saying it's hard, it takes work without there being something at the end of it, like working out in the gym, doing the weights working, the plan, get you to a certain place. You see the win at the end spiritually in the storms. If you possess these qualities in increasing measure, if you add them to your Tour of faith. If you go, next level, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Like, if you had these things, if you possess them in larger amounts, your knowledge of our Lord, and Jesus Christ will be effective and be productive. Your family will be blessed because they will see. Love, you will be blessed because you won't cave to Temptation. You will find Opportunities to love others and be a blessing in their life in the Greek. You can't see it here, but it's a double negative that Peter uses. If it's a negative in front. He puts a negative in front of each of those words and his weight. What he's trying to say is if you do these things and possess these things in increasing measure, you will have a whole lot of productiveness and a whole lot of Effectiveness in your faith.

You want safe like that? Like you want your home to be a place, where there's a whole lot of that. Mutual affection and love. Do you want a life where we're in self-control and perseverance in the storm? Is at your fingertips? And on display instead of lashing out with harsh words, because you're exhausted and tired, you are filled with peace and joy, do you want to Faith like that when you breathed your last? When the ultimate storm hits, maybe that diagnosis or that downhill, slide in health?

You boldly and proudly in the face of death proclaim, Jesus and have no fear. I want to say it like that. I want you to have a safe like that. But even more I know. God wants you and me 922 and every last Christian have that kind of Next Level faith and it is possible because he gives you everything you need. It is possible because you have the book and the stronger your roots, the more fruit and that's the why? That Peter sells. If you possess these qualities increasing measure, you will be productive and effective in your life of Faith. But if you don't, if you don't have them, if you're going the other direction you're here, sighted and blind and spiritually in danger.

Because your roots are weak, if you are connected to Jesus. Like if you want to go your own path. You spiritually lose at the end and the storm will destroy you.

Peter wants you and me to have fruit and not just fruit. This Side of Heaven, not just joy and peace in the storm. Not just mutual love and relationships that are strong. He also wants us to have the ultimate fruit will final words of our section for this week. Therefore my brothers and sisters make every effort to confirm your calling and teaching. And remember how James said Faith Works faith without works is dead.

But your Works, reveal that If it's in your heart, they don't get you to heaven. They don't earn you anything, but they confirm it. They reveal it when the storms hit and you have peace when the storms hit and you're still filled with joy when the storms hit and you don't cave to Temptation that reveals that your faith is genuine and real and next level. And gives you the opportunity to praise God and point the finger in the right direction. Just like Peter, did Jesus. Jesus Jesus. My identity is a result of Jesus. For, if you do these things, you will never, stumble, literally fall from faith. Not that you won't send, but you won't fall away because when you send you'll turn to God for, if you do these things, you will never stumble and you will receive a rich welcome into the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Next Level faith. My friends Peter knew it. He was clinging to it. He wants you to have it. Because in this life, there are storms and a Next Level, Faith, produces fruit. Fruit right here, right now. Mutual Love, joy, perseverance in the storms. But even more importantly, it produces the ultimate fruit. Eternal life of God. And Peter knew that was the ultimate thing that mattered.

And he knew how dangerous storms were. That it could rob you of that.

See you next week. We're going to unpack the next section and here's what Peter knew was coming his way and how bad the storm was going to be. Like, he hasn't faced it yet. The predictions were there, got a told him about it. But but Peter knew that his life was going to come to an end. We'll talk about it more next week, but he knew that storms are real. Which is why he led addressing this issue?

Don't take your faith for granted. Don't make excuses that it's not moving in. The right direction. God has given you everything. You need a Next Level Faith. Begins with God and is possible through God, but a next-level fate takes work, brothers and sisters. He wanted them to do the work because he didn't want him to lose out on that. The ultimate fruit of eternal life.

Because there will be no storms.

Is there will we be with Jesus?

Peter wrote these tough and tender words. I know a little bit of the day is tough, because if it hit you in the heart in the right place, you evaluated your roots.

But here, I want you here, the tender. Want you to the tender love of God. That promises to do exactly what he said here. He will make you productive and effective. That's what I pray. This series. Does it blesses you and your roots?

And as a result, you experience the spirit's fruits, no matter what the storm, the next weeks months or years have God bless us in this series. As we are tough, but tender words that remind us of who we are. And point us back to Jesus. Let's pray.

Heavenly Father, Roots produce fruit. I can we know because we've experienced strong storms in our life. Literally what happens when trees don't have strong roots, make it ripped up. Destroyed carried off, smashing the pieces, and that's not what you wanted for those early Christians. And so you called them out through Peter, strong words, tough words, needed words solar today. We thank you that you have given us the gift of faith and the ability for it to grow by you're doing

Thank you for Jesus when we look at him and see him, we get stronger and grow in these areas. But we need your help. Lord. We need your encouragement. We need each other to do this together. So I pray for 922 in our Roots, Lord, that the summer, be a time when we gather intentionally where we grow and read your word where we grouped with others. So that we don't miss our blind spots because lord, it's so easy to fall prey to the temptation and have our faith backslide as opposed to the next level.

So I pray for a church. That you might bless us with Jesus. Roots because Lord you want us to experience. Those fruits, those qualities and so many more abundance. Amen

Tough & Tender - Week 1 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Broadcast by