Tough & Tender - Week 5 - The CORE - Pastor Bill Monday
Tough & Tender
Week 5 - The CORE
Pastor Bill Monday
Good morning as Pastor Mike shared, I’m Pastor Bill, one of our pastors on our pastoral staff of 922 Ministries and it is a privilege to always be with you and to share God's message. I'm excited about this message today. It is intense as Pastor Mike shared that. This is all about Jesus coming again. Judgment day. I'm actually it's kind of a two-parter if you were here. Last week, Pastor Tim began a message on second Peter 3. We're going to return to that chapter. He talked about the details, the judgment day. Today I'm going to talk about the why and why Jesus seems to be delaying if we could put it that way to get our bearings, why don't we jump right in to 2nd Peter 3: 1-9 and I'll just read those words for you.
“So if you want to tune in with your ears and your hearts, here's what Peter, the Apostle says, dear friends. This is now my second letter to you. However, in both of them as reminders to stimulate you, to wholesome thinking. Once you recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets, in the command given by our Lord and savior through your Apostles of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say where is this coming? He promised ever since our ancestors died everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. They deliberately forget that long ago by God's word. The heavens came into being in the earth was formed out of water and by Water by these Waters, also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed by the same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire. Being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly, but do not forget this one thing. Dear friends with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years.
Are like the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
Now, this is the word for our consideration. Let's open with prayer.
Sanctify Us by the truth. Oh Lord, your word is truth, Amen.
This particular man had some time on his hands. So he decided to go for a walk down his neighborhood and he's walking along and seeing where his neighbor's house is. Everybody seemed to have a great time. He saw a sign in the yard that said talking dog for sale. Talking dog it was a pictures, beautiful black lab guy had a good time on his hands but was this an interesting a talking dog so he had to check it out. He goes to his neighbor's door, knocks on the door, and the owner appears there, he has about the dog and he proceeded to take him to the back to see the talking dog. Well, as he goes to the backyard. There is this beautiful black lab tied to a tree? And he looks at the owner and he really talks. Yeah. Can I try? Be my guest? So it goes up this, black dog, black lab, and he kinda looks in his eyes and cute little dog there and feels weird about it, but he's like so, hey, buddy heard, you could talk, huh?
It was the most articulate voices and communication, the dog began to speak. He's like, yes, I can talk. I've been able to talk since I was a puppy and well when I was young, I realize I was unique. I was gifted. So, I decided to apply to the CIA. And as I apply to the CIA, they found in me. A real gift. You would ever guess that, I, dog can hear and talk. And so they sent me around the world and I uncovered all these secret plans for the benefit of our country. And of course, it's a lie, right message at what a great dog. He said, I can tell you about those Secrets, but then, I'd have to kill you. So I'm not going to do that. And well, as time went on and let the mrs. We had a mess of pups, lived a good life growing in God. Now gone here. So I'm just retired hanging out by this tree because I was blown away. You couldn't believe a talking dog? Wow, and a beautiful black rabbit, then yes, you'll be surprised. How much do you want for this dog?
He's like yeah, talking dog. But you can't believe a word. He says.
There's a story in the spiritual realm and I wish it were a laughing matter. Like that, opiate story. But it's not. It's really sad, it's a really heavy thing. Where am I going with this? What do you think about this? When we gather here for worship?
Amazing thing that we celebrate here, it's not a dog that speaks It's God. God is speaking and we celebrate that around his beautiful word the scriptures and we hear God speak about all things of life and where we're headed and it's good to hear that because in this were grounded in this, we know who we are in this, we have life and life eternal, that does not end.
If you notice this, that we celebrate this bracket is working out that God can speak, I mean that's a given but that he could speak to us in such a way that we could understand and destroy that divided between us, that seemed that kept us from seeing God, understanding God hearing him. I mean, he's called The Hidden God for a reason and his Holiness. He cannot interact with us in all of his Beauty. Percenters can't stand on that side and he found a way, a gentle way. Even though we live in this tough World and tender way to come and speak to us. So that we might have life and love to be safe and yet the world and it sometimes our own sinful Hearts we question its worth
Jesus Christ in Flesh and Blood, 2,000 years ago, God, proved himself by giving us his Son. Who lived and did everything that you and I needed and when it came to, our sins died on that cross suffered our hell, our judgment in advance. So we never have to Proved all of that by coming out from the two men. Could God speak a clear message? You are forgiven and loved, Jesus' wounds, prove that. Yet in our hearts and then world again. And again, we question. That God really say, oh you can't take him at his word and it. Maybe we see this constantly in our lives and our young people. See this. So well it just came back from Knoxville, Tennessee and there was a youth rally of two thousand teens, what a treat, huh? He went to the bells and cheap them and they were great. They were awesome teams though.
The privilege of presenting a difficult message on, WE titled it all things lgbtqia+ knows pride month and so on till, and I'll always seem to have questions and we all agreed. And I think the world does too. Hey, Jesus is someone that we need to reckon with, and Jesus has a lot of great things to say. Jesus says, love your enemies. Love all people. And that's good. And Jesus says, don't judge because He is the judge and that's good.
But when it comes to Jesus, other words, and Matthew 19, when he talks about marriage male and female, that is so much confusion in the world. It's almost like, we're just saying, well, Jesus woke the kid. Take you at your word there, that word that goes all the way back to the beginning. You see? God's always been consistent. This isn't just for our day and age. It's always been this way since Well, since we divorced ourselves from God, Since we strayed from him because of our sin, when we wanted to find what is good and what is evil, nevermind God I'm thinking about what Jesus was quoting from Genesis 1 through 3, you have God, the beautiful creation. He was speaking with humanity and then chapter 3, we didn't want that anymore. And God won't. He doesn't force love he won't force love and so well, now we're all confused.
This we see him in Jesus but we can't believe a word. He says we struggle, that's why we can't believe God created everything in six 24-hour days not bragging about that just by speaking his word but we know better with our modern Minds. Yeah, God speaks, but you can't trust what he says. Breathing about the end, right? Where God says, look Look, I know humanity is broken. I know my creation is broken because of sin. I'm going to fix it. And in time, he's already addressed it at the cross, but in the end, he's got a day of judgment even today, though. Then Jesus spoke, more than all the prophets and apostles about Judgment Day and hell and heaven.
So many people today and in our own Hearts we questioned God. Really Judgment Day. I'll place where God is Not hell, how could a loving God, say something. So what do we do with all that?
What do we do with all these questions? And maybe the scoffers on the world today especially when it comes to the end of all things standing judge. What do we do when people reject when they reject the truth over words? When the truth is undeniable, that's what we're really wrestling with today. And so, if you're taking notes, filling in the blanks, how does it make sense to reject? Something over words. When the truth, Is undeniable. God has spoken and again and again God fulfills his promises. Jesus is the proof. But Peter is concerned about his people having to wrestle with that and Peter knows all the things that the world offers off which is contrary to God. And speaking against God is if he's a liar Peter doesn't put their faith shaken. He doesn't want your faith or mine shaken.
So, we fix up on a pressing issue. On that day, really today. What about the second coming? Why is it taking so long? Is it really going to happen? So let's Dive Right into our text here in second Peter 3 or consider how God addresses. This scoffing that takes place even in our day, Peter quotes. The scoffers where he says, where is this coming? He promised ever since our ancestor died. Ancestors died. Everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.
If you're taking notes, fill in the blanks. How does God handle such nonsense? The people would have the audacity to question him. When again, and again, he's proven himself in Jesus, in the word that Jesus himself helps you with scripture. Here's the answer. This is why we have our series. God is both tough and tender here as well, and second Peter 3.
With the top part, right? The bad news, if you will, where is God tough with the world in order to find out why, where is he tough with us? So that, well, for his holy purpose is for your salvation. In mind, we can be humbled by His tenderness and don't take it for granted.
You can see it in Peter’s response as to that argument. If you can't trust God. He can't take him at his word. Peter says this in 2nd Peter 3 verse 8 and I'm just going to read verse 8. And then we're going to verse 9 for the tender. Peter says, “Do not forget this one thing. Dear friends. The Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day.” Lord is not slow, in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. So, why so long? That's the question. Here's the tough answer for Peter, for you. For me, for all of us. Free God. The top answer for all God points to his eternal nature is eternal nature. This kind of an abstract heady thought you understand a little bit and maybe we can contemplate this for a moment here. God's Eternal nature you ever sit and just pause how God is not like us. He is so far beyond us. We who in this regard are finite, time-bound creatures. Silencing the argument with one thought from God about his nature is eternal. Maybe I could illustrate it this way better. Grasp is true you and I, we live in the present, we think of the past, which is gone, we look ahead to the Future, which is uncertain. But to God, God is outside of time. He's Eternal God, who created time, which is kind of mind-blowing hate everything about like Since without time and space will God created those things. For our existence, he doesn't.
Time is like a book, Time, it's all open every page.
So, our day, our present moment right now, it's open, he's on that page. But so is Malachi's day. We just read some 2,400 years ago, that day is present to him. It's as Vivid and real is this day. Now the very beginning of eternity. It's all an open book to him and Peter's point is this: when scoffers come along, when we even wonder in our hearts, where is this coming? That Jesus Promised, can you trust him at his word?
Speaks to us in his words. He says What are you talking about? What are you talking about time for to an eternal being? The one who is reality, who created time?
You are talking about waiting for me. Who one day is like a thousand years, 1000 years, like a day, it doesn't matter. Or what is time? It's kind of like a kid. You have any children, right? You're going somewhere. Exciting. Like are we there yet? Are we there? Or you want to talk about time? Should I talk about how many hours I was in labor for you?
It's kind of a way to humble us. It's almost like Job. Remember the story of Job. Job and suffered. We did a whole sermon series on him some time ago. So Job was so angry was waiting so much for the Lord answers. He said he wants to put God on trial, right? And so, for some thirty seven chapters, he's just accusing God, maybe not doing what is right and good. He wants to put him on trial. Finally God opens up the heavens and God comes in a storm. And God says to Job, you want to put me on trial. I'm paraphrasing here. How about? I put you on trial joke? Brace yourself like a man. Let me question you. Where were you? Where were you at the beginning? When I made all of this you give me your Insight your wisdom job. You let me know how it is Job. And he goes on for a few chapters like that. Where were you Job? Where Were You Job? Where were you and Job? At the end of all he's like, whoops. Spoke about things, I have no clue about. I'm sorry.
This is the tough answer that God gives to you and me where we wonder? Where is this coming?
God lovingly put through tough words to humble us. He says you don't know what you're talking about. Who are you to question me? In my time and God could point out the past and say, do you realize what I've done to show off to you all that you have is mine? Even my only son, I would not spare. And yet you would question me. Of course, it just says one thing a day is like a thousand years a thousand years like again. And now that we're humbled God pulls back the curtain. Ew, God begins to tell us the why but this length. So if we move on, we could take a look at 2nd Peter 3:9.
This is instead he's patient with you.
But everyone has come to repentance.
Why does it feel so long? Because God loves. And God's love is greater than our impatience. This is why for so long, the tender answer for the Lost, those who don't even know, God will God points us to His abundant patience. You see, that's why the hour keeps ticking away and yet seems to have no end. That's why time keeps stretching on even though we Face difficulty and hardship and uncertainty about the future and how this is all going to wind up and kind of wonder about that, God allows all this time to continue on because he actually cares.
Jesus. That was shed on the cross wasn't just for Peters generation, but for every generation until the very end, we got his rescued the last lost That's God's plan and isn't that beautiful? What a tender messages. We long for something that aren't usually. It's in the storms of life, isn't it? When something isn't going well, when when we suffer loss, when we Face uncertainty, with mental struggles, emotional issues, physical health. When there's Family Division, when we're scared about what's going on in the world. When we stand at the grave of a love song, usually it's when we ask God, why? Before this. God, Whispers, a tender word. You Peter, it's because I love it's because I love those that are yet lost. I don't want them to perish. You know what, I love about Peters words here. This is coming from a mature Peter Peter who is well wrapping up his last letter, who knows that he's about ready to die excruciating. Literally excruciating. That comes from crucifixion, he's going to be crucified upside down.
At the end of his life.
I love that someone who has been through every storm, he speaks to us and says, you know, God's timing, why the delay is good? Trust me, it's good matter. What we suffer. And it's different from early on with Peter, if you remember his life, you know, Peter. Peter and we talked a lot about Peter throughout the series, but Peter was always ready for Jesus to rain. Now, you can see that in the arguments of the disciples, is there along the way and they wanted to see who's rolling now. I mean, John and James and Peter and when they sat around the table, for the Last Supper, Peter gets last place, he's the foot washer he should have been, but Jesus takes his place and Peter is always about the here and now,
Let's get things rolling. Even when Jesus had won our salvation and 40 days after he’s ready to ascend to the Heavens to rule over all things. In Acts 1:6, you can see Peter and the disciples say, well, okay, is it now? Oh, you're gonna go away real quick, right? But then you're gonna come back and then we're gonna have the Kingdom of Israel restored. We're gonna reign here, right? Done with hardship and trying struggles. And Jesus says, It's not. Time for the hour. Just go. Go and make disciples of all Nations and Peter went. And for decades, he would if you can read about his life in the book of Acts, you can see how he's thrown into prison and miraculously he's released. He almost dies. A number of times, he sees his good friend James die, handed sword. He must have been shocked by that, one of the Apostles dead.
Rumors of more of the Apostles put to death for this. I'm sure he asked time and time again. Why? Lord, where are you? Where's your coming? Who would rescue us from this? I know you love us. But then it would make sense why the delay in Acts 10 and following, you could read about how he had the privilege of meeting this naans you outside of Israel Cornelius. Least that was his Origins from outside of Israel. Knew nothing about Jesus and he was able to baptize him in his entire family can see them on over. And now this Pentecost for the non Jews, the Gentiles happen in Peter's life time, after years of suffering, It began to make sense. We're finally about 64 AD when he was headed to his cross. This mature Peter would say it's all worth it because more people will hear the good news. Even if I have to die, I love the fact you that John the Beloved, the Apostle who lived the longest of all the apostles who was their hearing the prophecy from Jesus about Peters, terrible way of death.
John had to learn throughout his life that God is not slow, in keeping his promise, but his patient, Not wanting anyone to perish. You know, the story of John. So, again, hearing what happened to Peter then in the 60s who would have afterwards himself and imprisoned years on the island of Patmos Church tradition and history would suggest to you that they tried to poison John but he miraculously survived lucky John also that he could be in prison.
We believe in the words, the Gospel of John and Revelation. And even pointing out that when Jesus spoke of John, That of Jesus wanted John to live until he returned. What are your words to Peter? John would come to realize Jesus wasn't saying he would return even in John's lifetime. But would return when it was the proper time. The apostles are like us is the point. Hey to in their life they realized God's. Timing is always good. It's perfect. And we are blessed. Understand this too. God is being tender. He doesn't want the lost to perish. So we move on then, why so long? More. So for our application for us, the tender answer for you. When you cry out in the night and you wonder, why am I even here? Why don't you just take me home now? And God is silent. God's tender answer for you. He points to his redeeming power this way. I love the whole context of first and second Peter. It is tough and tender, but God actually starts with tender words, through the Apostle Peter at the very first letter. In the opening words, this is what Peter says to these people and hardship and suffering waiting for the Lord God to come. Peter says to you and me who believe he says to God's elect Scattered. Who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God sprinkled in time with Jesus blood.
Remember that?
And would you remember the next time you're going through the storms, the next time you struggle the next time you cry out to the heavens, where are you? God, the next time you're bothered by what the world is saying like, yeah, there's something to Jesus and God is out there. Perhaps, how close we don't know and but you can't take him at his word. I want you to remember that. God has spoken and God cannot lie. He's not like us and God said of you before time began
His foreknowledge.
Cast his ballot. Would you before time began? He chose you which is why you're sitting in these chairs right now watching online right now. This isn't by accident. God's working out everything according to his perfect timing and here, you are even in your suffering, you have hope and life.
In other words, why would because in time you were sprinkled By that which rescues redeems and cannot lose Jesus blood offered in, baptism offered in the gospel you're hearing right now.
God's Got You? Maybe you can hear the echo of Jesus, and his words in John, 10. Nothing nothing. Can snatch you from my hand. Nothing the Apostle Paul in Romans, 8, says, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that is in Christ Jesus right now. He knows that you have worries, he knows that you're uncertain about the future, but God has. No worries, do not uncertain about your future. So, you can look at your perspective with all your struggles, all your worries.
And you can remember that you're alive. And nothing can change that. And that election, that choosing that sprinkling of blood in time to make you his would cause us to cling to him or making our election and call me shorty. Peter, had that perspective, he writes about that great here in. So if you're taking notes, think of this, God allowed a long difficult light for Peter.
This is Jesus when he was suffering hardship, wondering how long this time will last because it felt like an eternity in Hell on the cross and it was
This is Jesus had his mind on you knowing that time of suffering was worth it because a resurrection and eternal life is coming. Peter like Jesus, as he was being crucified mostly have the same thoughts. This is worth Lord. You take my martyrdom, you take my death and you make it work for your glory. Why? More time? Because there are Generations, yet to know you, here we are.
Maybe think of it this way, if Peter, and so pleated, and ice return in that moment. Where would you be?
Where would I be? We wouldn't know Jesus. We wouldn't even like me. But God loved you too much to come back and Peter's Day. God loves the future Generations yet too much to come back now.
And so this final thought for us and regard to you and me why the length of time God allows a difficult life for you for the sake of people yet. Unleashed
I want you to think of that. The next time something blows up in your family.
God allows the turmoil, he allows the length of time. So that the loss may be reached, but he has not forgotten. You want to think about that, the next time, you're in the doctor's office and you get the news, the news that you dreaded that you were afraid about. And then at which it take that diagnosis, I want you to take your illness now. I want you to take all your struggles and I want you to make it an offering to God to say, it's worth it. Because God, Do you understand the plan? Do you see that? I'm going to allow you to suffer just like my son, not because I want your suffering but because this body's more time because more will be reached in time and through your witness, take that suffering, make it an offering back to God saying, I give it to you. Yes, let me be stricken. Let me suffer, let me have hardship, Lord, it is a beautiful offering to you. Because in this time,
More live, more learn to Jesus. I know you got me. And I know, I can be a light even now in this Darkness. I can point people to the Y for the delay. And then I'll point us to heaven in our last fill in the blank here in heaven. We will Praise Jesus for the speed of his return.
Friends. One day, God is coming.
He could be before the end of the day.
When will it happen? We'll see all the souls that he reached because of this delay in time.
Don't be surprised if people come up to you to. When they say to you, you know, you look a lot like Jesus, beware of your suffering. I know what you went through but because you were good with God because of that time, I came to know him.
Your heart condition, the Brokenness and your relationships or lost The Grieving by the graveside. Thank you who's worth it. Is here we are. Now, God is wiping away every tear from her eye. So yes, the day is coming. It's like a thousand years from now, maybe it's just the day but it doesn't matter because when we get there, we'll Rejoice while we can even Rejoice now Because it's all according to plan. Yes, even your suffering and hardship, even your why so long questions. God's got this.
Let's pray.
Heavenly Father, we come before you and we give you. Thanks, you have spoken and you've proven yourself. That truth is undeniable in Jesus Christ. Our Salvation let us then hold unswervingly to your word for you. Do not lie. You are trustworthy and true. Lord. Thank you. Then for sending us your spirit today, we give us insight into why swab Because it's not so long. Lord, you are good and gracious and patient, wanting no one to perish. Lord, bring them in a message like this to you. And Lord, we rely on your redeeming power. We who are relaxed, who have put our faith in Christ by your grace, we who are chosen sprinkled in the blood of Jesus. Lord, we trust your promise, hold on to his tight till the end. Lord, you alone, we rely. So we thank you for our days, no matter how short the law. Your timing is perfect. Lord. Help us to cling to that truth. And as to this day for this weekend, this time for our nation, as we celebrate once again, its birth, we thank you for such a nation as we have where we can worship you in public without fear. Lord, we pray that you would continue to bless us with such freedom in order. In these uncertain times, we ask for your care. Lord, make us an opportunity for the church to be more loving.
The present in the past and of course the future. So Lord, we thank you for our country. We ask for your continued, providing care and Lord, let your Christians in this country and around the world. Be the Salt and Light. We are defeated Lord, we have many things on our hearts and Minds. We commend them to you and have to cross. We know that you will make all things good, O Lord. Of people richly.