Trending - Week 2 - St. Peter - Pastor Tim Glende
Week 2 - St Peter
Pastor Tim Glende
Welcome to all of you who are gathering with us today. I pray that you joined us for Week 1 of “Trending”. As we unpack the trending statement, that “science is real”, f you missed it. Maybe you were at confirmation celebrating with 38 young people there, their faith statements, and they're being confirmed in their faith. Last week we had our special service at Fox Valley. Maybe you didn't catch it, and I would encourage you to do so, probably just so we're all on the same page. If you missed last week, I want a “minute to win it” highlight the “why” behind In the “what'' of this series because it's so important and vital to this series to know the importance of trending and half-truths. We're going to talk about a bunch of them. But Jesus knew the importance of and the danger of if you followed the trend, so when we talk about the “why” behind the “what” of this series? Thanks “trend”. They always have. They always will. Things get repeated and repetition is the mother of learning things. In our world today trend at a far faster pace than ever before due to social media, due to influencers, due to the internet. Like, you can get information over and over again in your face in seconds and after seven minutes to hear the same thing and might be prone to believe it to be true.
There's the danger behind the trending. Jesus said this in the gospel of Matthew, “enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it”. See when we talk about trending. We're not talking about what fashion Is all the rage. Like, I don't care if my fashion is in or not. I'm too old to care. We're not talking about fashion. We're not talking about food trends, while they might be important to you and your health, we're talking about statements, beliefs and Is that culture is getting behind and moving people to in a direction? That might be dangerous. Why not be true? Jesus. Say if you follow the ways of the world, be very careful because the world is prone to be off and not in line with God. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it. Remember this phrase. It probably will be repeated every week. I preach in some form or another but here's the “why” behind the “what'' of this series why we're doing this and going over this what's trending could lead to your ending.
It could damage your relationship with God. And if you buy into it, if you follow it all the way, that's the trend, you go down and you follow along with eternity, it might lead to your spiritual ending.
And we will be doing a service to you as a church. If we didn't highlight that talk about that unpack, that and figure out. What's trending if it's Godly or not good or not true or not, true or half. True, what's dangerous in it?
Because what's trending can lead to your ending?
One of our values is simply to preach 200 proof Grace, and Truth. And so that's what we pray to do during this series so that your ending is good and with God.
Just a week number two, is probably the only week in the series that is not going to be external trend, a worldly trend. Something that flows out of the world and maybe falls in line with what people who are outside of the church.
Today's trend is internal and churchy. But it can be dangerous to our souls. And the trend is this, here's the phrase. If you want to write it down or if you don't see the top of your notes. God told me.
God told me. Like it's over the last 50 years. I would say has become very trendy in Christian circles amongst Christian people. Like the odds are pretty good unless you're super, super young and and I'm a grandpa. So I might talk this way, but what? My grandpa would never ever, ever have uttered, the words, “God told me. God spoke to me.”
He’s stoic German. Sure would have found out it and I've probably said, absolutely not.
But in today's world, it's trending. And amongst Christians. It's gaining popularity in belief and flied out of our lips. Why? Why is it increasing? Why is it growing? What's behind that trending? Why opposing many ways? We live in a different world in different time and age, where people like to have intimate relationships with other people more than they necessarily, like to get their information. Have a relationship with someone. They can't see, can't touch, never talks to them.
I guess we live in a world where you can FaceTime and you can see people and you can connect with people in person and visually through a phone. You might desire more of that kind of relationship with God than sit down at your chair. Open your book and read something. Makes sense. I think even more is that in the Christian community, whether knowingly or not Christian authors Christian songwriters Christian speakers speak with these kind of terms. I tried to trace it back in my mind as to when maybe this explosion happened. And when did the Christian community get drawn into it and part of me thinks maybe it goes back to a book that got published in 2007 and boomed on the scenes. In 2008, was on the number one, New York Times Bestseller list for 70 weeks called “The Shack”. Anyone ever read “The Shack”? See the movie “The Shack”, like, I'm not here to debate the theology of “The Shack”, because there are lots of Christian theologians who have debated, the theology of “The Shack”. But if you've read the book, you've seen the movie, you kind of know the gist behind it. But just in case you haven't, there's a man whose child was killed. Kidnapped and killed and he gets a note that says go to the shack. And it's there at the shack that he has conversations with God. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, again. I'm not talking about the theology. I'm talking about the concept of the movie and those conversations were essential in needed by him, to wrestle with the deal, with to get through the trauma. The loss, the pain, the tension with God.
And over days at the shack, those conversations “God told me so” moments impacted his life.
I think a lot of Christians. Use this phrase thinking this way or trending down this path.
With not bad intentions. I think the Christian heart desires to know the will of God desires to do, what God wants them to do, wants to know what's right, and know what's wrong, once to have wisdom and making decisions wants to follow, what God would have them know. So, that they choose the right path because they don't want to mess it up. Like, if you're like me, you're a perfectionist, like me. You don't want to make a mistake and it would be really nice. If God would just tell me the choice, the right thing to do.
Whose part men desires in. How about you?
And I think that's a lot behind the trending. As well as the emotional piece of things. We live in a difficult, difficult time.
Our world is broken in there. There's so many people out here saying, it'd be so much better if God would end it.
And there's so many people are personally hurting. They wish that God would just talk to them and give them an answer on the why.
Can we do some insight as to how they can overcome it? Like if “God just told me” I could do it.
And I think that's where the best of intentions, sometimes get the best of Christians.
Because my emotions are a powerful force, and I can believe a whole lot of things, but it might not be Godly. And I also understand that I know God speaks. Gonna be Him. Like all too often we make this an either-or heads or a tails. It's either God did speak and God still does speak or no way. Absolutely not God never talks to anybody ever again. He did. There's no possible way to know when you were in that hospital room it could've been God. God doesn't do that doesn't operate that way. No way. Like that would be the easy answer for the pastor. Like, I'm smarter than you. You're crazy. God never told you so, sorry. So what is the answer? Is there something in the trend? Is there somewhere in the middle? What does it going to have usm know when emotions are real and we desire God to speak to us. That he does hold onto to apply in your life of faith. Which is why did they my goal is to do these three things. Give you two facts. Like two facts that are biblical. That's the only way to know how to deal with the trend and what's the truth?
I do to find them in a very good way so that you can hold on to it. Make it memorable with the truth. Biblical fact, truth. Two of those and then one take away at the end. How do we bring this together? What does God want us to know? But this trickiness because we're going to run into it. Well, here's the first fact, biblical fact that I want to put in front of you. And it's this, God has spoken in various ways. They use the Bible to reinforce it. In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways. Like when someone says, God spoke to me, I had this dream and it felt like God was telling me. So it doesn't go against what transpired and took place throughout history. God spoke through the prop to the prophets at many times. And in various ways, the Book of Job tells us God does speak now. One way, now, another in the pages of scripture are filled with example, after example, of people, God spoke to at different times and in various ways. He spoke to Adam and Eve. He spoke to came to tell him to watch out soon. He spoke to Noah and said build this Ark so he could preserve humanity. He spoke to Abraham. He spoke to Jacob in a vision. He spoke to Samuel while he was sleeping. He's hooked an Old Testament, believer, after believer.
The list is long and the ways are various. And the New Testament is no different. He appeared to Paul in a vision and Peter in a dream, a vision. He appeared to John to inspire during the last book of the Bible with in a special way, with a vision, like God spoke. Over the course of 15 hundred years as we ever recorded in the Bible, to various prophets to write it down, that God spoke over and over again.
Which means I have to say this is the truth about that fact. When it comes to does God speak the statement that trending “God told me so” short or not, is it true or not? True? I have to say, this is the truth. It's not that God doesn't. Because he has,
That there's probably some German Lutheran for father theologian, who's rolling over in his grave right now. Because I said that, I think I need to say that.
Because God has spoken in various ways at different times.
But, if you're writing down notes, write these two questions down when God spoke in various ways to different people.
Why did he speak to them?
What was the message he spoke to them? What was the reason behind the why of God speaking?
Because here's what I'd never find in the pages of scripture.
Like Moses who was the first one to record books of the Bible. He looked around 1500 BC to the time of John around, 100 AD - 60, 30 years, the recorded message of God, the verbally inspired message of God's truth. I never once see on the pages of scripture, God giving someone direct revelation to our conversation from him about whether or not they should quit their job and open up their own business.
And I use that as an example, because I've heard people say it.
Because why did God speak and what they've God speak? What was the “why” behind his “What” is speaking?
You have to search long and hard to find me, God, speaking. Outside of the area of.message of Jesus, the promise of a Savior, the people who was guiding and directing and leading and encouraging to stay the course.
God spoke to Adam and Eve in the garden. After they fell, it was to promise them a savior. When God spoke to Cain, who was Cain? I don't want you to sin. When God spoke to Noah it was build an ark because I want to preserve life in the genealogy of the Savior and keep my promise when he spoke to Abraham and to Jacob and to Moses and to Joshua. It was all those things that were preserving and guiding God's people. Encouraging them along that Journey, telling them to remain sure to the promises and in the new testament spoke to people like Paul and Peter and John it was to encourage them and and to give them the insight and wisdom. They needed the truths of that man.
It was for people to hold on to because he was pointing them back to Jesus.
I can't say that God doesn't because he has, but fact, number two is also biblical. God has promised while he's spoken in various ways to speak in one way. Like God is not bound. To anything. He's boundless.
What God has promised has told us?
I speak in one way and I promise to do it and he has
And all too often in the search for God, speaking to me directly overlooked the fact that God has spoken to me. Clearly and directly. It was inspired word.
See, even in Jesus day, there were people who said if there's something greater, if there's a vision more glorious, if there's something better than the Book, people will connect like that kind of relationship will bring them to God. Jesus in Luke's gospel told what some people call a parable and other people wonder if it was factual because he doesn't use the word like you often times does of the rich man and the poor Lazarus. If you've ever heard it, the rich man went to hell when he died Lazarus went to heaven after he died. The rich man from hell. Close out and ask for relief because it's so bad and so horrible. And he gets none from Abraham, and then Abraham and and have any calls out again and says send someone back like send a literal person back to speak to my siblings so that they don't end up down this path and follow that Trend that I fell prey to and Jesus told the answer with Abraham speaking. They have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them.
Like the word, the way I promise to speak is enough.
And John said, at the end of the Easter gospel, these words are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and that by believing, you may have life in his name.
To the inspired word of God, was the times that God spoke. The message, the reason behind the why behind the what? Why it trended then?
Because the message was all about him.
See God did Inspire the first books of the Bible to be written until Moses? Like we're talking 3,000 years of human life without any written recorded words. So it should be shocking. That God spoke a whole lot for the early Patriarchs on that path. And with those promises. Even with Abraham, they had those books and you know, where the Israelites put the book in an arc. Like they preserved it. They were then told to speak it and communicated orally to their families. They didn't have it printed on tons of Scrolls only later. Did that happen?
But then throughout the New Testament, Christian church after God spoke to John the final Revelation, got stopped.
We have to at least acknowledge well. We might, he can, but one way he promised is true, and it's biblical. And that since John 100 AD. Maybe he hasn't.
See if the fact is that he's promised one way, the truth is that I need you to remember when this Trends is remember how God does through his word and remember that he has? Like, when you're searching for an answer for Direction? When you're longing for Comfort, when you're struggling with the. Why behind the what of difficulties? When you want to know more about the truth about God, about what's right, and what's wrong? Remember that he has spoken?
Like I would like nothing more than certain times of my life in certain situations for God to have told me. So behind the scenes in lots of ways that that leads us down one path or another like I can remember a time nearly 10 years ago where I'll offer something might desire was for something and myself and our church continued to go down a road, hoping for an outcome. That every time we navigate another path, a door closed and we tried another path and the door closed. And we tried another path in the door closed, and then another door closed. And finally, we got the message that the door is closed, but God never told me, the door was closed, wisdom and prayer, and insight and conversations with God. The people said. Maybe it's time that the doors closed.
And I also know that there are times when God compels me to do things. Leads me down a path from encouragement to other people. And could it be that maybe when I'm In the Heat of a decision? And it's consuming my mind that
I fall asleep at night and I dream about it. Am I emotionally to believe that God was sending me a message? I don't know, but maybe it's just that and can God work for that. To lead you to say yes to one good thing as opposed to a different good thing. I think so.
The Bible says God works in mysterious ways. That's a fact.
Got tells us that in his word. He speaks in different ways and at various times. But what I do know, and what I do have is that he's promised to speak to me in one way. And that's his word. So when you hear the trendy, when you're having the conversation when you're having that feeling, I want you to be very cautious and guarded because if we believe God is staring us down a path and telling us something, it might not be God and it might not be Godly and it could be dangerous.
Like many people, the name of God is at times said, God told me so and it was disastrous.
And we listen to them, or we allow ourselves to be that person. I could be in danger. So remember the two facts and the tutors that they lead to and then hold onto this take away In this passage because I think it gives you the ultimate answer that that helps us when facing this trending that gives us comfort in our Christian Life. When we're seeking to know what, God says, the Apostle Paul said from infancy. You've known the holy scriptures, the Bible which is able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. When God speaks is his goal is to get you to heaven. When God speaks, his goal is to keep you connected to him when God speaks, his goal is to give you the information, you need to spend eternity with him. And then the Apostle Paul by inspiration, says all scripture every last page. Every last word is god-breathed. He gave it life. It comes from his lips. It's him speaking. And it's useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. So that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. The way God promised to speak and has spoken is useful for teaching to let you know the things you need to know on the path to Heaven. That Jesus is your savior and that your sins are forgiven. It gives you the words that you need to know. What is right and what is wrong. It gives you words and insight that are found in the pages of scripture that give you wisdom. Like there is wisdom literature in the Bible to help you make Godly decisions.
Like read Proverbs, read different books that are inspired by God, that can help you in decisions.
The reality is that useful for teaching? Rebuking, when we are like God tells us call it out, 200 first truth and Grace called sin sin.
And offers Grace. And the amazing love of God in the face of sin. It corrects like it gets us on the right path. Avoid the false trends.
So you may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Like I get it that every Christian wants to live and carry out the will of God. What's the big decisions that God would have them do? But you know what, the college who chooses to think about it wrestles with it. But at the end of the day, there might be two good options. And that's okay. Like I believe, God will bless you where you're at and grow you, where you're planted. And maybe it doesn't work and he'll use it to get you somewhere else. Okay?
See, here's the takeaway that I think we need to hold on to when this trend takes over, if you want to know, God's will what God wants. Listen to God's word.
Listen to God's word.
Like three of the routes that we emphasize here at 922.
Reinforce that, like your “Grow” Root.
Will you open the book? You will hear the word of God. He will speak to you. You will hear the comfort of God, in the face of difficulties. You'll find the comfort of God, in times of loss. Will hear the voice of God talked about. The great truth of his forgiveness for you and you sin and you fallen short, you'll find wisdom from God. Does this fall in line with God or not? Martin Luther said this. And I think it's a great quote. You can probably Google and find it out or try and copy it quick as I'm right. As I'm reading it. If a thought comes to you, no matter if it seems so beautiful and holy that, you imagined it to be a down to be downright Angelic. So if it's so great. And so insightful, you have this thought you think it's God speaking. Then take a good look at it.
Write it down. Compare with God's word. And see if it is grounded in scripture, whether God has commanded her said or ordered it or not. Now, that's good advice. Open the book.
And if God doesn't commanded or forbid, if God doesn't speak to it, if God's truths aren't very aren't all that clear on it. Maybe, just maybe God wants you to rely on some of those other voices. That can speak. Words of wisdom and God's word to you.
Because the “Gather” Root in the group room.
Like you gather here and you allow me a platform to talk for 35 Plus minutes. Sometimes I know you wish it was shorter, but
Someone trained in God's word shares, God's word with you so that you can know God's Will and listen to God's word. Lot of you parents, drop off your kids today and left it with the teachers to go off the Bible discovery. Because you want them to learn about God as will and his word. Some of you send your kids to our Christian grade school, which is a great, an amazing blessing.
All those things are true. We can't do this, take away our lives when we listen to other godly people. And, then, I would say group, like, when you're not sure when you need Godly advice, when, when you have blind spots in your life of faith. If you want to listen to God's voice, connect yourself to godly people who love the word and are in the word. And you know, what will happen. If you do all those things, if you plant those roots, evaluate your roots, maybe one needs to be stronger right now, to help, you know, the will of God and find the word of God. You will be blessed.
The songwriter says blessednis the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night. But I know for many people, be a blessing of God, just spoke to me, but God says he will speak to you when you meditate on his word and you will be blessed.
There are so many examples when this takes place. Have you some examples in the earlier services, that kind of got under the skin of some people? Because I've heard people say things like this. God told me, so to send my kid to Christian education.
I love our school. It's a great way to partner with you. It's an awesome blessing because in our school. God's word is taught your kids can learn. It is an amazing thing. I do not want to underestimate it. I love you. Go school.
But God doesn't say “Your kid must go to a Christian School.” That's his parents. Bring your children up in the train instruction of the Lord. That's God speaking. They're awesome and amazing ways to do it. Which is why we need to balance it.
Which is why I want to end with this.
Like the example. I just lose, maybe I've done a disservice to this trending like me and my group of people who are called workers. Have you been a member of a church for a long time? And here at our church over the previous few months, you've heard a lot of calls go out and have you ever heard a pastor or a teacher or someone read a statement or say something like the Lord led me to accept a return that call.
When you've heard me say that before, have you ever wondered to Pastor Tim lock his door locked himself inside of it? And wait for the voice of God. Oh. No. No.
I looked at God's word and I hear his truth about strengths and weaknesses and talents. I talked to godly people here who know me well and know those things. I talked to godly people at the other place who know those things and while, I don't know me, well know, their Church really? Well, I talked to my friends. I'd be foolish if I did talk to my wife. And of the other day, evaluate, where's the best? Use of those gifts and it might be good. Good, and you don't, I might do it the end. Make a Godly choice, knowing that God is blessed. Like these speak to me through people. Yes. Did he give me wisdom through his word? Yes. In prayer as I was communicating with God, did he calm and quiet my heart. Yes. But he never told me so directly. But he spoke to me through the means that he has given and the people who love and know those means
So, when this trending hits your heart or hit someone else?
Remind them of that. God, can I can't say he hasn't? Can't say he has in one way. Promised. So, if you want to know the will of God. Let's listen to his word. That's right.
Heavenly Father, your word is truth. And we know throughout history and time you've spoken to people you might still do. So today. If you do Lord, I pray. You make it clear and obvious.
Minimize that you are a God who can do anything, but I think it would be safe to say, it's not the norm. It's the exception. But here's the amazing thing about the norm that you've given to us, it's your word that we have recorded that. Throughout time in history, you talked a lot for all of us to have it in our hands and on our phones. Thank you. Speak to us right there. It's your word inspired by you. So we pray Lord that you use it.
Allow us to open it individually to compare what your word says. To the way we should go to rely on godly people to give us insight and wisdom who know the word and love the word and teach the word and portrayed in the word it was Godly friends and connect us in groups, where for our blind spots, and our emotions might get the best of us that when God tells us so, so that we can listen to God through them. Was this all in that lower because we don't want to fall prey to the trend and go down a path that elevates our thoughts above yours. That's the danger. Amen.