Tough & Tender - Week 5 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Tough & Tender
Week 5 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Almost There
Welcome to week 5 of “Tough & Tender”. We're closing in the end of the first book that we're unpacking in this series of the book of 2nd Peter, if you're taking notes, so, do you do, open up your bullets. And if you're joining us online, you can find these notes online. How to set the stage for a day by getting into the first blank in our notes. Because it poses the question that Peter wanted, those Christians to know the right answer to and I want you to wrestle with for just a little bit before we get into our text. And the question is this, as you look at your life, if you were to consider the things that you have prioritized, if other people could hear the conversations, you're having around the dinner table, or with your smile, see your schedule. Look at your checkbook. I know this season of life that you are in. How would you holiday answer this question, what are you living for?
Is there something going on something that you are looking for? We do something that you are spending resources on. Conversations about that, you forms a season of life that you're in. Like if you're like my son, who's in medical school right now, he is living each and every day. Or that I'm studying to class to study the class like every waking hour of his life. He's living for that. Some of you who are here, might have identified and written down your answers your children. Like, it seems like each and every day you're running Here. There and everywhere you, your life is all about them. For making sure they're fed to getting them to the right places to encouraging them, to putting them to bed, to changing diapers and giving bottles. What are you living for? For some of you might be work and some of you might be retirement, for some of you it might be something completely different. Answer that. Write it down. Mentally make note of it. How would you answer the question? What are you live?
Because here's the thing, I believe about that question before we impacted a section. That, for a lot of you, the things you identify the things you wrote down. Those things are most likely good things. He's like I'll be the first in line to save what you're living for, is your job and it requires a lot of your time and effort. You might have your job to be able to provide for your family, to bless them and be a blessing to them of itself is not a bad thing. That could be a really good thing. For others of you, if what you're living for is getting through school, doing the hard work and all that, it takes to get out on the other sides and to apply those things to bless other, people who you're living for, is not bad, it's good. If you what you're living for, is a big event. A big celebration of education that I will become in the future. God does tell us in his word using our resources to enjoy this world. In this life, the people that we have in it, it can be a really good thing.
I want to believe that to be true because in about five weeks, I'll be heading out of an airport flying to Boston to celebrate, my 50th birthday with my wife. In a place I've never been enjoying food that I've heard is pretty good and all. My birthday, my 50th birthday, I'm going to the place I've been looking forward to going to for a long time. I like good beer and there's this place called Treehouse in Massachusetts that makes some of the best of it. A lot of conversations a lot of planning, a lot of resources are going into that. We're kind of living for that.
It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing, but here's the thing, I also know whatever made your list and what you're living for that good thing to become leaving. And when a good thing becomes the thing, whether it's your kids, your job, your money on vacation and event a celebration, if it can become the thing, you can lead to a whole lot of spiritual implications that are bad things.
That might cause you to lose focus on. And if not corrected, if not kept in check, not just lose focus on but forget about the thing.
And that really is the issue that was in play for the Christians that Peter is writing to made several issues going on in their Church. What were the false teachers who were trying to undermine God's word to cause them to doubt? Last week Pastor Bill talked about one of the areas they were going after the promise of God, they're trying to poke a hole in that Jesus would return. Pastor Bill answered the question for you if you missed it. I heard it was a really good sermon on why Jesus has not returned yet. Why He is slow in keeping His promise because there are people He wants to be saved. And here we stand. Nearly 2000 years later and He hasn't returned yet. For that same reason, why?
But Peter knew that one of the issues that that attack was causing them to have another to doubt God's promises but an underlying element of that issue was that they were becoming more focused on the here in the now living for things in this world and losing focus on these things. All Good Things, even God, things we're being elevated to the place where only God deserves and being the thing and he knew how dangerous that was.
Peter was there during Holy Week when Jesus spent a great deal of his last few moments on Earth teaching a lot about the day when he would come back, Judgment Day, the last day, And one of the most famous parables during males teachable moments of Holy Week, was a parable of the five wise virgins and the five foolish ones. The five wise ones are ready and their lamps ready. So that when Jesus came back, they did not miss out.
They didn't have their lamps ready, we're not prepared for the return and they lost out.
And the danger is not returning in the manner and fastening that our mind wants him to sometimes can cause us to gravitate to good things and allow them to become the thing and miss out on that day and the ultimate thing of Heaven, it was that online. Whatever you wrote down your paper. What are you living for? I want you to evaluate, is it affecting your relationship with God? Is it something that you would say is Listen your Jesus ruse, let me be causing them to grow weaker and maybe these things are becoming. So prioritize that the thing is losing what makes it such an important thing in your heart and life your schedule your time. Because if that's the case, Peter who saw from that, why he hasn't returned to this very fact, but the day of the Lord will come like a thief. Like that promise has not been fulfilled yet. The questions people raised have probably still continued to be raised. God is not slow, in keeping his promise a day, for the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. But eventually that day the day, the ultimate day, the day of the Lord, will happen. Literally in Greek, Peters transitions from the question being answered. I know that he has a return, the first words of the dark, he will come,
It's going to happen, it's going to take place. Don't be deceived. Remember the truth, the day of the Lord, it will come. And like Paul. And like Jesus and like many others, the Bible is filled with this, that day will come like a thief.
How many of you have had experience? Someone burglarizing your house, or for stealing suppositions of yours? I've experienced it twice. Like when I was in 7th grade, the night of the closing service for our school, in Columbus Ohio, my parents and I after the service was over, my daddy was the principal? We went home. We are all happy. The school years out. And we get to the back door in the glass. Is broken out. Doors are flung open inside the house, everything is tipped over and family. Heirlooms, family, possessions are either destroyed or gone, but if we would have known it, we would have posted to the police and made them aware of it. So that we would not have been the victims of that robbery. Because that's what thieves do. They come when you are not there? They come. When you don't expect them, they come.
In a way that allows them to accomplish their tasks.
Because you're in the dark when it's happening. My wife can tell you about the other time, it was my car that was stolen a few days after our honeymoon. And my car was taken out of our parking lot behind our apartment. I was asleep. She might argue. I was maybe even snoring and I could hear them breaking windows and hightailing it out of there. Are voting known, I would have done something.
If Peter wants you, and I want to know. This fact is a reality and I think Peter understood the human heart because of the world in which he lived and God understood that, the human heart would always be this way, till the end of time. That in the midst of how we live. It's very easy to gravitate to the here and now, get consumed by it and live for it and be caught off guard by that day. You know, I believe that is still true for 922 members and, and Christians and others. I encounter. I hear you say things like this, like I'm young, they'll be time for me to give my relationship with God and Order later.
When it comes to our resources, I know how God wants me to use them my time. And my money. Well, right now, I'm going to prioritize this or that at the expensive. God will be time to make up for it later. Like I'm in the season of life so so maybe just maybe for right now my relationship with God and Gathering and growing is not so important, I can prioritize other things on my calendar. My devotions can be hit or miss and It'll be okay. This God understands that this is really important.
Because you, for you. for you Peter understood that was probably true. Even him and all of us.
So, don't forget the reality, the day will come and it will come like a thief.
Because if you're in the camp of this world, is the be-all and end-all in your living for it, and maybe it's affecting your relationship with God because it's becoming the thing. Remember that these things will end up like this. The heavens will disappear with a roar. The elements will be destroyed by fire and the Earth and everything done and it will be laid. Bare that day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire. And the elements will melt in the heat right after Peter says, it's going to happen. It will come like a thief, do not be caught off guard.
So much in these sections is important. That Peter repeats it twice, so they wouldn't forget it. The heavens will disappear. The Earth will be destroyed, the heavens will be destroyed. The Earth will disappear. But if you're living for the here in the now, if those good things have become the thing and I want to repeat those good things like family and jobs and enjoyment and pleasure and all those things are not bad things. But remember that even those good things, this world of beautiful creation that we have, it will all be gone like that.
Burn up like that. Like a job that got all of your attention in all of your time at the expense of so many other things will no longer exist. Like that, like the five TVs that you have, the three new cars that you have the cottage, the boat gone like that. Like all those things, everything on this Earth will melt and disappear, be destroyed, leveled.
Because I love and appreciate so many things of this life.
Good things. And I forget what God's going to do because, you know what else is true about this life? And this world and this person. All affected by and stained by sin.
It's tough to hear for anybody was even tougher in this section. The tough words of Peter, that little phrase right in the middle and everything done and it will be laid bare because here's the thing. Some of you wrote down a word or mentally imprinted on your brain, what it is that you're living for forgotten know what it is. You did have to write it down and you did have to think it. Truth be told, God knows exactly what you're living for God knows what has your heart, God knows each and every time you've lived for something ungodly, God knows every time you've led a good thing, become the thing, like God knows it all and that my friends is a tough word, isn't it?
It'll be a tough word on the last day because it will be terrifying for someone who does not believe in God. When everything they've done is laid bare and they lack Faith, but they don't know Jesus.
And you might be scared right now, too.
Because you know, all too often you've let good things become the thing at the expense of God. Because you've done things that are not good things in the eyes of God and you might fear right now in your heart that day. Which is why I want you to hear the tender word that follow for Peter. Like Peter wanted. Those Christians understand do not be terrified, do not be afraid. Make sure you're living for the ultimate thing that you have the right perspective on what's going to transpire and take place. And by faith, thanks be to God. We know the name of the person who
Who lived his life for God perfectly who went to a cross innocently to pay the price for every time you didn't live for the thing. And his name is Jesus. The one who's going to return is the one who went to the cross for you, and for me, so that you don't have to fear that day, but you can look forward to that day. And this is what Peter promises. The tender words that follow. So if you're struggling and wrestling your heart with the times you haven't lived for the right thing, understand that, that you are right with God, not because of anything you have done but because of Jesus Christ who will keep his promise, he's not slow in keeping his promises 2nd Peter 3, the verses before it said, putting keeping with his promise. We are looking forward to a new Heaven and a new Earth will be consumed by this heaven and this Earth and all that it is.
God is going to create and make a new Heaven and new earth, he won't just wipe it. All of us out but because of Jesus, in his blood
We are right with God. And in that new Heaven and new Earth righteousness dwells like, if you've ever needed a passage, you probably haven't thought of 2nd Peter 3:13 as a passage to help you live for the thing. Think about eternity, but I want you to Circle two words in there. May, you open your Bible memorize this passage. If you want to live for the thing live for God and our ultimate take away today. You Let's just be honest. For the most part, almost everything in the world new Trump's old, right? Like if I said you, I have an offer pastor's family going to give away one of their cars. That beautiful white 2001 as 10 Chevy truck. That's Rusty. That one of the door springs is broken. I have to actually roll down my window to pull the door. Shut some days. The check engine light is on it makes a whole bunch of noise. My what's it says? It smells when I pull into the garage it wakes her up.
Unless you're really crazy or a sentimentalist for a car you had in the past, you're going to pick her 2021 new Mazda. Like it's slick smells nice. It's new. Like, new is better than old. Some of you here when the new iPhone comes out, are the first ones in line to cash it in because the new camera, the new technology, everything it allows you to do is better than the old. For a runner, the new shoes after they've worn, there's out our blessing because new is better. Like when you buy a house, if you buy an old Fixer-Upper, you know, you're going to find a whole lot of things that might be wrong and you have to replace, but if you build new for the most part, it's going to last for a long time, you'll probably never have to replace that 40-year shingle. That's on, unless you get hail damage.
God promises you like this, sinful life, this life that's all messed up. The relationships that challenge the things that you think are so great and so glorious as awesome as they are as good things. They are new in the eyes of God or because you need a circle. That other word is the place where righteousness lungs Ray. Just another word for holy or perfect. We are righteous with honor only because when Jesus returns, you know what? God will see us when everything is laid bare for the Christian, God won't see what you have done. He won't see the horrible thoughts that you've had, he won't see the things that you have lived for, which are ungodly. He will see Jesus Christ. He will see his life, his death, his resurrection. And because of Jesus, you are right with God, you are righteous in forgiving heaven will be yours. And you know what the most amazing thing about that place?
Righteousness, dwells there. Jesus dwells there. It will be holy and perfect in the Bible. Paints it as a picture and far more beautiful place than even this world and everything it has to offer on a bright sunny day.
Those are tender words.
Like the Forgiveness that is ours. The righteousness will experience the new gift that will be given live for that Peter said. That's what 's right in the middle of the top and tender words is the call to action which is this since everything will be destroyed in this way. Like it's going to be gone. Like if you're living for this in the be all and end all, it is going to be gone. It'll be destroyed. Since everything will be destroyed in this way. What kind of people ought you to be like, this is the rhetorical question from Peter, like, parents. How many times have you looked your kids in the eyes? And said, what did you think was going to happen? Like Peters, looking them in the eyes and saying, what kind of people ought you to be like how should you live your life? What should your focus be? Where should your heartbeat? You ought to live holy and godly lives that you look forward to the day of God and speed. It's coming like we can't manipulate God in the coming sooner. But when we pray, thy kingdom come, we're praying that God comes and works on the hearts of people brings them to Faith.
Because we know that he longs for all people to be saved and when the last person who is a member of the elect a child of God that God knows will come to Faith, that day will come.
And we don't know what it is, but When we live in light of God, we live Godly lives that elevate and live for the things that are precious to God Blessings. Come you ought to live Godly and holy lives.
In the light of all those things. I have a truth in a takeaway for you. Because how do you do that? How do you live Godly and holy lives. Remember this truth: the day of the Lord is coming. Like you haven't thought about it before, remember it on a regular basis. This will happen in your life, evaluate regularly repeatedly, what you are, living for because you don't want to allow good, things have come to the thing. You don't want to go down the path of a thing that can lead you away from God. It is coming. The Day of the Lord is coming. How do you live Godly in holy lives, roots. Stronger roots, that will produce the spirits, fruits, and Grow Rich is so vitally important, because it will be easy to get distracted and tempted to live for something else. So being the word to remind yourself of Godly, holy lives look like Consider The Gather route in the importance of it like Gathering regularly here on Earth as a foretaste and a foreshadowing and opportunity for us to be reminded of what will happen in heaven.
Like those ladies knocked it out of the park. They sing like Angels, but the Gathering that we will get to do in heaven. The worship of God will be that much better than even this. Like a group, right here right now to help you with your blind spots. It's so that you look forward to the right thing because, you know, we're going to do it, having a whole lot of grouping, with a whole lot of people because it will be with the family. Believers. I considered your resources and how you give, like if what you're living for is identified, most by your life and by your checkbook.
Consider what you need to evaluate on those two things to live for the thing. And go. Like identify the opportunities you have to be light in the world and share Jesus with others. Because the day of the Lord is coming. Which is why I want my takeaway to be in line with Peters, take away to help us evaluate. And remember that, remember these things time is short, but they're only 1440 minutes in a day. No more, no less, that's all you get.
There are 365 days, most years, And you know what, if you're the law of averages and you get the average, you get about 77 or 78 years here on planet Earth. Time is short.
Maybe a picture will help you. Like I need a volunteer. I've got a buddy, Mr. Fisher. Come on up. Would you take this white end of the rope? Just hold on to it for a second there. All right. So This is three feet that represents my life.
It's like 75 issue years, a foot for every 25. 50 was born here or I'm almost 50 on the 14th. Me yet the law of averages is right. It means I'm about here. Its like not that much left. If I'm the average.
Like, that's all I get.
Time is short. The white represents heaven and Eternity. So when this day comes and got comes to take me home or he returns so you pull that back. Keep It Go that direction. Let's just see how long it goes. You go on. Keep going. See, if it untangles, there's no knots in Heaven, by the way. Why'd you stick in the back room there? Just go up the steps there. Keep going. See how far it will go. He built one. Is there still more of you can Paul? All right. Keep going. All right, well there's a knot in it for right now but there's more rope. You can just leave it back there. Like for all, you know, it's going out the window right now. It goes on and on, and on because eternity is long. Like all, that's what matters all the way. Like that's about 10 times 100 times. Like this is thousands and thousands of years times. If you consider the difference between a 97 feet and three feet and yet so many of us are consumed by those three feet like living for that.
Good things in this life that God wants you to celebrate. Use your time and energy and resources for
This is so short.
Like I might not make it to 50.
I might not ever see that amazing place that my heart is set on that. I'm looking forward to
And that's okay because right there.
So much better.
See, Peter would say time is short. Eternity is law. Live for eternity. Like while you're in the red live for eternity gather a group and grow and give and go with eternity in mind.
Because it is new and is the place where righteousness will do it.
Brothers sisters put Peters words, inspire you to celebrate to be thankful for so many good things.
I like those Christians. May we be Christians today who don't live for the here and now, but live for eternity. Because it will be so much better. Amen, that's great. Heavenly Father. We can so easily get caught up in this life to live for the things that are here and now, It's why we need you to send your Holy Spirit to work on our hearts. That's why we need to remain rooted, so that we don't lose focus. So that there's not a slow creep to that important truth and take away. So learn you’re in here and now maybe use the time we have to live here because it's short of Eternity, in mind the celebrate all that you give to us the blessings that are ours, the people you placed into our life. But even more importantly, to live it for you.
As we look forward to that day, which you will carry out in keeping with your problems, Lord for this, we need your holy spirit will send them to strengthen us. Encourage us to live for eternity.